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Manitoba Conservation

Protected Areas Initiative

Publications and Maps

Below are general descriptions of the documents and maps available to help Manitobans understand and participate in Manitoba's Protected Areas Initiative.  These general descriptions are linked to the document or map.


2005 Green and Growing: Building a Green and Prosperous Future for Manitoba Families
Since 1999, the Manitoba government has implemented dozens of initiatives, laws and programs aimed at protecting and improving the province's environment.  Collectively, these actions form a green strategic framework that has been created by government but is supported by businesses and communities throughout Manitoba.  This framework focuses on preserving and protecting our environment as well as growing the Manitoba economy.

2005 Provincial Sustainability Report for Manitoba
The purpose of this new and innovative report is to provide Manitobans with information on important sustainability issues and trends.  The report was developed by compiling data on key indicators that have been tracked over time to measure our progress towards sustainability.

Manitoba Conservation Annual Reports
The Annual Report details the Department’s many accomplishments and activities as we fulfill our mandate of protecting the environment while conserving the abundant resources that we enjoy as Manitobans.

An Action Plan for Manitoba's Network of Protected Areas 2000-2003
This document gives an overview of Manitoba's Protected Areas Initiative, the Statement of Intent for the program, a Strategic Plan, and some technical information on the science behind identifying sites to be considered as protected areas.


Protected Areas in Manitoba Map - Letter Size
This 2007 map shows existing protected areas such as national parks, ecological reserves and the protected portions of provincial parks, park reserves, provincial forests, wildlife management areas, and private lands.

Protected Areas In Manitoba Map – Wall Size
This 2005 map shows existing Areas of Special Interest and protected areas such as national parks, ecological reserves and the protected portions of provincial parks, park reserves, provincial forests, wildlife management areas, and private lands.  For best viewing, it is recommended that this map be printed a minimum size of 36 inches by 48 inches.

Manitoba's Natural Regions Map
This map shows Manitoba's Natural Regions which are broad areas that share similarities in geography, climate and vegetation.  Protected Areas are to be identified and created in each of Manitoba's natural regions.

Natural Region Representation Map
This 2007 representation map of Manitoba's enduring features gives an indication of where the job of establishing protected areas is complete and where more work needs to be done.  The degree to which Manitoba's enduring features are adequately, moderately, partially, and not represented are shown.

Areas of Special Interest Map
Areas of Special Interest (ASIs) have not been protected in any formal manner.  This map shows the ASIs that have been identified to complete the representation of features not adequately captured in existing protected areas.  In most cases ASI boundaries are flexible and can be changed to respond to new information.  However, single or restricted occurrence enduring features have limited flexibility for boundary changes.

Working with the Minerals Sector Map
Since 1997, various stakeholders in the mining and energy industries have reviewed Areas of Special Interest (ASI).  A significant number of these ASIs have been ranked by industry for protection status.  The ranking system used on this map is part of the technical review and mineral assessment process developed by Manitoba's Mining Sector.  For best viewing, it is recommended that this map be printed a minimum size of 24 inches by 36 inches.

Working with the Minerals Sector - Natural Region 5c
This map shows the Areas of Special Interest (ASI) that have been designed to assist in completing the representation of Natural Region 5c.  The ranking system used on this map is part of the technical review and mineral assessment process developed by Manitoba's Mining Sector.  For best viewing, it is recommended that this map be printed a minimum size of 11 inches by 17 inches.


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