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Drive Alive! public information program launched

Drive Alive!
Writing Contest
The Department of Transportation is sponsoring a writing contest for NWT students in grades 4-8.  Entries can be submitted by the student or by a school, teacher, or parent. Full details of the contest can be found

 Cartoon Car On November 29, 2007 the Minister of Transportation for the Northwest Territories, the Honourable Norman Yakeleya, announced in the Legislature a consolidated road safety program for the Northwest Territories called Drive Alive!

The new program will draw together youth, community groups, businesses, enforcement, and industry to collaborate on efforts to reduce the number of collisions, injuries, and fatalities on the roads and trails of the Northwest Territories. The Minister invited anyone who had an interest in public safety on NWT's roads and trails to work with the Department of Transportation to achieve this objective. 

Minister Yakeleya pointed to four key themes of the new program: 

  • Drive according to conditions, at a speed appropriate for the road or trail;
  • Wear or use appropriate safety equipment;
  • Prepare for the unexpected, and be ready to respond to changing weather, road conditions, or wildlife on the road; and 
  • Give driving your full attention – do not drive while impaired, and do not be a passenger in a vehicle where the driver is unable to give full attention to his or her driving.

A copy of the news release announcing the Drive Alive! program can be found here.

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