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Driver Training 

One of the best ways drivers can reduce their risk of collision and injury is to take driver training. There are numerous advantages to taking a driver training course taught by a qualified instructor:
  • Reinforce good knowledge and practices
  • Correct misinformation and bad practices
  • Provide hands-on experience so that the driver can be both proactive (reduce the risk of collision) and reactive (act appropriately when a collision seems imminent)
  • Discounts for auto insurance for newly licensed drivers
  • You may be eligible for a reduction in your demerit points

What to look for in a qualified instructor:

  • Experience
  • Training as a driver instructor
  • Ability to provide information in plain language
  • Acceptance of the training for insurance company discounts
  • Talk to previous students - what can they tell you about how their driving improved as a result of taking the course?

Look in the Yellow Pages™ under Driving Schools. If there isn't a driving school in your community, and you wish to improve your knowledge and skills, visit our Videos page for links to the 60 Second Driver video series from Manitoba Public Insurance and CTV.


Deh Cho Drum article on a driver training course in Fort Simpson

Insurance Bureau of British Columbia page on driver training

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