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Frequently Asked Questions on the Graduated Licensing Program 
 1.    What is Graduated Driver Licensing all about?
Under the Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL) program, new drivers earn increased driving privileges as they gain more knowledge, skill, and experience.

What are the laws regarding drinking and driving for drivers in the GDL program?
Drivers in the Learners or Probationary stages and those individuals accompanying a Learner who is operating a motor vehicle or motorcycle are not permitted to drive after consuming any amount of alcohol. A violation of this requirement will result in a 30 day licence suspension.

Will the Drivers Licence for a person in the Graduated Driver Licencing Program show what stage a driver is at?
Yes.  A Drivers Licence will display the current stage, Class 7, Class 5P, or Class 6P.

What other provinces or territories have a Graduated Driver Licensing Program?
With the exception of Nunavut, all provinces and territories have a GDL program.

Is there a cost to upgrade or move from stage to stage?
Yes, there is an
upgrade fee plus testing fees (if applicable) as progression through the GDL stages takes place.

Once the year is up, do I automatically qualify for the next stage?
No. If the Registrar is satisfied the driver would benefit from extending the period of probation, based on the person's driving record, the Learners or Probationary period may be extended.

How many demerits are allowed?
The accumulation of demerit points can result in a suspension of the Drivers Licence and a prohibition from operating a motor vehicle. Six or more demerit points will result in a suspension and a one month prohibition, 12 or more will result in a suspension and a three month prohibition, and 15 or more will result in a suspension and a six month prohibition. In addition, the driver will also be required to pay a demerit point reinstatement fee, and will remain in the Learner or Probationary Stage for the same amount of time as the period of the prohibition.

What other conditions are there for Learners and Probationary drivers?
There must be a seat belt for every passenger. Time spent suspended because of demerit points must be made up before moving on to the next stage.

Learners are subject to some additional restrictions. A learner must drive only with a fully licensed driver who has had a full class 5 licence for a minimum of 24 months. No other occupants of the vehicle are permitted. The learner may not drive between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.
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