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Please visit our other Drive Alive winter safety information pages:

Winter Driving Safety Tips

 "Ice and Snow, Take it Slow" Sign In an article entitled Driving in Winter Like the Experts, found hereMarc Lachapelle and Gerry Malloy give some useful pointers on how to drive safely in winter conditions. They explain:

  • Why you should have your car heater on floor heat, not defrost, while you're out scraping the windows;
  • How much traction you can lose on snow or ice;
  • Why driving style is as important as visibility and traction;
  • Why you should brake before you enter a curve instead of after you enter it.

Richard Russell discusses Winter Driving Safety - Survival Tips and Advice in this article, which provides these recommendations:

  • Before starting out, let friends, family, and neighbours know where you are going, the route you will take, and when you expect to arrive;
  • Take well-travelled routes - they are better maintained, and you will be found more quickly if you have a problem;
  • Stay with your vehicle. Pull off the road as far as possible, use your hazard lights, and make sure your exhaust outlet is not blocked by snow;
  • Assemble a winter driving safety kit;
  • Run your vehicle to coincide with newscasts;
  • Stay hydrated by drinking water, but don't use snow;
  • Be patient - help will come.

Ontario's Ministry of Transportation has an excellent winter driving site which emphasizes the need to be alert, slow down, and stay in control of your vehicle. Among its recommendations:

Getting ready

  • Get your vehicle winter-ready with a maintenance check-up.
  • Have your tires checked or replaced before winter begins. Remember to check tire air pressure frequently, as it decreases in colder weather. Consider using winter tires to provide better traction and handling through snow, slush, and on ice. Never mix tires of different tread, size and construction.
  • Check weather and travel conditions before heading out. Don't take chances if the weather is bad.
  • If you are traveling a long distance, plan your route ahead of time. Let someone know of your destination and expected time of arrival.
  • Wear comfortable clothing that doesn’t restrict your movement while at the wheel. Keep warm clothing for getting out of your vehicle.
  • Clear snow and ice from all windows, lights, mirrors, and the roof. After starting your vehicle, wait for the fog to clear from the interior of the windows so you will have good visibility all around.
  • Keep your gas tank sufficiently full — at least a half of a tank at all times is recommended.
  • Make sure you have sufficient windshield washer fluid in the reservoir and that it is rated in the -40°C temperature range. Keep an extra jug in the vehicle.

Staying safe

  • See and be seen in low light conditions, and when blowing snow and white-outs impair your visibility. Turn on your vehicle’s full lighting system in poor visibility
  • Leave plenty of space between you and the vehicle ahead. During poor weather conditions, stay at least four seconds behind the vehicle ahead of you.
  • Wet snow can make for slushy roads. Heavy slush can build up in the wheel wells of your vehicle and can affect your ability to steer. Remember, look far ahead as you drive, so you can recognize hazards and have plenty of time to respond.
  • Adjust your driving to the road and weather conditions. Slow down and avoid sudden turns of the steering wheel, and sudden braking and accelerating which could cause a skid.In a skid, decelerate by taking your foot off the brake, step on the clutch or shift to neutral, then look where you want your vehicle to go and steer in that direction.
  • Be careful when approaching shaded areas, bridges, and overpasses, as these sections of road freeze much sooner in cold weather and stay frozen long after the sun has risen.
  • Watch out for black ice (areas of the road that appear black and shiny) as they can cause your vehicle to suddenly lose traction.
  • Slow down, keep your foot off the brake, and be ready to shift to neutral or step on the clutch as your vehicle crosses these areas.
  • On snow-covered highways, large trucks and buses can raise or blow snow onto your windshield leading to a sudden loss of visibility. Always drive defensively and leave enough space to avoid their snow spray.

If you're stuck or stranded

  • Don’t panic. Stay with your vehicle for safety and warmth. Wait for help to arrive.
  • Be careful if you have to get out of your vehicle when on the shoulder of a busy road. If possible, use the door away from traffic.
  • Draw attention to your vehicle. Use emergency flashers, flares or a Call Police sign. Run your motor sparingly. For fresh air, slightly open a window away from the wind. You may have to exit your vehicle occasionally to make sure the exhaust pipe is clear of drifting snow before running the engine.
  • If you attempt to free your vehicle from the snow, be careful. Dress warmly, shovel slowly and do not overexert yourself. Body heat is retained when clothing is kept dry. Wet clothing due to the weather or perspiration can lead to a dangerous loss of body heat.
  • In blizzard conditions, especially overnight, make sure one person stays awake, because help could take some time to arrive. Maintain circulation by moving your feet, hands, and arms.

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