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GNWT Department of Transportation
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For tourism information for the Northwest Territories, please click here. 

Travel Information Brochures

 Highway, Ferry, and Ice Crossings Information Brochure Cover  Information on the NWT's 27 public airports can be found under the Airports tab in the drop-down menu above. Information of interest to air passengers can be found under the Flights tab.

For a brochure on NWT's highways, ferries, and ice crossings, please
click here

For distances between locations on NWT highways, please
click here.

For a map of the NWT highway system, please
click here or download the highway map from GNWT's Industry, Tourism, and Investment department here. NWT Tourism's website can be found here.

Always drive according to conditions. Winter driving in particular requires attention to the rules of the road. For information on hot winter driving tips, please
click here, or download the brochure here

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