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Manitoba Health

Minister of Health Theresa OswaldManitoba Nursing Strategy

Minister's Message

Honourable Theresa OswaldWelcome to the Manitoba Health website. As the minister for Manitoba Health, my goal is to provide a health care system that is current, accessible and responsive to the needs of all Manitobans. Health care is an issue that affects residents from every region of the province. Although we sometimes take our health for granted, when the day comes that we require medical care, we want, and deserve, a health care system we can rely on.

Health care remains a top priority of this government and we will continue to focus on issues that directly affect Manitobans. Manitoba Health is committed to maintaining quality health care for patients while addressing the key issues challenging today’s health care systems.

This website has been designed to give you easy and prompt access to information about the current health care services, programs and resources available to you. It also includes the latest information on local, national and global health issues and their impact on Manitobans.

We will keep this website current and welcome your feedback by e-mail. I look forward to working with Manitobans to strengthen health care delivery in this province

Theresa Oswald
Minister of Health