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Application Form and Procedure for the Aviation Career Development Program 

In 2008, there will be two intakes for the Aviation Career Development Program $5,000 bursary. Application forms for Intake I, for studies commencing by September 2008, are now available.


Please print out these pages (PDF Version)

The following information is required to apply for a $5,000 bursary under the Aviation Career Development Program. Applicants must ensure the information is complete and accurate and the requirements of the program are met by the deadline for each intake.


The deadline for studies that will begin before September 30, 2008 (Intake I) is the last business day of May.

The deadline for studies that will begin after October 1, 2008 (Intake II) is the last business day of August.

It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure all documents required under the application process are submitted and received prior to the deadline.


The following is the first step in the application process. Please ensure that you have all the information you will require to complete the application before beginning.

In addition to this Part I Application Form, there are other requirements that must be met for your application to be considered. In Part II, you will be given information on those requirements, and how to submit them. You are advised to review those requirements BEFORE you begin this application to ensure you are able to meet them by the deadlines specified above.


A. Applicant/Contact Information

What is your full name?


Where did you live in 2006?


Where do you live now? (Address including postal code and telephone number)




Is this your permanent address? If no, please provide your permanent address.




At what phone number can you be reached?


Is there another phone number where you can be reached or where messages will reach you?


What is your e-mail address?


B. Academic or Technical Studies Information

What is the training you are pursuing?


At what school?


In what community and province/territory?


When does the training begin?


How many months will it last in this academic year (2008-2009)? Which months?


Is the training full-time?


How many hours of instruction are there each week?


What will you receive when you complete this training? (Certificate, Diploma, Degree, Apprenticeship, Other) Please specify the full name of the certificate, diploma, etc. (Examples: Aircraft Mechanic Engineer Certificate, Bachelor of Science in Engineering, etc.)


Will you complete this training (graduate) by June 30, 2009? If not, how many additional year(s) of training will you have to complete before you are finished with your program?


What aviation-related career do you expect to be qualified for when you complete your training? (Choose from list)

Air Cargo Manager

Aviation Machinist

Firefighter - Airports

Aircraft Maintenance Engineer

Aviation Planner

Flight Attendant

Airfield Maintenance / Operations

Aviation Engineer

Flight Training Instructor

Airport Management

Aviation Engineering Technologist

Ground Handling / Ramp Agent

Airport Security

Aviation Machinist


Air Traffic Controller

Avionics Systems Technician

Safety / Security Management - Airports

OTHER (Specify):


Do you want to pursue this career in the North when you are finished your training?


What steps have you taken to determine whether there will be a demand for that career in the North when you are finished your training?



To complete your application, you must provide the following. Once you have assembled them, go on to Part III.

i. Letter of acceptance from a school, college, or university offering an academic or technical aviation-related program specifying the date your studies are to begin, and the length of the program in which you are to be enrolled. A letter of conditional acceptance is also acceptable.

ii. Proof of NWT residency (legible photocopy of your NWT Health Card, General Identification Card, Drivers Licence, or other document proving residency in the NWT for the previous two years.)

iii. Academic transcripts (official transcripts of all school, training, or academic instruction from high school onward)

iv. Names and contact information for two people who have known you for at least two years and who can speak to the likelihood of your success in your career path. These references should be

· a former employer;

· a school teacher, guidance councillor, or official;

· a youth leader in your community;

· a community leader;

· a professional; or

· someone who has worked with you on a volunteer assignment or task.

v. An essay, 400-600 words, explaining:

a. your career plan and goals;

b. how you chose the aviation career you are pursuing;

c. what you have done to learn more about the career;

d. what steps you have already taken to advance your career;

e. what you plan to do when you have finished your training, including where you expect to be employed;

f. how you expect this training will make success in your career more likely;

g. what you expect this training to accomplish for you and your career goals;

h. how this training will make you a more valuable employee;

i. how receiving this bursary will assist you in achieving your career goals;

j. why you should be chosen as a recipient of this bursary.

vi. Complete the following Declaration:

I, the undersigned, certify that the information I have provided is true and accurate. I also grant permission for the Department of Transportation to obtain official transcripts from my high school(s) and education institute(s) and to speak to my personal references. I further understand that bursaries are awarded for use in the current academic year only and that, if successful in my application, any tax implications or considerations will be my responsibility. I acknowledge that if I am a recipient of an Aviation Career Development Program, my name and image may be used to raise awareness of the Program and its objectives, and that I will be expected, if able, to participate in ACDP events to achieve these objectives.

Signed: __________________

: ____________________


Please ensure your package includes the following:

___ Application Form
___ Letter
___ Proof of NWT Residency
___ Academic Transcripts
___ References
___ Essay
___ Declaration


All documents must be received by the deadline. Please choose one of the following methods of delivery:

o To submit these documents by e-mail, please scan them and e-mail them to ACDP@gov.nt.ca.

o To submit them by fax, please fax them to 867-873-0297

o To mail them, please address your package to:

ACDP Applications
GNWT Department of Transportation
P.O. Box 1320
Yellowknife, NT X1A 2L9

o To deliver or courier them, please bring or courier them to:

Airports Division
GNWT Department of Transportation
Aviation Career Development Program
4th Floor YK Centre, Yellowknife

It is your responsibility to choose a method of submission that ensures your documentation is received by the deadline. Once these documents are received you will receive by e-mail, at the e-mail address you provided in your on-line application, a confirmation of receipt.

Once the Selection Committee has made its decision and awarded the available bursaries, you will receive by letter its decision concerning your application.

All decisions of the Selection Committee are final.

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