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To examine the underwriting practices and guidelines of insurers, brokers and agents, and report the use of any prohibited underwriting practices to the Superintendent; to conduct investigations in relation to insurers, brokers and agents concerning the premiums charged for contracts of insurance and the availability of contracts of insurance; to respond to requests for information with respect to insurance; to develop and conduct educational programs and carry out insurance related tasks or investigations as directed by the Legislative Assembly.

Th New Brunswick Board decision
IN THE MATTER OF a Generic Hearing to consider the issue of confidentiality as it relates to insurance rate applications made to the New Brunswick Insurance Board.

Consumer Advocate 2006 Annual Report

Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick

New Brunswick Insurance Board

Are you reasonably satisfied with your current automobile insurance premium?
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The Consumer Advocate for Insurance has been requested by the Legislative Assembly of New-Brunswick to monitor the practices of insurers, brokers and agents, while serving as an advocate for consumers. He is an officer of the Legislative Assembly and is independent of government. The primary mandate of the Consumer Advocate is to represent the interests of consumers.

The office of the Consumer Advocate has the responsibility to respond to requests for information with respect to insurance and to carry out investigations as a result of complaints received from consumers. The office also has the responsibility to develop and conduct educational programs with respect to insurance for the purpose of educating consumers.

We trust that this web site will be one of the means that will allow us to reach these objectives. We want it to be not only a means of communication but also a tool for the education of the consumers.

We invite you to send us your concerns, your comments and your questions regarding insurance matters.

Click here to view our annual reports.

Click here to ask the Consumer Advocate a question.

What if I have a "not at fault" accident with a vehicle from out of province?
Can I sue the at fault vehicle who is from out of province?
Who will pay for resulting damages from an accident: IE: Fuel from fuel truck, cargo, cargo truck, cargo spill etc.?
What happens if I have an accident where both parties at equally at fault and both are insured in NB?
If I am involved in an accident in New-Brunswick with another New- Brunswick vehicle that is at fault and also insured in New-Brunswick, how do I get paid?

No-Frills Auto Insurance Policy
First Chance

Consumer Advocate for Insurance Act
Insurance Act
Motor Vehicle Act
Off Road Vehicle Act