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Norman Yakeleya, Minister of Transportation

Norman Yakeleya is Minister of Transportation, Minister Responsible for Seniors, and Minister Responsible for the Northwest Territories Power Corporation. He was elected to the 15th Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories in December 2003 and then acclaimed for a second term as the Member for Sahtu in October 2007 in the 16th Assembly.

During the 15th Assembly, Mr. Yakeleya served as Caucus Chair, Deputy Chair of the Standing Committee on Social Programs, and a Member of the Striking Committee and the Board of Management. Minister Yakeleya also served as a Member of the Standing Committee on Accountability and Oversight (AOC) and on the Joint Pipeline Planning Committee.

Minister Yakeleya, a Sahtu Dene, was born in Yellowknife in 1959. He has lived in Inuvik, Hay River, Fort Smith, and Tulita. He served with the Tulita Dene Band as a band councillor and then as Chief.  He also served as Chair of the Sahtu Tribal Council. 

Minister Yakeleya has served as a volunteer with wellness agencies, the national and territorial residential schools healing programs, and youth programs. He enjoys reading, Dene drumming, expanding his traditional skills, and developing cultural knowledge and skills.

Yakeleya and his wife Cheryl have a son, Chase, three children from a previous marriage, Jonathan, Jamie, and Joy, and two adopted children, Erica and Whitney.


Minister Norman Yakeleya

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