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Seniors' Arctic Ambassador Program 
  If you are friendly, knowledgeable about Yellowknife, and willing to give your time to help visitors to Yellowknife, the NWT Seniors' Society would like to talk to you. They are looking for ambassadors to greet visitors at the Yellowknife airport to give them information about the city, places to stay, and attractions.

Volunteers will work in pairs for a couple of hours, greeting arriving passengers during busy periods.

At a launch event on March 17, Minister of Transportation Norman Yakeleya said "We are of a place where storytelling is an important part of our tradition. I look forward to hearing the stories that will arise from the work of these volunteers. We will hear of the elders, here to share their wisdom and knowlege, who are helped on their way. We will hear of the young people, eyes wide with excitement at their first journey to the North, who learn of the adventures they can experience. We will hear of the mother, burdened down by her travel with young children, who is given a little time to rest because someone was there to help her. This is the promise of the Arctic Ambassador’s Program, and the stories are about to be written."

If you want further information, please contact the NWT Seniors' Society at 867-920-7444, or send them an e-mail. More information about the program, as well as the opportunities for communities to partner with the Society, can be found here. Information about the Society can be found on their website.


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