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(From NWT news stories)

0117 Deh Cho Drum
Fort Simpson resident Ruby Ryan walked away from a car rollover on Highway 1, near the junction with Highway 3, with only a sore leg. She was rescued by Hay River resident Floyd Hopkins who said "If she hadn't been wearing her seatbelt she would have been pretty banged up at the very least."

01/03 Yellowknifer
Gisela Vielhauer lost control of her vehicle on Highway 3 near Jackfish Hill. Her truck began fish-tailing, and then went through an embankment. She ended up down the hill, about 30 metres off the road, and was amazed to find herself still alive. Fortunately, she was wearing her seat belt.

10/99 Deh Cho Drum
Derek Neary of the Deh Cho Drum, in an
editorial comment, described a roll-over accident on the Liard Trail in which he was involved. His vehicle hit a patch of ice and started to skid. Then his Ford Ranger pick-up truck left the road and started to roll. Three rolls later, it was over, and they were safe. Derek says "It was the seat-belts that saved our lives, or, at the very least, prevented serious injury."
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