Premier's Council on the Status of Disabled Persons
Premier's Council on the Status of Disabled Persons  
Disability Awareness Week

Disability Awareness WeekDisability Awareness Week
June 1st - June 7th, 2008

"Disability Supports Create Self-Sufficiency"

Disability Awareness Week (DAW) continues the tradition of National Access Awareness Week first established in 1988 to promote better community access for people with disabilities.  This campaign happened in response to a request from Rick Hansen following his Man in Motion World Tour. For ten years, a national committee coordinated planning for the Week in communities all over Canada. In 1998, a decision was made in New Brunswick to continue celebrating an annual awareness week but with a new name to ensure that all issues related to persons with a disability could be promoted. 2008 will mark the 21st consecutive annual Disability Awareness Week in New Brunswick.

Activities for Disability Awareness Week are coordinated at the provincial level by the Premier's Council on the Status of Disabled Persons supported by a provincial Executive Committee. Local groups will also organize community projects across the province. Disability Awareness Week covers all types of disabilities and all age groups in partnerships with any interested supporters.

Speak up for inclusion at every opportunity.

...more Ideas

Last updated
April 16, 2008

Guiding Principles
Structure of Municipal Advisory Committees

Events Calendar
Register Your Event
Event Ideas

Registration Form for the Legislative Breakfast & Disability Supports Workshop
Municipalities that have Declared DAW 2008
Photo Gallery
Nominate a person or Municipality, Organization / Company

Quiz Contest
Registered Event Contest
Pride Victory Scooter Give Away-Contest

Walk & Roll Challenge

Promotional Items
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Sample - Public Service Announcements
arrow Disability Awareness Week 2007


440 King Street, Suite 648
Fredericton, N.B. E3B 5H8
Telephone: (506) 444-3000 Toll-free: 1-800-442-4412
Fax: (506) 444-3001
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