Premier's Council on the Status of Disabled Persons


New Brunswick Disability Awareness Week
June 1 - 7, 2008
"Disability Supports Create Self Sufficiency"

Disability Awareness Week continues the tradition of National Access Awareness Week first established in 1988 to promote better community access for people with disabilities. This  campaign happened in response to a request from Rick Hansen following his Man in Motion World Tour.  For ten years, a national committee coordinated planning for the Week across Canada.  In 1998, a decision was made in New Brunswick to continue celebrating an annual awareness week but with a new name to ensure that all issues related to persons with a disability could be promoted.  2008 will mark the 21st consecutive year that an awareness week has been held in New Brunswick.

Activities for Disability Awareness Week are coordinated at the provincial level by the Premier's Council on the Status of Disabled Persons supported by a provincial Executive Committee. Local groups will also organize community projects across the province. Disability Awareness Week covers all types of disabilities and all age groups in partnerships with any interested supporters.

The theme for 2008 will revolve around disability supports with the slogan "Disability Supports Create Self Sufficiency".  Disability supports are any good or service which assists a person in overcoming barriers to carrying out activities of daily living, or to achieve social (includes political and cultural activities) and economic participation.  A good or service becomes “disability related” when it is used to assist a person or persons with disabilities in overcoming barriers.  A few specific examples of disability supports include hearing aids, wheelchairs, service animals such as guide dogs; specialized computer software which provides users who are blind access to printed and electronic materials; vehicle hand controls; etc.

This theme was chosen to raise awareness amongst the general public about the need for improved access to disability supports.  New Brunswickers who are not directly touched by disability may not be aware of the challenges faced by some individuals with disabilities when it comes to accessing the supports they need to live independently.  High cost of the supports, timely access to the supports, the sometimes limited access to a health care specialist to determine which supports are needed are just a few examples of the barriers faced by persons with disabilities when it comes to accessing the supports they need.

The provincial kick-off for Disability Awareness Week will be held on Saturday, May 31, 2008 in Saint-Quentin.  As in previous years, the Council will be hosting the annual Legislative Breakfast in Fredericton where provincial Cabinet ministers and senior government officials will share a meal and conversation with  consumers, advocates and service providers.  Other Disability Awareness Week events will be announced early in the New Year.  Local committees across the province will also be hosting events in their communities.

The provincial department of Family and Community Services has agreed to be a major partner for Disability Awareness Week 2008.  Family and Community Services is the lead department in  the delivery disability supports to New Brunswickers.  However, many other departments also offer some types of disability supports.  Other partners are expected to be announced shortly.

More information on Disability Awareness Week can be found online at The site will be updated regularly during the run-up to the week.

440 King Street, Suite 648
Fredericton, N.B. E3B 5H8
Telephone: (506) 444-3000 Toll-free: 1-800-442-4412
Fax: (506) 444-3001
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