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L'Évolution numérique et les nouveaux modèles d'édition
janvier 2007
Enregistrement sonore
Transformations numériques II : Vers une nouvelle forme de culture musicale
février 2007
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Cinéma sur écran géant

L’Observatoire culturel canadien a compilé toute une série de ressources en ligne, incluant des statistiques et des documents qui font état des divers enjeux de l’industrie du cinéma sur écran géant.

Ressources Disponibles :

Tout(33)Études et rapports(10)
Multimédia(1)Référence générale(22)
Le congrès international du Giant Screen Theater Association (GSTA), qui a eu lieu à Montréal en septembre 2004 a entériné une déclaration publique à l'industrie du film sur écran géant, signée par un groupe de diffuseurs, de producteurs et de distributeurs qui, « à la lueur des récentes tendances, s'inquiètent de la viabilité économique future de l'industrie du film sur écran géant. »

Pour en savoir plus sur cette déclaration publique, cliquez sur le lien suivant :

Le lien précédent provient d'un organisme qui n'est pas assujetti à la Loi sur les langues officielles et il est mis à la disposition du public dans la langue d'origine.

The preceding material originates with an organization not subject to the Official Languages Act and is available on this site in the language in which it was written.

Fichier multimédia

Fichier multimédia

Montreal where Giant Screen Lives (Video)

"Video profiling Giant Screen Cinema produced in Montreal."
Auteur(s): Giant Screen Consortium | Date publiée: 2004

Études et rapports

Études et rapports

GSTA 2004 International Conference and Trade Show Montréal - Member Profile

"Member profiles from the GSTA 2004 International Conference and Trade show Montréal, Québec, Canada from September 9-12, 2004."
Auteur(s): Giant Screen Consortium | Date publié: 2004-09-09

Études et rapports

Montreal - Leader in the Large Format Film Industry

"The Giant Screen Consortium was founded in Montreal in 2000 by highly experienced Quebec-based production, distribution, and creative and technical companies, who recognized the strategic importance of this alliance."
Auteur(s): Giant Screen Consortium | Date publié: 2004-08-20

Études et rapports

The Giant Screen Industry in Montréal

"At Expo 67, Montréal became a laboratory from which would emerge a whole new way to see movies on the big screen. Nearly 40 years later, the city remains the hub of the giant-screen format, a vibrant one-stop-shop where talent and creativity sizzle – and the resulting products dazzle."
Auteur(s): Spotlight | Date publié: 2004-04-22

Études et rapports

Théâtres des films format géant canadiens

«Théâtres des films format géant canadiens.»
Auteur(s): | Date publié: 2004

Études et rapports

Catalogue des films format géant canadiens

«Catalogue des films format géant canadiens.»
Auteur(s): Giant Screen Consortium | Date publié: 2004

Études et rapports

GSTA 2002 Delegate Data - As gathered at the GSTA 2002 International Conference and Trade Show

"This report includes important information regarding the GSTA conference and other non-event related matters. We understand that you need this information to support the value of your membership renewal and conference patronage, as well as to share with your colleagues and/or interested parties. We are at the beginning stages of a consumer research program; however, here is some information we hope you will find valuable."
Auteur(s): Giant Screen Theater Association (GSTA) | Date publié: 2002

Études et rapports

This is Cinerama

"It was September 30, 1952 at the Broadway Theater in Manhattan where a world-famous adventurer, a media pioneer, and a first-time producer sat nervously with a quietly confident inventor as the curtain rose on an entirely new medium that would revolutionize motion picture production and exhibition – just when the industry needed it most."
Auteur(s): Greg Kimble | Date publié: 2002

Études et rapports

L’industrie du cinéma en format géant. Enjeux et perspectives de croissance

«Cette étude analyse le secteur de la production de films format géant (IMAX, IWERK…) destinés aux salles spécialisées dans ce format. Elle comprend un descriptif de l’évolution de la production format géant au Canada.»
Auteur(s): Michel Houle | Date publié: 2001

Études et rapports

IMAXimus! Why the Future of Large-Format Theatre Looks to Be Getting Bigger and Brighter

"There is one very big dilemma for all those people in the big screen business. After attracting record audiences, engaging in a spirited building program and pushing the technical boundaries both in the making and the presentation of movies, there remains one important question: Now what?"
Auteur(s): Mike Kerrigan | Date publié: 2000-07

Études et rapports

Mega-Movies the State of the Art of Large-Format Films

"You are surrounded by an ocean of indescribably rich blue, the surface still visible many yards above. Suddenly, from all around you, a perfectly symmetrical bubble ring appears. This watery circle within the ocean calmly drifts upward and begins to expand around you."
Auteur(s): Scott Essman | Date publié: 2000-04

Référence générale

Référence générale

Gulliver 35mm - 65/70mm Laboratories

"23 years of experience in film post-production."
Créateur(s): Gulliver 35mm - 65/70mm Laboratories

Référence générale

Large Format Cinema Association

"The Large Format Cinema Association is a non-profit corporation created to benefit the large format cinema community of film makers, distributors, equipment manufacturers, consultants, exhibitors and others. Membership and full participation are available to all, without reference to specific film or video format."
Créateur(s): Large Format Cinema Association

Référence générale

Association des cinémas à écran géant

«La mission de la GSTA est de devenir un forum international pour le développement et la présentation de films de divertissement sur écran géant en vue d'une formation continue.»
Créateur(s): Association des cinémas à écran géant

Référence générale

LF Examiner

"LF Examiner is the independent print newsletter of the Large-Format (LF) motion picture industry. Each monthly issue of LF Examiner reports the latest breaking news from the world of giant-screen film production, distribution, and exhibition."
Créateur(s): Cinergetics, LLC

Référence générale

Big Movie Zone

"The world's only comprehensive "Big Movie" fan resource, covers every IMAX and other giant screen theater and film, worldwide."
Créateur(s): Big Movie Zone

Référence générale


"GiantScreenBiz is a user-friendly website based on a real time concept of consistently updated information. This unique one-stop communication shop devoted to the large format cinema business allows you maximum flexibility in obtaining the information you seek. GiantScreenBiz is available on a subscription basis only."
Créateur(s): GiantScreenBiz

Référence générale

1570 Large Format Motion Picture Network

"On February 26, 1997, took to the Internet as a meeting place for the large-format motion picture community."
Créateur(s): 1570 Large Format Motion Picture Network

Référence générale


"Euromax was founded as an association in 1989. It seeks to further co-operation and support between European Large Format Theatres which make use of the large format film medium, and also to bring together European groups who are producing films for that medium or servicing the industry in some way."
Créateur(s): Euromax

Référence générale

Large screen movie theatre network Japan

"Our mission is to improve the operational environment that surrounds LF theaters as well as to establish a LF Industry where industry-related-people can coexist and even flourish."
Créateur(s): Large screen movie theatre network Japan

Référence générale

IMAX Corporation

"The IMAX Experience is the world's most powerful and involving film experience. With breathtaking images up to eight stories high and wrap-around 12,000-watt digital sound, IMAX technology takes you to places only imagined."
Créateur(s): IMAX Corporation

Référence générale

Iwerks Entertainment

"With our continued commitment to the industry and dedication to the advancement of film-based entertainment, you can look to Iwerks to lead the industry well into the next century."
Créateur(s): Iwerks Entertainment

Référence générale

Cinerama Adventure

"A nostaligic look back at the forgotten epic motion pictures that thrilled a generation."
Créateur(s): Cinerama Adventure

Référence générale The 70mm Newsletter

"The 70mm Association Newsletter was established in 1988 as the "voice" of The International 70mm Association, a promotion club for 70mm film founded by Mr. Johan Wolthuis in The Netherlands inspired by Mr. Willem Bouwmeester´s encouragement."

Référence générale

Sky High Entertainment

"Founded in 1997 by Carl Samson, this Quebec City Company specializes in producing large format films accessible to audiences of all ages and backgrounds."
Créateur(s): Sky High Entertainment

Référence générale

Vista Collaborative Arts

"To engage an audience we tell stories. We’ve learned that there’s a story to be found in almost anything. And we’ve learned that stories can be told in a surprisingly short time frame."
Créateur(s): Vista Collaborative Arts

Référence générale

NOVA Science Programming on Air and Online

"In addition to its weekly science documentary programs on PBS, NOVA has created a production unit, NOVA Giant Screen Films, that is dedicated to making high quality giant-screen films for IMAX® theaters at museums, cultural institutions, and commercial venues worldwide."
Créateur(s): NOVA Science Programming on Air and Online

Référence générale

Giant Screen Films

"Giant Screen Films (GSF) specializes in the production and distribution of films for IMAX® and other large format theatres. Through the company, co-founders Don and Steve Kempf aspire to immerse audiences around the world in films that inspire, entertain and educate."
Créateur(s): Giant Screen Films

Référence générale

Aperture Films Ltd. Large Format Films

"Aperture Films Ltd. is comprised of two principals - Chris Blum and Joshua Colover. Together this team has over fifteen years of experience in the large format industry, and has worked on more than a dozen large format films."
Créateur(s): Aperture Films Ltd.

Référence générale

nWave Pictures

"nWave Pictures is the first fully integrated digital studio in the world specializing exclusively in the production of software for the location based entertainment market (ride films, virtual reality, etc.) and the large film format industry (15 perf. 70mm films/IMAX ® films, 10 perf. 70mm and 8 perf. 70mm)."
Créateur(s): nWave Pictures

Référence générale

nWave Digital

«nWave Digital est une société d'images de synthèse et de trucafes numèriques basée à Bruxelles. Elle est le résultat de la fusion récente (aoûte 2003) des sociétés bien connues Movida et Trix céées touts les deux en 1993.»
Créateur(s): nWave Digital

Référence générale

BIG Films Inc.

"BiG Films Inc. (BFi) was established in 1987 as a supplier of large format (LF) film production services. The company, based in Montreal, offers a variety of scientific imaging services in addition to conventional digital production, post-production, animation and special effects services."
Créateur(s): BIG Films Inc.

Référence générale

La Géode

«La sphère gigantesque de la Géode dissimule une salle de cinéma de 400 places équipée d'un écran géant hémisphérique de 1000 m2 et de 26 m de diamètre.»
Créateur(s): La Géode




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L'Observatoire culturel canadien et ne sont aucunement responsables du contenu des sites externes.

Quelques-unes des ressources suivantes proviennent d'un organisme qui n'est pas assujetti à la Loi sur les langues officielles et elles sont mises à la disposition du public dans la langue d'origine.
Gagnant de la médaille d’or GTEC : Projets pilotes innovateurs sur le cybergouvernement (2004)
Gagnant de la médaille d’or GTEC : Projets pilotes innovateurs sur le cybergouvernement (2004)
ID : 5778 | Ajouté le : 2004-10-12 | Mis à jour le : 2006-11-28 Avis importants