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Healthy Living is about creating conditions and supporting behaviours that promote the best possible health choices for everyone.  It is a shared responsibility and everyone has a role to play. 

By making healthier choices daily and working together to create environments that support health, we can reduce our risk for illness and injury. 

Healthy Living is a way to improve health for all Manitobans and reduce the need for health care services.

  Active Living
Physical activity reduces stress, strengthens the heart and lungs, increases energy, and helps us achieve and maintain a healthy body weight--all important factors in living a healthy lifestyle.

Chronic Disease Prevention   Healthy   Healthy Sexuality

Chronic diseases represent the major and growing component of health care costs, with estimates that cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and cancer cost the Canadian economy more than $55 billion every year. 

Eating healthy foods in the right amounts can improve our overall health and help us avoid unhealthy weights.  This can lower our risk for conditions like diabetes and heart disease.

Sexual health includes a person's physical, emotional and mental health, and evolves over the course of a person's life.

Learn more about this important aspect of our health.

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Injury Prevention   Mental Health Promotion   Tobacco Reduction

Injury is the leading cause of childhood hospitalization and death in the province.  Unintentional injuries alone cost Manitoba an estimated $819 million every year.  Learn how you can help prevent most injuries and make your home safer.

Mental health promotion involves actions to improve the mental well-being of individuals, families, organizations and communities. Because everyone has mental health needs, mental health promotion programs target the whole community.

Parents everywhere want to see their children grow up happy and healthy, and one of the best ways to ensure their health is to make sure they never start smoking!  Learn how Healthy Living is working to reduce tobacco use in Manitoba.


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