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Manitoba Justice

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About Us

Manitoba Justice is responsible for the administration of justice in Manitoba, under the direction of the Minister of Justice and Attorney General. The department provides public safety and security services.  The major operating divisions are:  Manitoba Prosecutions Service, Courts, Corrections and Criminal Justice.  Other significant units include Legislative Counsel, Administration and Finance, Policy Development and Analysis and Civil Justice, which has several branches and independent agencies.  Click here for information on the department’s Annual Report.

In addition to our core criminal justice responsibilities, Manitoba Justice is responsible for other services including:

  • Office of the Chief Medical Examiner

  • Public Trustee

  • Law Enforcement Review Agency (LERA)

The Department also provides funding to a number of arm's length bodies including:

  • Human Rights Commission

  • Legal Aid Manitoba

  • Law Reform Commission

Aboriginal Justice Implementation Commission
The Manitoba Government established the independent Aboriginal Justice Implementation Commission in November of 1999 to develop an action plan on practical, cost effective and attainable methods of implementing the recommendations of the Aboriginal Justice Inquiry (AJI). The AJI was established in April 1988 to investigate the condition of Aboriginal people in the justice system.

Administration and Finance
Administration and Finance is responsible for the department’s fiscal control and human resource services.  Click here for employment information.

It also provides many administrative services and information technology support, including the co-ordination of The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act  (FIPPA) access requests, website management and governance of funding for the Legal Aid Services Society.

Community Justice
Manitoba takes a balanced approach to justice, the traditional court system and the community based justice system.  The Community Justice branch supports over 60 justice committees and several community based justice programs.

Civil Justice
Civil Justice consists of several branches and agencies:

  • Civil Legal Services functions as the law firm to the Government of Manitoba.  It provides legal services to all government departments, agencies, boards, commissions, committees and government corporations that do not have their own legal counsel.  The branch does not provide legal services to the public.

  • The Family Law branch provides legal services and advice about family law to government departments. It helps government develop family law policy, programs and legislative initiatives. It also works to increase awareness of family law initiatives and issues among the general public and the legal profession. For more information on family law, please visit Family Justice.

  • The Constitutional Law branch provides the government with legal services in respect of constitutional matters.  Branch lawyers defend legislation and government programs before the courts in response to constitutional challenges in both civil and criminal cases.  The branch also advises government departments on the Constitution Act, including the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.  For more information on the Constitution and the Charter, click here: 

Constitution Acts 1867 to 1982 (English)
Constitution Acts 1867 to 1982 (French)

  • The Office of the Chief Medical Examiner identifies situations involving risk to human life.   The Chief Medical Examiner (CME) investigates all unexpected, unexplained, suspicious, violent and children's deaths in Manitoba. If your loved one has died suddenly and you have been contacted by the CME, this site will help you to understand the procedures followed before and after an inquiry or investigation.  To find out more click here

  • The Manitoba Human Rights Commission (MHRC) is an independent agency under Civil Justice. It operates under The Human Rights Code and works towards reducing unreasonable discrimination and promoting equality of opportunity and freedom from discrimination for all Manitobans.  Have you been a victim of unreasonable discrimination? Click here for more information on the MHRC.  

  • The Manitoba Law Reform Commission (MLRC) is an independent agency of the Government of Manitoba established by The Law Reform Commission Act, which issues public reports regarding modernization and improvement to provincial laws.

  • Legal Aid Manitoba is an independent agency of the Government of Manitoba established by The Legal Aid Services Society of Manitoba Act.  Legal Aid provides legal services to individuals, groups and organizations who cannot otherwise afford the services of a lawyer.  

Courts Division
Courts Division (Courts) provides the staff and services who operate the courts in Manitoba.  This includes staff such as court clerks and sheriffs and services such as Fine Collection and the Maintenance Enforcement Program.

Corrections Division
Corrections Division (Corrections) is the largest division of Manitoba Justice. It administers the sentences imposed by the courts on offenders who are in custody or on probation. Click on Corrections for more information.

Criminal Justice Division

The Criminal Justice Division (Criminal Justice) ensures adequate police protection is available in all areas of Manitoba.  It works closely with the RCMP, municipal and aboriginal police forces.  It also administers the Private Investigators and Security Guards Program, the Public Safety Investigation Unit and a wide range of victims' services.

  • Law Enforcement Review Agency (LERA)
    The Law Enforcement Review Agency (LERA) is an independent agency under Criminal Justice.  If you have a complaint against a member(s) of a municipal police force in Manitoba, you have a right to say what happened and be listened to. The Law Enforcement Review Agency is an independent non-police agency mandated to investigate public complaints of abuse of authority by on-duty municipal police officers, under the authority of The Law Enforcement Review Act. The RCMP have their own independent complaints process. If you have a complaint about an RCMP officer, visit the Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP Web site.

Legislative Counsel
Legislative Counsel plays a central role in drafting bills for the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, whether they originate within Manitoba Justice or with another department, agency, or a Private Member of the Legislative Assembly.

Policy Development and Analysis
Policy Development and Analysis takes a leading role in developing new legislation, policies and programs and provides advice to the Minister of Justice and Attorney General and to other parts of the department.

Manitoba Prosecutions Service Division
The Manitoba Prosecutions Service (Prosecutions) prosecutes cases in Winnipeg and over 60 other communities within Manitoba.  A general description of how the criminal legal process works can be found by visiting the Criminal Justice area.

Community Notification Advisory Committee
Visit public notifications to learn about how Manitoba Justice partners with other agencies to deliver community notifications about high-risk sex offenders.

Organizational Chart



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