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Manitoba Department
Family Law

ISO Forms Help

About the forms

The ISO Forms, Instructional Guides and Summary of Forms page contains a table of 14 form sections and one General Information Guide section. The Guide deals with what the forms are about, when you need to use them and why they are required. The General Information Guide is a must read for background information about the forms and why one would need to use them. Click here to view the Guide.

Each form section has three pieces of information:

  • The forms themselves
  • A guide for using the form, and
  • A brief overview of the form's purpose.

The forms and guides are flagged as either being PDF format, or HTML. HTML are regular web pages and will appear in your browser as this page does. PDF files on the other hand are Portable Document Format files and require either Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Acrobat Reader software in order to view them. Click here to go to the Adobe website to download the free Acrobat Reader software if you require it.

Each form is available in two formats:

Option a) Complete online, then print out
Option b) Print out, then complete by hand

Option a) enables you to type your information in to the form in your browser window, much like you would other web based input forms. The difference however is that there is no "Submit" button. Once you have completed the form, you print it out. There is more information on these forms a little further down on this page.

Option b) print the form first, then fill it in by hand.

Both methods are equally acceptable. Use whichever format suits your needs best.

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Fill-in online forms

You will notice on the fill-in online forms that:

  • fields are shaded. When they are
    shaded grey
     they are yours to fill in. Fields that are
    shaded blue
      are calculated fields and will be updated as you add information to the form. Blue shaded fields are read-only as well - you cannot change them (other than by changing information elsewhere on the form).

  • At the end of the last page of each form is a Reset button. When clicked, it removes all data that has been entered onto the form. You do not ordinarily need to reset the form. However, in some instances Acrobat will store your data in your computer's cache, meaning that it may reappear if you open the form again. This may be a concern if you are using a shared or public computer or otherwise do not want to risk having your data remain on the computer. Reset the form when you are done.

    The Reset button is visible on screen but will not print out on forms.

  • If you have the full Adobe Acrobat program, you may choose to save the completed document to your own computer or network for future use or documentation purposes. You cannot save the form on the website even if you want to.

    The Reader version of Acrobat - the free version - is not capable of saving files. One needs the full version of Acrobat in order to do this. The full version of Acrobat is not free.

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Clearing data from your computer

Browsers cache or store data on a computer so it can be loaded and viewed instantly next time it is requested. You need to be aware of this, and able to clear the data from your computer if you are using a public comptuer or you simply do not want to risk leaving it on the computer. Now, the risk of someone coming across the information is slight. Unlike a regular HTML page that is cached in it's entirety on the computer, the data from these forms is useless without the the Acrobat file to give them context. In other words, a subsequent user of the computer would have to come back to the ISO Forms web page and access the same forms you did in order to see your information. A person using another computer could not get access to your information. It exists only on the computer you are using.

To eliminate any possibility of your information lingering on a computer you should:
  1. Reset forms when you are done with them
    At the bottom of each form is a grey Reset Form button. Click this when you have completed the form and printed it out to erase the data from your browser's cache.

  2. Reset your browser cache when you are done with the forms.
    To erase the entire browser cache in Internet Explorer:
    • Click Tools on the main menu
    • Click Internet Options on the ensuing menu.
    • This will produce a form with a number of tabs running across the top of it. Click the General tab if it is not already displayed and then click the Clear History button. The browser will ask you to confirm that this is what you want to do, answer in the affirmative and your browser cache will be erased.
    • Close the Internet Options form to return to your browser. You may now close the browser, or go elsewhere on the internet secure in the knowledge that as far as your computer is concerned, you were never here.
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