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Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives

Message from Honourable Rosann Wowchuk

Welcome to the website for Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives (MAFRI) and the Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation.

This site is for farmers and members of the agri-food industry to discover opportunities for profitability, sustainability, diversification, risk management, and growth.  It’s also a site for rural Manitobans to discover opportunities for community economic development, and a place for consumers to learn about agriculture in Manitoba.

Our agri-food sector is one of the top 10 industries in the province, creating jobs, paying taxes and keeping rural communities alive – and it needs the support of all Manitobans to continue to prosper and grow.  I invite you to experience the quality of Manitoba-grown cereals, oilseeds, fruits, vegetables and meats – and the unique, flavourful food products that are made from these farm-fresh ingredients.

I want to highlight for you our 43 Growing Opportunities offices located across rural Manitoba and in Winnipeg, each with a staff of professionals that can provide personalized follow-up to the information that you find on this site.  I also want to bring your attention to the Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation which responds to the evolving needs of farmers and rural Manitobans with an array of innovative lending services and insurance products.

This website is an extremely useful resource for anyone interested in food production in Manitoba, and I invite you to explore all that it has to offer.


Rosann Wowchuk
Minister Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives