Government of New Brunswick
Department of Transportation
Trucking Information
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Harmonization of Vehicle Weights and Dimensions

The Department of Transportation is working to cut red tape and reduce business barriers in the trucking industry by developing a harmonized trucking strategy with our neighbouring jurisdictions. This strategy includes the harmonization of regulations and requirements for vehicle weights and dimensions.

Following please find the latest information on this work:

October 2006: Discussion Papers on oversized loads and vehicles for comment

The Atlantic Task Force on Vehicle Weights and Dimensions Policy has released three discussion papers on the Harmonization of Special Permit Conditions for Movement of Overdimensional Indivisible Vehicles and Loads in Atlantic Canada. The Draft Proposal for Comments describes the different permit classes and the conditions attached to each class . Another paper, Proposal Implications and Required Changes by Province, gives highlights of the changes that would occur in each province if the Atlantic Provinces endorse the harmonization proposal. There is also a paper entitled Escort Vehicle Drivers’ Handbook.

The three discussion papers are available in both official languages at the following website:

The Department of transportation is seeking comments from industry by December 1, 2006. Please submit your comments at the website above, or to or contact Denis Goguen at (506) 453-2802.


Harmonization of Vehicle Weights and Dimensions in Atlantic Canada

The Agreement on Uniform Vehicle Weights and Dimensions Limits in Atlantic Canada

In June 2001 Ministers responsible for vehicle weight and dimensions regulations within Atlantic Canada endorsed a proposal for uniform regulatory requirements throughout the region.

News Release

These new regulations are in force in each Atlantic Province. As a means of easing the impact on carriers, there are grandfathering provisions for some equipment until the end of the year 2009.To assist the trucking industry, a summary is available on the Task Force on Vehicle Weights and Dimensions Policy Web site called the Guide to the Agreement on Uniform Vehicle Weights and Dimensions Limits in Atlantic Canada.

Copies of this guide can also be obtained at various Department of Public Safety highway scale offices throughout the Province and from the Transportation Policy Branch, New Brunswick Department of Transportation, P.O. Box 6000, Fredericton, NB, E3B 5H1, Tel: (506) 453-2802, Fax: (506) 453-3701.

It should be noted that the guide is for general information purposes only. Vehicles are subject to actual specific legislation respecting weight and dimension limits in each of the Atlantic Provinces.

The new vehicle weights and dimensions regulation in New Brunswick is known as Regulation 2001-67, Vehicle Dimensions and Mass Regulation - Motor Vehicle Act. It is also available from the Queen’s Printer for New Brunswick, P.O. Box 6000, Fredericton, NB, E3B 5H1, Tel: (506) 453-2520.


New Brunswick and Québec Agree to Harmonize Certain Vehicle Weights and Dimensions

A Memorandum of Understanding Respecting an Agreement between New Brunswick and Québec on the Harmonization of Regulations of Vehicle Masses and Dimensions

On December 13, 2001, the ministers of Transportation of New Brunswick and Quebec signed a Memorandum of Understanding to harmonize truck sizes and weights for several common vehicle configurations that operate between the two jurisdictions.

News Release

The agreement includes five specific vehicle configurations as follows: 5-axle tractor semi-trailers, 6-axle semi-trailers, as well as A-, B- and C-trains. The five truck configurations included in this Memorandum are among the most common and safe vehicles now operating.

5-axle Tractor Semi-Trailer

5-axle Tractor Semi-Trailer
Maximum 41,500 kg


6-axle Tractor Semi-Trailer

6-axle Tractor Semi-Trailer
Maximum 49,500 kg


A-Train double

A-Train double
Maximum 53,500 kg


B-Train Double

B-Train Double
Maximum 62,500 kg


C-Train Double

C-Train Double
Maximum 58,500 kg


Further discussions will take place to consider adding other configurations to this Memorandum, as well as other issues of concern, to minimize the weight differentials between New Brunswick and Québec.

The agreement is also compatible with several configurations contained in the Atlantic Memorandum of understanding on truck size and weight harmonization.

New Brunswick and Québec both continue to retain the authority to issue special permit authorities for vehicle configurations or loads that do not comply with the weight and dimension standards contained in this agreement.


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