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Services May 2, 2008
Insurance - Life Agent Licence
Justice and Consumer Affairs
Insurance Act | PDF | HTML
2003-36 - Life Insurance Agent Licensing | PDF | HTML
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Details Fees: (Unless otherwise specified, the harmonized sales tax (HST) is NOT included in the Fees.)
List of Fees Rate in $
Fees shall be submitted with an application or a renewal. Licenses expire on March 31st of each year. Fees are as follows:  
Life Agent Licence 35.00
Life and Accident and Sickness Agent Licence 35.00
Transitional Life and Accident and Sickness Agent Licence 35.00
Non-resident Agents Licence - same as applicant's home jurisdiction but not less than $50.00 50.00
Transfer of licence to new sponsorship 20.00
Certificate of proof of a licence 10.00
Copy of a lost licence 5.00
General Comments/Questions Government of New Brunswick
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