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Small Business Info-Guide - Financial Assistance Programs

Last Verified: 2006-07-14

What is an Info-Guide?

The Canada/Manitoba Business Service Centre created Info-Guides to help you navigate through the wide range of programs and services in a specific area as well as related regulations that may affect your business venture. Info-Guides featuring other topics of interest are also available by contacting the Canada/Manitoba Business Service Centre at 204-984-2272 (in Winnipeg) or 1-800-665-2019 (toll free in Canada) or by e-mail at


General Business Financing Programs

Assiniboine Credit Union Micro Loan Fund
Western Economic Diversification Canada - WD, Assiniboine Credit Union - ACU
200 Main Street, Winnipeg, MB R3C 2G1
Phone: ACU - 204-958-8588 (ACU) or WD 204-984-2272 or Toll free 1-800-665-2019

A joint effort between Western Economic Diversification and the Assiniboine Credit Union. These loans were designed specifically for members of the Assiniboine Credit Union (for at least 6 months) living in Winnipeg who have good business ideas or wish to expand their existing business but are having difficulty obtaining financing from traditional lenders.  To be elibible, interested applicants must clearly show a commitment to starting or expanding a small business. Loans of up to $35,000 will be made available for five year terms.

Business Start Program (BSP)
Manitoba Competitiveness, Training and Trade
Small Business Development Branch
c/o Canada/Manitoba Business Service Centre
P.O. Box 2609, 250 - 240 Graham Avenue, Winnipeg, MB, R3C 4B3
Phone: 204-945-7721; 204-945-0037 or Toll free 1-800-665-2019
Fax: 204-983-3852

Business Start loans, up to a maximum of $20,000, are available to new owner-managed business across Manitoba. Loans are provided through participating banks and credit unions and guaranteed by the Manitoba Government. A Business Start loan can provide funding for business registration or incorporation costs, equipment and inventory purchases, promotional costs and working capital needs. Loan terms include an attractive prime-plus-one per cent interest rate and a one-year deferral of principal repayment. An equity contribution by business owners of 40 per cent of the requested loan amount is required. The program also provides entrepreneurial training through a free three-day Business Planning Workshop, which is mandatory for all Business Start loan applicants. A comprehensive business plan must be submitted with the loan application.

Canada Small Business Financing (CSBF) Program
Canada/Manitoba Business Service Centre
Phone: Toll free 1-866-959-1699

Assists new and existing businesses obtain term loans of up to $250,000 from chartered banks or other lenders to purchase or upgrade fixed assets. To be eligible, a company's gross revenues must not exceed $5 million annually.  Successful applicants are required to pay a one-time administration fee equal to 2% of the loan.  Please note that application is made at the financial institution of your choice and final approval rests solely with the bank or other lender.

Canadian Youth Business Foundation
c/o Canada/Manitoba Business Service Centre
P.O. Box 2609, 250 - 240 Graham Avenue, Winnipeg, MB, R3C 4B3
Phone: 204-984-2272 or Toll free 1-800-665-2019

The Canadian Youth Business Foundation (CYBF) is a national, non-profit organization, whose mission is to inspire, support and promote young Canadian Entrepreneurs who are between 18 and 34 years of age. CYBF garners financial support from both the private and public sectors and uses these funds to administer a loan and mentorship program.  Loan clients are required to work with a business mentor for the duration of their dealings with CYBF.  Unsecured loans of up to $15,000 are available to eligible applicants who have submitted a Business Plan that demonstrates viability.  Community volunteers are utilized to help in making the loan decision.

Capital Leasing Pilot Project
Industry Canada - IC
Phone: Toll free 1-866-959-1699

This program was created to help small businesses access additional financing through capital leases, to finance new or used equipment for the expansion or creation of their business (up to a maximum of $250,000).  It falls under the Canada Small Business Financing Act.  Most small businesses starting up or operating in Canada -- excluding farming, charitable and religious enterprises -- are eligible as long as their estimated annual gross revenues do not exceed $5 million.  Lessors are required to register a security interest in the leased equipment; they may also take security in other business assets.  Lessors may take personal guarantees or suretyships but not exceeding, in aggregate, 25% of the total financing amount of the capital lease.  These guarantees or suretyships cannot be secured with personal assets of the guarantors.  The imputed rate of interest cannot exceed 13.25% plus the Government of Canada bond rate for the term of the lease.  This interest rate includes an administration fee of 1.25%.  Only leasing companies that are registered in the Capital Leasing Pilot Project may issue a capital lease, they are listed at the following site.

Co-Vision - Start-up Financing Solution
Business Development Bank of Canada - BDC
Phone:  1-877-232-2269

Offers customized term financing up to $150,000 for new businesses demonstrating long-term viability.  Eligible businesses, in the manufacturing, distribution, services and tourism industries who are at the start-up stage or experiencing their first wave of growth.  The BDC considers each request case by case.  Financing can be used for working capital, acquisitions, fixed assets, marketing and start-up costs.

Co-operative Development Initiative (CDI)
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada - AAFC
Toll-free: 1-888-781-2222

Designed to enhance the quality of life in Canada through supporting the development of co-operatives in areas of federal priority.  There are two components:

Advisory Services:
will be delivered in regional centres through the Canadian Co-operative Association and the Conseil Canadien de la Cooperation. The objective of the Advisory Services is to enhance the development capacity of the co-operative sector. It provides expert assistance to groups who want to start new co-operatives, or who require assistance managing existing ones.

Innovation and Research:
To research and test innovative applications of the co-operative model.  It is designed to show how co-operatives can contribute to economic and social development, community capacity building, and service delivery for disadvantaged to hard-to-reach Canadians, particularly within the following priority areas:

  • adding value to agriculture;
  • access to health care and home care;
  • economic development in rural, remote or northern communities;
  • development of Aboriginal communities;
  • integration of immigrants into Canadian communities;
  • community solutions to environmental challenges.

CDI funding will help to pay for the costs of implementing a project.  The expected funding range for individual projects is between $5,000 and $75,000 per year.  The program ends on March 31, 2008.  Applicants or their partners in the community are expected to contribute at least 25% of the total project costs.

The Co-operative Loans and Loans Guarantee Board
Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives
903 - 401 York Avenue, Winnipeg, MB, R3C 0P8
Phone: 204-945-4451
Fax: 204-945-6134

Offers loan guarantees to co-operatives establishing or expanding their activities.  To qualify, applicants must demonstrate that they are unable to obtain financing from other sources such as chartered banks, credit unions or other financial institutions on resonable terms.   Funds must be used to productive purposes, including the purchase of building or equipment, renovation, expansion or operational expenses.

Cooperative Promotion Board
Margot Cathcart, Business Development Specialist - Cooperative Enterprise
Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives
Co-operative Development Branch
1129 Queens Avenue, Brandon, MB R3G 0N4
Phone: 204-726-6207 or Toll-free 1-800-567-7334
Fax: 204-726-6260

Provides small grants for start-up expenses leading to the formation of a cooperative, cooperative education, promotion, research and market development.

Feasibility Studies Program
Mr. Adam Munia, Financial Services
Manitoba Competitiveness, Training and Trade
1010 - 259 Portage Avenue,  Winnipeg, MB,   R3B 3P4
Phone:  204-945-1453
Fax:  204-945-1193

A cost-shared program for companies considering an investment in Manitoba which could result in the development or expansion of manufacturing, processing or related facilities in Manitoba.  The program covers up to 50% of the cost (to a maximum of $25,000) to hire an independent, arms-length consultant to research and compile a feasibility study or business plan.  Please note that the application for assistance must be approved prior to the consultant commencing work on the project.

Canada Council for the Arts - Grants
Canada Council for the Arts
P.O. Box 1047, 350 Albert Street, Ottawa, ON K1P 5V8
Phone: Toll-free 1-800-263-5588 ext. 5060

The Canada Council for the Arts offers a broad range of grants and services to professional Canadian artists and arts organizations in dance, media arts, music, theatre, writing and publishing, interdisciplinary work and performance art, and the visual arts.

Manitoba Industrial Opportunities Program (MIOP)
Mr. Jeff Hodge
Financial Services
Manitoba Competitiveness, Training and Trade
Room 1040, 259 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3B 3P4
Telephone: 204-945-1015
Fax: 204-945-1193
Western Regional Office

Brandon, Manitoba
Telephone: 204-726-6250
Fax: 204-726-6403

The objective of the Manitoba Industrial Opportunities Program (MIOP) is to secure significant business investment which would not occur in Manitoba without provision of some level of government assistance. The major criteria in assessing the agreement will be the viability of the business proposal and its resulting benefits to the Manitoba economy. The Program provides secured loan or loan guarantee assistance (typically range from $300,000 to $5.0 Million) to recipient companies in return for fixed asset investment and long-term job creation.

NRC Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC-IRAP)
National Research Council Canada - NRC
435 Ellice Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3B 1Y6
Phone:  204-983-0092 or Toll free - 1-877-994-4727
Fax: 204-983-8835

This service provides technical and business advisory services, coupled with funding opportunities. This program is accessible to Canadian small & medium enterprises (500 employees or less) that are incorporated. There are 4 components:

Technology Expertise and Advisory Services
- These services are provided through an integrated network of professionals whose specialties encompass many technology sectors and allows the Industrial Technology Advisors (ITAs) to provide customized solutions to clients.

Financial Assistance for R & D Activities
- Research and Technology Development Activities - funding contributions to SMEs interested in using technology to commercialize services, products and processes, cost shared funding for research and pre-competitive development.
- Youth Employment Strategy Programs - On behalf of YES (the Government of Canada’s Youth Employment Strategy program) - delivers two initiatives that enable SMEs to hire recent post secondary graduates with the specific skills and expertise needed to advance innovative client projects:
* Internship Program with Innovative SMEs;
* Collaborative Research Internship Program.

Networking Opportunities
- brings together key players in the Canadian Innovation system, allowing for linking SMEs to industrial experts, technology brokers, technology transfer centres, and research and development institutes such as NRC, other government laboratories and universities/colleges across Canada.

Partnerships and Collaborations
- Through strong partner relationships with organizations at regional, national and international levels, the program provides access to a broad range of services to its clients.

Innovation Financing Solution
Business Development Bank of Canada - BDC
Phone:  1-877-232-2269

Provides loans of up to $250,000 to innovative businesses positioning themselves to take advantage of global markets by developing or implementing an innovation strategy or industry adaptation, researching and developing new products and services or e-business, buying or developing new technologies for product or process improvement, introducing quality management standards, planning and implementing a marketing plan or growth strategy, training and developing management and staff, or developing foreign markets.

Jubilee Fund
210 - 207 Fort Street, Winnipeg, MB, R3C 1E2
Phone: 204-589-5001
Fax:  204-977-0123

This non-government fund provides loans and equity investments for small business projects (including worker co-ops), housing and social service projects. Through their investments, the Fund aims to promote self-reliance, dignity, self-respect and a better quality of life for healthier communities.

Knowledge and Growth Loan Fund
Western Economic Diversification - WD; Business Development Bank of Canada - BDC
Phone: Toll free 1-877-232-2269
Fax: 1-877-329-9232

For knowledge-based small and medium sized businesses.  Eligible companies will be involved in: advanced materials, aerospace, advanced manufacturing technologies, biotechnology, environment, health, information technology and telecommunications, multimedia, film, tourism, ocean industries, or other products and services deemed eligible.  Loans from $50,000 to $500,000 per project and $1,000,000 per borrower, are offered on flexible terms with repayment normally within seven years.  Interest rates are set at the BDC's borrowing rate plus a risk premium.

Productivity Plus Financing Solution
Business Development Bank of Canada - BDC
Phone: 1-877-232-2269

Designed for manufacturing and processing companies that want to increase production but need financial support to acquire the necessary equipment.  Loans can range up to $5,000,000 offer flexible repayment terms.  BDC can offer up to 100% of the cost of new and used equipment, with an additional 25% to cover the costs associated with installation and assembly of the equipment and training for the employees who use it.

SEED Winnipeg Inc. Supporting Employment and Economic Development
80 Salter Street, Winnipeg, MB R2W 4J6
Phone: 204-927-9935
Fax: 204-927-9930

Assists low-income individuals or groups to establish small businesses by providing business planning, assistance, training, and after-care services. SEED also assists low-income individuals to save money for assets through its Asset Building Programs. Other programs available through SEED Winnipeg Inc. include: Community Enterprise and Community Worker Co-op Program, Community Economic Development (CED) Technical Assistance, and Research and Development . SEED's Business Development Program also provides access to the Enhanced Self Employment Program for individuals who are on income assistance. Business Loans of up to $10,000 are available through a partnership with Assiniboine Credit Union. SEED clients are also able to access other loan funds through its program.

Self-employment Program - SE
Human Resources Development Canada and
Manitoba Advanced Education and Training
Winnipeg Coordinators:
YMCA/YWCA Employment Services - 204-989-5860
Meyers Norris Penny - 204-775-4531
CDEM (francophone delivery) - 204-925-2834
Rural Manitoba - Contact your local Employment Office (a listing is available through the following website):

Assists eligible individuals with a viable business idea to create their own employment by providing the training and support necessary to start a business.  To be eligible, applicants must currently be receiving Employment Insurance (EI) benefits, be eligible for Employment Insurance Benefits or have received EI/maternity/parental benefits within the last few years.  Participants are selected through a comprehensive review process.  Successful applicants may receive business-planning support for up to 52 weeks and income support for up to 39 weeks.  Participants may also be eligible for personal supports such as assistance for disabilities, transportation and dependent care.  If you have a disability, you may receive assistance for up to 78 weeks.  

Technology Commercialization Program - (TCP)
Mr. Adam Munia
Manitoba Competitiveness, Training and Trade
1040 - 259 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3B 3P4
Phone: 204-945-1453
Fax: 204-945-1193

Pre-approval is required for all proposed projects.
Offers cost-shared financial assistance (50%) up to $50,000 towards the development of new products and processes or towards the transfer of technology to Manitoba from businesses and institutions. To qualify, proposals must be innovative and contain a high degree of technical content in the product, project or process to be commercialized.  The program contains two elements: New Business Assistance (NBA) and Technology Transfer (TT).  Assistance is non-repayable and reimbursed upon proof of payment of approved costs.  Funds can be applied towards certain costs in the pre-production stage such as prototyping, testing, patents, and engineering, or used to help offset the costs of acquiring new technology from research laboratories or other organizations located outside of Canada.

Term Financing Solution
Business Development Bank of Canada - BDC
Phone: 1-877-232-2269

Provides term loans to small and medium sized businesses for a variety of commercially viable projects, including expansion projects, plant overhauls, the purchase of existing businesses, and the acquisition of fixed assets. In some cases, the loan may be used to reconstitute working capital depleted by capital expenditures or to finance sales growth. Repayment terms are flexible and structured in accordance with the client's ability to repay.

Tourism Investment Fund
Business Development Bank of Canada - BDC
Phone: 1-877-232-2269

Helps finance high-end tourism operators, or start-ups in potentially viable destination centres, specifically single season tourism infrastructures or operations that have the potential to expand beyond a single season. The BDC considers each request case by case. Loans can be used for expanding, enhancing and upgrading facilities to help meet increased demand, to attract more international tourists, and to improve quality to meet international standards.  Program offers flexible repayment terms.

Women's Enterprise Centre of Manitoba
Women’s Enterprise Initiative Loan Program
100 - 207 Donald Street, Winnipeg, MB R3C 1M5
Phone: 204-988-1860 or Toll free 1-800-203-2343
Fax: 204-988-1871
TTY: 204-988-1870

Offers a range of services intended to help new and existing women entrepreneurs.  These include practical loan options to start or expand businesses which are 50% women-owned and controlled.  There is no minimum loan amount and the maximum loan amount is $100,000.  The Women's Enterprise Centre also offers comprehensive, confidential advice from experienced professionals by appointment and continuous business knowledge development through seminars, mentoring programs, and youth programs.

Young Entrepreneurs Program
Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth & Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives
Room 310 - 800 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3G 0N4
Toll Free: 204-945-4284 or 1-800-282-8069 Ext 4284

This program encourages Manitoba's young people to start their own full-time, year-round business and pursue self-employment as a career choice. Applications are accepted on a year-round basis from youth aged 18 to 29 years. Under the Young Entrepreneurs program, approved applicants are eligible for a reimbursement grant of up to $4000 to help defray business start-up costs and capital expenditures.

All youth interested in applying to the program must submit the completed application prior to their business becoming fully operational and a comprehensive business plan to be considered for approval.

Aboriginal Business Financing Programs

For a complete listing of programs and services for aboriginal business people, please refer to the  Aboriginal Business Info-Guide.

Entrepreneurs with Disabilities

For a complete listing of programs and services for entrepreneurs with disabilities, please refer to the Entrepreneurs with Disabilities Info-Guide.

Rural Business Financing Programs

The following programs are specifically for Manitobans whose businesses are located outside of Winnipeg. For a complete listing of programs and services for entrepreneurs in Rural Manitoba, please refer to the Rural Info-Guide.

Community Futures Program - CFP
Western Economic Diversification Canada -WD
(Call the C/MBSC Toll free at 1-800-665-2019 to find the Community Futures Office for the service location nearest you.)

An economic development initiative for rural communities and businesses.  The program includes strategic community economic planning, small business information and counselling, and repayable loans of up to $150,000 for the creation of a new business or to assist existing businesses expand.

Manitoba Rural Adaptation Council - MRAC
700 - One Research Road, Winnipeg, MB R3T 6E3
Phone: 204-982-4790 or Toll free 1-800-216-9767

A not-for-profit organization which manages federal funding set aside for Manitobans with innovative projects which are agricultural in nature that lead to long-term social, economic and environmental benefits in rural areas of the province.

Open to all sectors of the agricultural industry including commercial and non-profit organizations, corporations, cooperatives, marketing boards, institutions, associations, commodity groups and private individuals.  Funds 1/3 of total project costs up to a maximum of $200,000.  Priority is given to projects in which industry partnerships have been formed and which are not eligible for funding through other government programs.  Eligible projects include projects which address new value-added products and processes, technical analysis and technical feasibility studies, market and venture assessments, economic feasibility studies, adaptive research, support for engineering prototypes, strategic market plans and strategic business plans.

Rural Economic Development Initiative (REDI) - Feasibility Studies Program
Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation - MASC
(Call the C/MBSC at 204-984-2272 or Toll free 1-800-665-2019 for the service location nearest you.) or check

Will cover up to 50% of the cost of hiring an independent consultant for the purpose of researching and compiling a feasibility or business plan.  Approval for funding must be received before commencing with the study.  The study may include a financial analysis, market analysis, engineering analysis or a combination relative to the development of a new or expanding business.

Rural Economic Dev. (REDI) Hometown Manitoba
Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives
Phone: 204-945-6661 or 1-800-567-7334
Fax: 204-945-4261
Or PDF Program Guide:

This program provides financial support for rural and northern community projects initiated by local communities, organizations and businesses that enhance "main street" public places and building exteriors. There are two components: Hometown Meeting Places - funding up to a maximum of $5,000; and Hometown Main Streets Enhancements funding up to a maximum of $1,000.

Rural Entrepreneur Assistance (REA) Component Rural Economic Development Initiative
Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives
Phone: 204-945-2180 or 1-800-567-7334
Fax: 204-948-2362
(Call the C/MBSC at 204-984-2272 or Toll free 1-800-665-2019 for the service location nearest you.)

Helps new and existing businesses obtain equity financing from financial institutions by guaranteeing individual capital loans between $10,000 and $100,000.  Every applicant must attend a two day Business Planning Seminar, before loan funds will be released.  Costs associated with processing the loan are the responsibility of the applicant.  Interest rate is Prime plus one percent.

Venture Capital

NOTE:  Venture capital is a method of financing whereby a company obtains the funding they need while the venture capitalist receives a piece of the company (often a majority position) and takes an active role in management.  Venture capitalists usually invest in expanding firms and look for rapid growth in order to obtain large scale returns on their investment.  

ENSIS Growth Fund
1120 - 200 Graham Avenue, Winnipeg, MB   R3C 4L5
Phone: 204-949-3700
Fax: 204-949-0591

ENSIS Growth Fund is a tax advantaged retail venture capital fund, which was established to provide Manitoba entrepreneurs with a source of patient equity capital to grow and expand their businesses, and to provide Manitoba investors with an experienced and proven management team capable of maximizing shareholder returns from these investments.  ENSIS Growth Fund focuses on small and mid-sized Manitoba businesses in the growth stage of development. Target companies typically have established products, customers and distribution channels, as well as experienced proven management teams. Eligible investee companies must have less than $50 million in total assets at the time of investment. ENSIS Growth Fund investee companies must be Manitoba based, generally defined as having a majority of employees in Manitoba.  Size of investments range from $1,000,000 to a maximum of 10 per cent of net assets. Preferred range is $1 to $3 million.

Venture Capital
Business Development Bank of Canada - BDC
Phone:  1-877-232-2269

Stimulates the formation of and provides venture capital to Canadian businesses in leading-edge industries with a strategic market position and a dynamic management team.  Funds ranging from $500,000 to $3 million can be used to help finance a company's capital-intensive research and development cycle, broaden a company's export markets, or take the company public. The Business Development Bank will actively seek divestiture opportunities once a durable benefit to each party has been achieved.

Wage Subsidies

Note:  For a more detailed listing of similar programs, please see the Youth Services Info-Guide .

Manitoba Mentorships
Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth
Room 310 - 800 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3G 0N4
Phone:  204-945-4284 or Toll free 1-800-282-8069 Ext: 4284
Fax: 204-945-5726

Provides Manitioba businesses and institutions with wage incentives of up to $3.40 per hour to hire full-time Manitoba post-secondary students, enrolled in, at minimum, a two year program.   The program operates September to April for university students and September to mid-June for college students.

First Nations and Inuit Youth Work Experience Program
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada - INAC
Mr. Derek Bradley
Room 200 - 365 Hargrave Street, Winnipeg, MB R3B 3A3
Phone: 204-983-2330
Fax: 204-983-1626

Funds proposals from First Nations and Inuit governments and organizations to provide supervised work experience for out-of-school unemployed youth (ages 15 to 30) in community service, community businesses or other work experience that will contribute to their employability. The private sector can receive up to 50% of the applicable minimum wage plus mandatory employment related costs.  Note: Where a participant with disabilities is hired, all employers are eligible to apply for 100% of the wage. A maximum contribution of $3,000 per participant may be available, on an actual cost basis, for special equipment and facilities to accommodate the participant's needs.

NRCan Science and Technology Internship Program
Natural Resources Canada - NRCan
Ms. Joanne Laplante
6th Floor, C2, 580 Booth Street, Ottawa, ON  K1A 0E4
Phone: 613-995-6275

Please note that, due to the vast interest in this program, all of the internships for the year 2006 have been filled. Therefore, there is no funding available for any further internships for the year 2006.

Provides an opportunity to recent graduates in science, engineering or business to gain relevant and meaningful work experience.  Activities may include all aspects of the innovation or technology process including bench level research, scale-up testing, pilot plant operations, analytical testing, calibration, technical documentation and field tests, work in the fields of geomatics and geology, as well as environmental work in earth sciences, mining, forestry and energy.   The maximum contribution per internship from the fund is $12,000 over a maximum of 52 weeks.

Publisher Project Support Program
Manitoba Culture, Heritage and Tourism
Arts Branch
6th Floor - 213 Notre Dame Avenue, Winnipeg, MB  R3B 1N3
Fax: 204-945-1684

The Program assists Manitoba book publishers with the costs of projects which will increase their company's efficiency, productivity and/or overall financial viability.  Priority is given to projects which are part of a long-term company business plan and include purchase or upgrading of existing/new publishing and management technologies; professional skills upgrading at accredited post-secondary institutions (i.e. Simon Fraser University Publishing Programs, Banff Centre); special costs related to an extraordinary publishing venture such as outside editorial, design or research costs; wages for specialized, temporary staff related to special projects or systems upgrading.

The Program funds up to 50% of eligible costs of an approved project to a maximum of $15,000 per publisher subject to available funds.

NOTE: One application in-take per annum - in April/May. Projects are evaluated by two out-of-province assessors.

Publisher Marketing Assistance Program
Victor Enns, Publishing Consultant
Manitoba Culture, Heritage and Tourism
6 - 213 Notre Dame Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3B 1N3
Telephone: 204-945-7581
Web site:

This program provides assistance to Manitoba book publishing companies to expand and sustain long-term marketing activities and to increase the sales of Manitoba books. There is one application intake March-April annually. The maximum assistance is $15,000.

Wage Subsidy Program
Manitoba Advanced Education and Training
(Phone your local Canada Employment Centre - listed under Employment in the Federal Government Listing in the Phone Directory or call the C/MBSC for the office nearest you.)

Employers are given an incentive to hire someone who has difficulty accessing employment due to special barriers and who would require on-the-job experience to become fully productive.  Eligible employers include businesses, not-for-profit organizations; municipal governments; bands/Tribal councils; and public health and educational institutions.

Youth Financing Programs

NOTE: For a complete listing of programs specifically for Young Entrepreneurs between the ages of 18 and 35 years of age, please refer to the Youth Services Info-Guide.

Canada/Manitoba Business Service Centre
250 - 240 Graham Ave
P.O. Box 2609
Winnipeg, Manitoba  R3C 4B3
Telephone: 204-984-2272
Fax: 204-983-3852
Toll-free (information): 1-800-665-2019
TTY Toll-free (hearing impaired): 1-800-457-8466
TTY (hearing impaired): 1-800-457-8466
Web site:
Hours of operation: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday to Friday

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Canada Business Service Centres, 2005

Last Modified: 2006-08-31 Important Notices