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Science, Technology, Energy and Mines

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Energy Development Initiative


Growing Manitoba's future fuels joins the innovations of agriculture and bio-energy. Made in Manitoba Farm to Energy opportunities are providing economic prosperity, making improvements to our environment, and will meet the increasing demand for renewable energy. (Link)

Ethanol Office

Learn about the Province's ethanol strategy and the benefits ethanol provides for the environment and the economy. (Link)


Geothermal heat pump systems* are among the most energy-efficient, environmentally clean, and cost-effective heating and cooling space systems available today! Today more than 1,000,000 North American units have now been installed and Manitobans are one of the largest single geothermal users in Canada. (Link)

Wind Energy

ind power is the world's fastest growing energy source. Manitoba is blessed with a world class wind resource. Find out how we are harnessing our wind and developing this renewable opportunity for the benefit of all Manitobans. (Link)

Additional Information


Green Building and Energy Efficiency

Manitoba is leading the nation on energy efficiency initiatives according to the Canadian Energy Efficiency Alliance. (Link)


Hydrogen is important to Manitoba as a future economic opportunity, as the world gears up with new technologies, products and services. Described as the "ultimate fuel of the future," hydrogen can be produced and used without pollution, and without the need of energy imports. (Link)

Manitoba’s Power for Business

Manitoba continues to lead the nation in addressing climate change and developing clean energy. Our abundant clean and renewable hydro resource is complemented by one of the continents best wind resource. Find out how we are capitalizing on our renewable energy.

Our Government is pursuing opportunities to the east in Ontario and to the south in the United States to facilitate further large power sales that could lead to significant hydro-electric development and employment. (Link)

Reports and Publications

Biodiesel Production Program Guide

Energy in Manitoba Report

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