Vehicle Technology Center Inc. - logoAddress: 1050 - 259 Portage Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 3P4 Contact VTC

VTCI Image from Brochure
OEM Supplier Development Program Guideline VTC Brochure (2 pages) Contact Us VTC Projects VTC Board of Directors About VTC


The Vehicle Technology Centre Inc. (VTC) is a non-profit corporation, led by an industry Board, which has a mandate to promote the development of Manitoba's vehicle and transportation equipment manufacturing through expanded infrastructure, innovation and the use of new technologies.


  • help manufacturers meet technology development, testing and related needs

  • support development of advanced technology among suppliers and promote expansion of the local supplier base

  • promote export of transportation equipment and related parts, products and services

  • help the industry to identify and meet common training needs

  • promote co-operative problem-solving links to industries with similar technology, testing, training or export needs

  • help remove barriers to needed financial, technical and other resources for the industry and its suppliers.

More about VTC

Board of Directors | About VTC | Projects | OEM Supplier Development Guideline HTML | E-mail VTC
VTC Brochure (884 KB pdf) | OEM Supplier Development Guideline Brochure (796 KB pdf)

For More Information please contact:

Barry Mitchell,
Executive Director,
Vehicle Technology Centre Inc.
1050 - 259 Portage Avenue,
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada R3B 3P4


Phone: (204) 945-2473
Fax: (204) 945-3977

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