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Manitoba means BusinessGet Started Here

 Manitoba businesses exported over $11 billion worth of manufactured goods in the past two years. From downtown Tokyo to the Australian outback, from the bright lights of New York City to the exotic port of Shanghai, the made-in-Manitoba label is recognized by customers from all over the world. The reason for this success is simple. Manitoba enjoys one of the healthiest, most diversified business economies in Canada. Our strong, steady growth coupled with such important advantages as low energy costs, a very competitive cost-of-living, a skilled, hard-working labour force and very attractive business taxes help make Manitoba businesses extremely competitive whether they’re doing business within Canada or around the world.

Manitoba’s Business Advantages
  • Manitoba has a diverse economy, rich in natural resources, combined with a significant manufacturing base and a large and dynamic services sector
  • Manitoba has a well-educated, productive and multilingual labour force
  • Manitoba has an extensive and rapidly-growing network of research facilities in key sectors like agri-foods, biotechnology, engineering and communications
  • Manitoba has competitive business costs, including the lowest published electricity rates in North America for large industrial users, low construction costs, affordable taxes and attractive operating expenses. In KPMG’s 2006 Competitive Alternatives study, Winnipeg ranked third best in the North American Midwest for overall business costs, with an overall cost advantage of 5.9% relative to the U.S. average.
  • Winnipeg, Manitoba’s capital city, is predicted to produce above-average economic performance in 2007. The Conference Board of Canada predicts Winnipeg will post “brisk” real GDP growth of 2.9 per cent in 2007, a mark that will rank the city sixth out of 20 Canadian cities included in the survey.
  • Manitoba sits at the northern end of the North American Trade Corridor and, as such, is a major transportation hub.
  • Winnipeg’s James Armstrong Richardson International Airport is Canada’s only major international airport between Toronto and Calgary and is competitively positioned as a 24-hour unrestricted airport
  • Manitoba has attractive living costs, including reasonable housing costs, affordable taxes and some of the lowest auto insurance rates in Canada
  • Manitoba has the second lowest gasoline and diesel fuel tax rates in Canada.
Reductions in the General Corporate Income Tax Rate and the Small Business Income Tax Rate will save Manitoba businesses $25 million annually.


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