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Home Research Themes In Focus

La Francophonie
August 2004

Featured from August to September 2004
Francophonie.jpg in focus provides a host of resources outlining the major research projects completed by the network of players that make up la Francophonie. La Francophonie also acts as a major springboard for the promotion of artists and the development of markets for the arts.

Find resources related to: Canadian Francophonie, International Francophonie, Creativity, Key Players


Studies & Reports Bibliography of Resources on la Francophonie compiled by the Canadian Cultural Observatory
Studies & Reports French on the Internet: Key to the Canadian Identity and the Knowledge Economy
Studies & Reports Immigration and the Vitality of Canada's Official Language Communities: Policy, Demography and Identity
Studies & Reports La francophonie dans le monde 2002-2003
General Reference Académie française (Go to site)
General Reference Conseil de la vie française en Amérique (Go to site)
General Reference Conseil supérieur de la langue française (Go to site)
General Reference Jeux de la francophonie (Go to site)
General Reference Réseau de la recherche sur la francophonie canadienne (Go to site)


Also Related

Related Materials

Studies & Reports

New Canadian Perspectives - Language and Bilingualism

"What we may call the economic approach to language is not, as yet, constituted of many well-defined propositions. Scholars and others who choose to reflect on language problems by making use of concepts and methods borrowed from economics have no more than a few papers, their imagination, and their sense of reality to guide them."
Creator(s): Albert Breton | Date Published: 2004-02-04

Studies & Reports

Official Languages in Canada; Changing the Language Landscape

"The purpose of this book is to present an overview of the accomplishments of the Canadian model of official bilingualism, based upon the coexistence of English-speaking and French-speaking Canadians and upon a partnership between federal and provincial governments in serving citizens' needs and interests."
Creator(s): Stacy Churchill | Date Published: 2004-02-04

Studies & Reports

CRTC - 2004-2005 Action Plan - Implementation of Section 41 of the Official Language Act

"Under section 41, the federal government is committed to enhancing the vitality of English and French linguistic minority communities in Canada and to supporting and assisting their development, thus fostering the full recognition and use of both English and French in Canadian society."
Creator(s): Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission | Date Published: 2004

Studies & Reports

Étude de facteurs associés à un usage prédominant du français ou de l'anglais chez les immigrants allophones arrivés au Québec adulte (available in French only)

« Le Québec admet en moyenne 30 000 immigrants par année depuis la deuxième guerre mondiale. De ce nombre, une part importante de personnes sont d’une langue maternelle autre que française ou anglaise et plusieurs ne connaissent pas ou peu ces langues à leur arrivée. Ces gens, et leurs descendants, sont bien souvent, et bien malgré eux, les acteurs du débat sur la situation et l’avenir du français au Québec. »
Creator(s): Alain Carpentier | Date Published: 2004

Studies & Reports

For Rent : In Search of Bilingual Services from Businesses in NCR Federal Buildings

"The Government of Canada is committed to fostering the full recognition and use of English and French in Canadian society, as well as enhancing the bilingual character of the National Capital Region (NCR)."
Creator(s): Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages | Date Published: 2004

Studies & Reports

L'intégration linguistique au Québec (available in French only)

« Nous élaborerons donc, aux fins de cette revue, une définition à partir de principes généraux : sont intégrés les immigrants qui ont la capacité d’utiliser l’une ou l’autre des langues en présence dans la société d’accueil dans leurs communications à caractère public. »
Creator(s): Nicole Lapierre Vincent | Date Published: 2004

Studies & Reports

Linguistic Duality in Commercial Advertising and Sponsorships

"This study examines the place of Canada’s linguistic duality in commercial advertisements and sponsorship messages in publications of organizations subject to the Official Languages Act."
Creator(s): Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages | Date Published: 2003-09

Projects & Programs

Zone culturelle de la Gaspésie (available in French only)

« La Zone culturelle de la Gaspésie est le résultat d'une réflexion régionale sur les applications possibles et souhaitées des NTIC. »
Lead Managing Organization: Conseil de la culture de la Gaspésie | Start Date: 2004


Office Québecois de la langue française

« L'Office québécois de la langue française est un organisme gouvernemental qui a pour mission de définir et de conduire la politique québécoise en matière d’officialisation linguistique et de terminologie ainsi que de francisation de l’Administration et des entreprises. »


Fédération culturelle canadienne-française

« La Fédération culturelle canadienne-française, créée en 1977, est un organisme national dont la mission est de promouvoir l'expression artistique et culturelle des communautés francophones et acadienne. »


Agence universitaire de la francophonie

« La présence des implantations de l'Agence sur le terrain permet de mieux connaître les besoins réels des universités, d'adapter ses programmes en conséquence et de développer avec les universitaires de la région des partenariats au quotidien, qui trouvent leur forme juridique dans des conventions universitaires conduisant le plus souvent possible à la double diplômation. »

Legislation & Regulations

The Charter of the French Language

"The Quebec Official Language Law"
Creator(s): Governement of Quebec | Date Published: 2004-11-09

Legislation & Regulations

The French Language Services Act - Canada

"The French Language Services Act (complete text of the act) guarantees each individual the right to receive provincial government services in French in 23 designated areas of the province."
Creator(s): Office of Francophone Affairs | Date Published: 2004-04-16

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There are event(s) on this day. is a service of the Canadian Cultural Observatory and its partners.
The Canadian Cultural Observatory and do not endorse and are not responsible for the content of external sites. Links will open in a new window.

Some of the material available in the resource collection originates with an organization not subject to the Official Languages Act and is available on this site in the language in which it was written.
GTEC Gold Medal Winner: Innovative E-Government Pilot Projects (2004)
GTEC Gold Medal Winner: Innovative E-Government Pilot Projects (2004)
ID: 4932 | Date Added: 2004-07-13 | Date Modified: 2007-09-11 Important Notices