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Home Research Themes In Focus Sustainable Communities: Culture, Creativity and Inclusiveness
October 2005

All Resources (Sustainable Communities: Culture, Creativity and Inclusiveness In Focus)



All(79)Studies & Reports(54)
Project(s)(5)General Reference(20)
Collected here are all the documents, best practices, Web sites and statistics found throughout Sustainable Communities: Culture, Creativity and Inclusiveness In Focus.

Also find additional information not included in other sections.

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Studies & Reports

Studies & Reports

Making the Case for Culture

"An original collection of web profiles and resources exploring the impacts and value of culture in communities and cities."
Creator(s): Creative City Network and the Canada Council for the Arts | Date Published: 2005-11-23

Studies & Reports

The Promise of Investment in Community-Led Renewal - State of the Inner City Report 2005: Part I: Policy Considerations

"...shows that where strong and effective community-based and community-controlled organizations emerge, and where these community-based organizations (CBOs) are adequately funded, positive change begins to occur. Part I deals with a wide range of public policy issues, particularly housing, employment, and education."
Creator(s): Centre for Policy Alternatives - Manitoba | Date Published: 2005-11-14

Studies & Reports

The Promise of Investment in Community-Led Renewal. State of the Inner City Report: 2005 Part II: A View From the Neighbourhoods

"This is Part II of the 2005/06 State of the Inner City Report. Part I focuses on policy issues, in particular housing, employment development and education in the inner city. Part II is a comparative analysis of three inner-city neighbourhoods—Spence, Centennial and Lord Community-Led Renewal."
Creator(s): Centre for Policy Alternatives - Manitoba | Date Published: 2005-11

Studies & Reports

Economic Development and Cultural Change

"publishes studies using modern theoretical and empirical approaches that examine both determinants and effects of various dimensions of economic development and cultural change."
Creator(s): The University of Chicago Press, Journals Division | Date Published: 2005-10

Studies & Reports

Agenda 21 for Culture

"...integration of environment and development concerns and greater attention to them will lead to the fulfilment of basic needs, improved living standards for all, better protected and managed ecosystems and a safer, more prosperous future. No nation can achieve this on its own; but together we can - in a global partnership for sustainable development."
Creator(s): Agenda 21 for Culture | Date Published: 2005-09-22

Studies & Reports

Promoting Cultural Diversity for Sustainable Development

"Building a culture of peace -- Kit"
Creator(s): Canadian Centres for Teaching Peace | Date Published: 2005-09-18

Studies & Reports

What is sustainability anyway? Live Online Discussions

"the ability to meet our needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet theirs—has become a catchphrase of the progressive sector. But in a world where populations continue to rise, the health of natural habitats are increasingly threatened, and economic inequalities grow, what will it take for the human race to not just survive, but thrive?"
Creator(s): Thomas Prugh and Erik Assadourian, Worldwatch Institute | Date Published: 2005-09-05

Studies & Reports

A Sustainable City - City Principles of Sustainability

"The City of Vancouver is frequently cited as one of the most livable cities in the world. The challenge facing the City is how to sustain that livability as Vancouver grows."
Creator(s): City of Vancouver | Date Published: 2005-08023

Studies & Reports

Small Town America ReDesigns Itself into Prosperity

"On the block was the abandoned, 500,000-square-foot Langdale Mill that had been built originally in 1866. Symbolic of the region's vanishing textile trade, the building's owner had gone bankrupt and was forced to sell it off. The mill was boarded up and an eyesore."
Creator(s): Jennifer Roche, Community Arts Network | Date Published: 2005-07

Studies & Reports

Council Plan 2005-2009 and Budget 2005-2006

"A sustainable community and quality service is at the heart of the City of Port Phillip...major challenges have been identified which will be the focus of our efforts to deliver this vision. This will require some difficult decisions along the way for the Coucil. The strength of any organisation, indeed community, is its ability to discuss differences, recognise conflicts and see it as a means of moving forward in a positive and creative way."
Creator(s): City of Port Phillip | Date Published: 2005-06-23

Studies & Reports

Art in the Workplace: Innovation and Culture-Based Economic Development in Canadian Small Cities

"We see evidence that exposure to arts and culture in a small city contributes to developing reflexive and innovative labour processes."
Creator(s): John A. Bratton and W.F. Garrett-Petts, Thompson Rivers University | Date Published: 2005-04-22

Studies & Reports

Putting people in the picture? The role of the arts in social inclusion

"This report was commissioned by the Brotherhood of St Laurence (BSL) as part of a preliminary analysis of the role of the arts in building social inclusion. The report is based on a review of international and local activity and research and an exploration of a range of activities taking place within the BSL and partner organisations."
Creator(s): Jo Barraket, Brotherhood of St. Laurence & The Centre for Public Policy | Date Published: 2005-02

Studies & Reports

Montreal's Capacity for Creative Connectivity: Outlook and Opportunities@

"This document is a summary of the academic article currently being written for submission to American scientifi c journals."
Creator(s): Kevin Stolarick, PhD. Richard Florida Ph.D. Louis Musante, Catalytix | Date Published: 2005-01

Studies & Reports

Education for Sustainable Development United Nations Decade (2005-2014)

"This site shares information on the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development in close consultation and collaboration with our partners at local, national, regional and international levels."
Creator(s): United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) | Date Published: 2005

Studies & Reports

Bibliography of Resources on Sustainable Communities compiled by the Canadian Cultural Observatory

"This selected bibliography on Sustainable Communities was compiled by the Canadian Cultural Observatory. The bibliography is neither definitive nor comprehensive."
Creator(s): Canadian Cultural Observatory | Date Published: 2005

Studies & Reports

Community University Institute for Social Research

"CUISR promotes, undertakes and critically evaluates applied social research for community-based organizations, and serves as a data clearinghouse for applied and community-based social research."
Creator(s): Community University Institute for Social Research | Date Published: 2005

Studies & Reports

Arts and Community Development

Arts and Community Development
Creator(s): Community Arts Network | Date Published: 2005

Studies & Reports

EUROCULT21 Compendium: Urban Cultural Policy Profiles@

"EUROCULT21 – Urban Cultural Profile Exchange Project in the 21st Century was a thematic network financed by the EC-DG RESEARCH under its Environment and sustainable development programme – city of tomorrow & cultural heritage. It brought together representatives of 19 city authorities, 6 academic and research institutions from 12 different European countries and 2 Europe-wide networks (EUROCITIES and ENCATC) to examine the state of play of cultural policy within European cities and make recommendations for the future."
Creator(s): EUROCULT21 | Date Published: 2005

Studies & Reports

Statistical Indicators for Arts Policy

"Statistical indicators are an integral part of the ‘toolbox’ that policymakers use to understand, evaluate and communicate the importance and effectiveness of their policies and programs."
Creator(s): Christopher Madden | Date Published: 2005

Studies & Reports

The Art of Renewal: A Guide to Thinking Culturally About Strengthening Communities

"This guide aims to assist people in strengthening their communities through arts and culture."
Creator(s): Queensland Government | Date Published: 2005

Studies & Reports

Cultural Policy for New Brunswick

"...the focus of this policy will be on the cultural areas of natural and human heritage, arts, cultural industries, and cultural enterprises of New Brunswick."
Creator(s): Culture and Sport Secretariat, Government of New Brunswick | Date Published: 2005

Studies & Reports

Helsinki Declaration on the political dimension of cultural heritage conservation in Europe

"Use of the cultural heritage as a resource must be made part of the planning process of sustainable development determining the constraints which apply to the use of non-renewable assets."
Creator(s): Council of Europe | Date Published: 2005

Studies & Reports

Montréal, Cultural Metropolis : A Cultural Development Policy Proposal for Ville de Montréal

Montréal, Cultural Metropolis : A Cultural Development Policy Proposal for Ville de Montréal
Creator(s): Ville de Montréal | Date Published: 2004-11

Studies & Reports

New Deal for Cities and Communities

"The New Deal is composed of four key components: Vision, Relationships, Funding, Cities and Communities Lens"
Creator(s): Infrastructure Canada | Date Published: 2004-10-06

Studies & Reports

Arts and Culture in the Community, Part 1

"The word community, in its simplest sense, implies people with something in common. At the close of this century, we use this word to describe cyberpals, economic allies, even the global population. But no matter how broad or narrow the definition, community originates with people."
Creator(s): Jenifer Milner, Alliance for Arts + Culture | Date Published: 2004-08-24

Studies & Reports

Social Impacts of Participation in the Arts and Cultural Activities

"a report investigating the social impacts of participation in the arts and cultural activities."
Creator(s): Cultural Ministers Council Statistics Working Group | Date Published: 2004-08

Studies & Reports

How Should Suburbs Help Their Central Cities?@

"In this paper, we study the question whether suburbs should help finance the core public services of their central cities. We review three arguments that have been offered in favor of suburbs’ fiscal assistance to their central cities. "
Creator(s): Andrew F. Haughwout and Robert P. Inman | Date Published: 2004-05

Studies & Reports

Developing the Evidence Base for Support of Cultural & Creative Activities

"The report is part of an develop evidence based practice in the use of culture to achieve Regional Economic Strategy Objectives."
Creator(s): South East England Cultural Consortium (SEECC) | Date Published: 2004-03

Studies & Reports

Investing in a Better Future: A Review of the Fiscal and Competitive Advantages of Smarter Growth Development Patterns@

"This paper makes the case that more compact development patterns and investing in projects to improve urban cores could save taxpayers money and improve overall regional economic performance."
Creator(s): Mark Muro and Robert Puentes | Date Published: 2004-03

Studies & Reports

Sustainable Development Strategy 2004–2006

"The Department’s activities relate to history and heritage, arts and expression, sports, multiculturalism, official languages, Aboriginal peoples and youth. These are all things which contribute to and help define Canada’s culture and it is in the social and cultural aspects of sustainable development that we see our greatest opportunities to contribute."
Creator(s): Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2004-02-16

Studies & Reports

Smart Growth : Threatening the Quality of Urban Life

"Any Canadian urban area that is considering anti-sprawl or smart growth strategies should carefully consider the predictable consequences that are now emerging in Portland."
Creator(s): Wendell Cox | Date Published: 2004-02

Studies & Reports

Challenging Cities in Canada

"What role do urban centres play in our society? What challenges do they face? How might cities best be organized to serve multiple interests? How can the different levels of government and a variety of social actors contribute to the well-being of cities?"
Creator(s): The McGill Institute for the Study of Canada | Date Published: 2004-02

Studies & Reports

Europe in the Creative Age

"Creativity has become a driving force of economic increasingly turns on the ability of nations to attract, retain and develop creative people."
Creator(s): Richard Florida and Irene Tinagli | Date Published: 2004-02

Studies & Reports

Competing on Creativity - Focus on Halifax@

"For policy makers, this work confirms the importance of urban centres in the knowledge economy and the need to investigate further the importance of higher education in this knowledge economy. At the municipal level, this work points to the importance of the collaborative efforts between local governments, firms, and individuals to reinforce and strengthen the unique urban character of their city-regions."
Creator(s): The Greater Halifax Partnership | Date Published: 2004-01-22

Studies & Reports

The Curse of the Creative Class@

"Providence, Rhode Island, is so worried that it doesn’t appeal to hip, young technology workers that local economic-development officials are urging a campaign to make the city the nation’s capital of independent rock music."
Creator(s): Steven Malanga | Date Published: 2004-01

Studies & Reports

University of Waterloo, Community-University Research Alliance (CURA)

"Articles pertaining to Mid-Size City Research...City Wide Initiative...Downtown Revitalization...Suburban Development"
Creator(s): University of Waterloo, Community-University Research Alliance (CURA) | Date Published: 2004

Studies & Reports

The Fourth Pillar of Sustainability: culture's essential role in public planning

"‘The Fourth Pillar’ provides a clear definition of culture, analyses its function within the emerging new planning paradigms and proposes practical measures for the integration of a cultural perspective into the public sphere. Its key conclusion is that a whole-of-government cultural framework, operating in parallel with social, environmental and economic frameworks, is essential for the achievement of a sustainable and healthy society."
Creator(s): Jon Hawkes for the Cultural Development Network | Date Published: 2004

Studies & Reports

Agenda 21 for Culture

"The Agenda 21 for Culture promotes the adoption of a series of principles, commitments and recommendations to strengthen the development of culture on an international scale from the local arena, considering it as a collective right to participation in the life of societies."
Creator(s): Agenda 21 for Culture | Date Published: 2004

Studies & Reports

Sustaining Coastal Communities

"Tourism, Protecting and Developing the Culture of Newfoundland and Labrador, Cultural Policy, Cultural Development, Provincial Cultural Programs, Best Practices"
Creator(s): Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Tourism, Culture and Recreation | Date Published: 2004

Studies & Reports

Better Places to Live

"...examines the relationship between Government and the heritage sector. It sets out a case for strengthening the relationship between communities and the historic and built environment, as a way to better understand our identity and what it means to be British in the 21st Century."
Creator(s): Tessa Jowell | Date Published: 2004

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Also Related

Related Materials

Studies & Reports

Presentation - Public Policy in the Neighbourhoods: Challenging Governments and Communities

"This presentation was made at a forum held at the Scarborough Civic Centre in Toronto, Ontario, on June 23, 2005. The forum “Governments and Neighbourhoods: Finding New Ways to Work Together” was organized by the Intergovernmental Committee for Economic and Labour Force Development (ICE) and the Strong Neighbourhoods Task Force Forum."
Creator(s): Neil Bradford, Canadian Policy Research Network | Date Published: 2005-09-16

Studies & Reports

UNESCO World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Action Directory: Cultural diversity and identity, linguistic diversity and local content

"Cultural and linguistic diversity, while stimulating respect for cultural identity, traditions and religions, is essential to the development of an Information Society based on the dialogue among cultures and regional and international cooperation. It is an important factor for sustainable development."
Creator(s): UNESCO World Summit on the Information Society | Date Published: 2005

Studies & Reports

Community Renewal

"This paper explores the renewal of communities through rethinking the use of community resources and building relationships among these resources for mutually beneficial problem-solving."
Creator(s): Sherri Torjman | Date Published: 2003-12

Studies & Reports

Yukon Protected Areas Strategy (Yukon)

"For many, the Yukon Territory represents one of the last refuges of wilderness. The Yukon Protected Areas Strategy (YPAS) aims to develop a complete network of protected areas in the territory based on ecosystem management, conservation biology, sustainable economies and heritage values."
Creator(s): National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy | Date Published: 2003

Studies & Reports

French and Canadian Approaches to Diversity as Reflections of Different Conceptions of Liberty, Equality, and Community

"Much ink has been spilt in France on comparisons between the universal Republican model of integration that prevails there and the multicultural, “communautarian,” particularistic or differentialistic model that prevails in the “Anglo-Saxon” world...However, these dichotomous comparisons, often cast in the form of debate, do not yield a full understanding of the societies they purport to examine."
Creator(s): Margaret Adsett, Citizenship and Heritage, Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2002-12-12

Studies & Reports

Cultural Heritage, Identity and Belonging among Transnational ‘Communities’ and Globalization: Emerging Issues & Challenges

"This paper is more in the nature of a series of reflections/questions concerning the developing issues & challenges, particularly from a policy perspective, in the ‘developed’ or ‘industrially advanced’ societies of Western Europe (WE) on the one hand and the immigrant-receiving ones of North America, Australia and New Zealand (NAANZ) on the other."
Creator(s): Dhiru Patel, Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2002-11-21

Studies & Reports

Official languages and immigration: obstacles and opportunities for immigrants and communities

"The specific focus of this study are communities where an official language is spoken in a minority context and where there are currently too few immigrants compared with the national average."
Creator(s): Carsten Quell | Date Published: 2002-11

Studies & Reports

Eastern Scotian Shelf Integrated Management Project (Nova Scotia)

"The Eastern Scotian Shelf Integrated Management (ESSIM) project is one of the first integrated management initiatives launched under the 1997 Oceans Act. It is a regionally driven, collaborative planning process for addressing conservation, multiple use and sustainable development of the ocean environment."
Creator(s): National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy | Date Published: 2002

Studies & Reports

Locality and Culture: Creating Public Spaces for Culture in the Mind and in the Civitas

"The purpose of the research was two-fold: understanding and addressing some problems in the shared life of the community (usually approached in terms of policy development or planning for culture); and intentionally developing and refining skills and competencies needed in that community to address this and other problems being encountered."
Creator(s): Donna Cardinal | Date Published: 2001-05-01

Studies & Reports

Securing Canada's Natural Capital: A Vision for Nature Conservation in the 21st Century

"The report outlines key challenges and opportunities for conservation, and presents a set of recommendations that, if applied, will position Canada as a global leader in conservation by 2010."
Creator(s): National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy | Date Published: 2001

Legislation & Regulations

Canada's official languages policy (available in French only)

"English and French have been spoken for centuries in what is now Canada. Fundamental to the Canadian reality, then as now, is the need to establish a working relationship between two linguistic communities."
Creator(s): Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2002-12-19




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