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All(15)Studies & Reports(8)
The Canadian Cultural Observatory lists publications and resources as a public service only and does not promote or endorse them in any way.

Studies & Reports

Studies & Reports

Barriers to disabled people’s participation in and access to the arts in Northern Ireland

Undertaken by Ipsos MORI, this is the first large scale research study in Northern Ireland to use the social model of disability. This concept was interpreted at the fieldwork stage through a range of qualitative and quantitative methods, including a door-to-door survey of 500 people with disabilities, focus groups with disabled people who attend or participate in the arts and face-to-face interviews with arts venue managers.
Creator(s): Arts Council of Northern Ireland | Date Published: 2007-12-17

Studies & Reports

La fabrique sexuée des goûts culturels - Construire son identité de fille ou de garçon à travers les activités culturelles (available in French only)

"Aurions-nous des doutes quant au fait que les filles et les garçons ne jettent pas leur dévolu sur les mêmes activités, il suffirait pour s’en convaincre d’observer les comportements des enfants et adolescents qui nous entourent."
Creator(s): Ministère de la culture et de la communication | Date Published: 2005-12

Studies & Reports

Tendances en matière de consommation et de participation dans le secteur culturel (available in French only)

«Le présent rapport renferme de l’information et des données pertinentes sur l’ampleur de la demande au titre des produits et services culturels et sur les changements survenus à cet égard. Il permet un examen intégré et approfondi des habitudes de consommation de biens et services culturels au Canada en 1992, par rapport à 1998.»
Creator(s): Programme de la statistique culturelle de Statistiques Canada | Date Published: 2005-06

Studies & Reports

Just Showing Up: Social and Cultural Capital in Everyday Life

"This paper is intended to be a synthesis of current knowledge about social and cultural capital and their relationship to questions of citizenship. Prepared for the “Accounting for Culture: Examining the Building Blocks of Cultural Citizenship” Colloquium."
Creator(s): M. Sharon Jeannotte, Strategic Research and Analysis (SRA), Strategic Policy and Research, Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2004-07

Studies & Reports

Cultural Consumption and Participation

"This paper explores cultural consumption and participation patterns in Canada by reviewing recent quantitative analyses, identifying key data gaps, and proposing solutions."
Creator(s): John Foote | Date Published: 2002-06-01

Studies & Reports

Renoir's Portraits: Impressions of an Age Visitor Profile & Economic Impact Study: Executive Summary

"Executive summary : partnership to mount study of visitors to exhibit at National Gallery using Barnes methodology."
Creator(s): National Art Gallery | Date Published: 1999-03-01

Studies & Reports

Consumer Spending on Culture in 2001: Detailed data

"Detailed consumer spending tables in reference to the Consumer spending report."
Creator(s): Hill Strategies Research Inc. | Date Published: 1997 to 2001

Studies & Reports

Blockbusters & the cultural visitor: a special analysis of out-of-town visitors to the Barnes exhibit at the Art Gallery of Ontario

"A major art exhibition From Cézanne to Matisse: Great French Paintings from the Barnes Foundation was open to the public at the Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO) from September 17, 1994 through January 1, 1995."
Creator(s): Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 1996-11



Household Spending on Culture 2006

"This report provides insights into the cultural participation of New Zealanders by looking at patterns and trends of expenditure of New Zealand households on cultural goods and services."
Creator(s): Ministry for Culture and Heritage and Statistics New Zealand | Date Published: 2006


Statistiques principales de la culture et des communications au Québec, Édition 2007 (available in French only)

«Cette publication offre des statistiques qui rendent compte de l’activité liée au champ de la culture et des communications au Québec. La publication est divisée en six chapitres : les publics, les établissements, les travailleurs, les dépenses publiques, la formation et les produits à succès.»
Creator(s): Institut de la statistique Québec | Date Published: 2004-06-15


Economic Impact

"Cultural Sector's Economic Contribution to Canada - Economic Impact."
Creator(s): Department of Canadian Heritage, Strategic Research and Analysis | Date Published: 2002-06


Statistiques : Événements culturels - Québec (available in French only)

« Événements culturels. »
Creator(s): Culture et Communications Québec | Date Published: 2002


First Works Focus Groups

"The Department of Canadian Heritage identified the need to conduct consultations with young Canadians in order to gain insight into interest levels and participation in cultural activities."
Creator(s): Angus Reid Group for the Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2000-03-31


Consumer participation in culture activities and events

"Statistics Canada survey data and analysis on Canadians' participation in culture activites and events including reading, listening to music, going to the movies, attending live performing arts, etc."
Creator(s): Statistics Canada | Date Published: 1999-11-09


Cultural Participation Survey 1998

"The Cultural Participation Survey 1998, conducted by the Urban Institute, was the first in a series of surveys evaluating the Community Partnerships for Cultural Participation (CPCP) initiative"
Creator(s): the Cultural Policy & the Arts National Data Archive (CPANDA) | Date Published: 1998


Also Related

Related Materials

Studies & Reports

Canada Online! 2004

"[A] representational survey of Canadians that provides data and analysis for ongoing research in the area of internet use and non-use patterns. The study explores the behaviour and attitudes of both users and non-users and the economic, cultural, and social implications of the internet in Canada, in comparative perspective."
Creator(s): The Canadian Internet Project | Date Published: 2005-11

Studies & Reports

The Opportunity and Challenge of Diversity: A Role for Social Capital?

"The main hypothesis underlying the Montréal conference was that the integration process for immigrants and the management of diversity more broadly is an area where the generation of networks of social contacts may potentially play a key role in achieving a number of desired outcomes."
Creator(s): Policy Research Initiative - Government of Canada | Date Published: 2005-07

Studies & Reports

Literary Reading in Dramatic Decline

"Literary reading is in dramatic decline with fewer than half of American adults now reading literature, according to a National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) survey ."
Creator(s): National Endowment for the Arts | Date Published: 2004-07-08

Studies & Reports

Study of the market for Canadian visual art

"The Department of Canadian Heritage has a mandate to develop strategies and policies to facilitate the growth and development of the arts sector in Canada."
Creator(s): TCI Management Consultants Limited | Date Published: 1999-08

Studies & Reports

Renoir's portraits: impressions of an age: visitor profile and economic impact study: final report

"The National Gallery of Canada mounted a very successful major Exhibition — Renoir Portraits — between June 27 and September 14, 1997. The Exhibition, featuring 61 Renoir paintings, attracted almost 340,000 visitors from the local area, other Canadian provinces, the USA and other countries."
Creator(s): National Gallery of Canada/Canadian Tourism Commission/Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 1997

Studies & Reports

Blockbusters and the Cultural visitors: A Special Analysis Of Out-of-Town

"The Department of Canadian Heritage, with the study sponsor’s permission, supported the preparation of additional tabulations and analysis of the Barnes Exhibit."
Creator(s): Judy Rogers | Date Published: 1996-11

Projects & Programs

Beyond the State-Bounded Immigrant Incorporation Regime: Migrant Transnationalism in the Canadian Context and Economic Development in Migrants’ Homelands

"Transnational Migrant Communities: Their Potential Contribution to Canada's Leadership Role and Influence in a Globalized World"
Lead Managing Organization: North-South Institute | Start Date: 2004-08

Guides & Case Studies

Visiting Audiences: A Tourism Guide for Cultural Organizations

"Vancouver’s Cultural Tourism Initiative/Arts in the City Product Club has designed this guide to help arts and cultural organizations considering the benefits of tourism."
Creator(s): Scott Fraser | Date Published: 2001-01


La pratique culturelle au Québec en 2004 - recueil statistique (available in French only)

«Le présent recueil statistique renferme les données les plus récentes sur les habitudes de consommation culturelle des Québécoises et des Québécois. Les données proviennent de l'enquête quinquennale 2004 menée par le ministère de la Culture et des Communications sur les pratiques culturelles.»
Creator(s): Culture et Communications Québec | Date Published: 2005-11-04


PricewaterhouseCoopers Says Entertainment and Media Industry in Strongest Position Since 2000, Will Grow 7.3 Percent Annually to $1.8 Trillion in 2009

"Video Games and Internet to Remain Fastest-Growing Industry Segments; Digital Distribution and Mobile Music Will Reinvigorate Recorded Music Industry."
Creator(s): PricewaterhouseCoopers | Date Published: 2005-06-22


Consumer Spending on Culture in Canada, the Provinces and 15 Metropolitan Areas in 2003

"Canadian consumers spent $22.8 billion on cultural items in 2003."
Creator(s): Hill Strategies Research Inc. | Date Published: 2005-05-31


The Impact of the Culture Sector on the Canadian Economy

"This article examines the culture sector’s contribution to the Canadian economy. It measures the impact of the culture sector on Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and employment. In 2002, GDP from culture activities amounted to more than $39 billion, an increase of 37% from the 1996 figure of approximately $29 billion."
Creator(s): Vik Singh, Statistics Canada | Date Published: 2005-04-07


Who Buys Books in Canada?

"This report shows that a total of $1.1 billion was spent on books in 2001. An average of $196 was spent by each of the 5.7 million households with book spending. The 5.7 million households with book spending represent 48% of all households in Canada."
Creator(s): Hill Strategies Research Inc. | Date Published: 2005-03-31


Consumer spending on culture goods and services

"Statistics Canada survey data and analysis on Canadians' spending on culture goods and services."
Creator(s): Statistics Canada | Date Published: 2004-12-13


Summary of the Report on Consumer Spending on the Arts and Culture

"Canadian consumers spent $21.3 billion on Cultural items in 2001, new report analyzes consumer spending on culture in Canada, the provinces and 13 municipal regions."
Creator(s): Hill Strategies Research Inc. | Date Published: 2004-02-25


Ontario Public Library Statistics

"The Heritage and Libraries Branch of the Ministry of Culture maintains statistics on public libraries in Ontario. These statistics are compiled using data from the Annual Survey of Public Libraries."
Creator(s): Ontario Ministry of Culture | Date Published: 2004-01-24


Percentage of Locations Meeting or Exceeding Target that 85% of Visitors Should be Satisfied (S) and 50% Should be Very Satisfied (VS)

"Parks Canada uses a variety of mechanisms to monitor visitor expectations and their level of satisfaction with the services it delivers, as well as to make changes to services."
Creator(s): Parks Canada | Date Published: 2004


Museums and Art Gallery Attendance in Canada and the Provinces

"This report analyzes the attendance of Canadians at various types of museums, including: public art galleries; science, technology and natural history museums; general, human history and community museums; and commercial art galleries."
Creator(s): Hill Strategies Research | Date Published: 2003-03-01


Consumer Spending on Culture in Canada, the Provinces and 13 Municipal Regions in 2001

"This report examines the spending of Canadians on cultural activities, goods and equipment, including art supplies and musical instruments, art works and events, home entertainment, movie theatre admissions, photographic equipment and services, and reading material."
Creator(s): Hill Strategies Research | Date Published: 2003-03


Cultural & Entertainment Segmentation Survey

"An association of Canadian Tourism Ministries and organizations have collaborated to conduct two large scale surveys to assess the travel activities and motivators of pleasure travel among Canadians and Americans."
Creator(s): TAMS - Travel Activities and Motivation Survey | Date Published: 2001-06


L'Observatoire de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue - Statistiques, culture (available in French only)

« Les tableaux statistiques. »
Creator(s): L'Observatoire de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue | Date Published: 2001


Aboriginal Tourism Interest Index

"This survey, known as the Travel Activities and Motivation Survey (TAMS), represents the comprehensive assessment of travel behavior and motivators, and provides a rich and authoritative database to develop marketing strategies and travel products to attract visitors to Canada and Ontario."
Creator(s): TAMS - Travel Activities & Motivation Survey | Date Published: 2000


State Of The Parks 1997 Report: Parks Canada Attendance by Province/Territory 1996-97

"In all regions, national parks were less affected by the increases in entry fees than national historic sites. In 1995, levels of use declined by 3.2 per cent for national parks, while they dropped 13.6 per cent for national historic sites where access fees were charged. In 1996 attendance dropped on average by five per cent at national parks and national historic sites."
Creator(s): Parks Canada | Date Published: 1997


State Of The Parks 1997 Report: Parks Canada Attendance - 1993-94 to 1996-97

"Parks Canada Attendance - 1993-94 to 1996-97."
Creator(s): Parks Canada | Date Published: 1997


Vancouver: Roundhouse Community Arts and Recreation Centre

"Operated by the Roundhouse Community Arts and Recreation Society and the Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation."


VSA Arts: An affiliate of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts

"VSA arts is an international nonprofit organization founded in 1974 by Ambassador Jean Kennedy Smith to create a society where all people with disabilities learn through, participate in and enjoy the arts."




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GTEC Gold Medal Winner: Innovative E-Government Pilot Projects (2004)
ID: 9774 | Date Added: 2006-02-06 | Date Modified: 2007-12-31 Important Notices