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UPDATED: March 7, 2008


The Observatory updates its NEWS page Monday through Friday with the most relevant cultural policy news, statistics and reports. Information is gathered from Canadian local and national news sources as well as major international publications.

News are listed by chronological date of publication, and articles are regularly removed from the site in order to insure the integrity of the links. Every month, the Observatory’s free bilingual newsletter profiles the most significant Canadian and international cultural-policy news

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Patrimoine religieux - Signature d'une entente entre le diocèse de Chicoutimi et le gouvernement du Québec sur l'utilisation des églises dont l'usage est appelé à changer (available in French only)

« Le ministère de la Culture, des Communications et de la Condition féminine et le diocèse de Chicoutimi ont signé une entente sur l'utilisation des églises du diocèse dont le changement d'usage est envisagé. »
Creator(s): Fournisseur municipal | Date Published: 2008-03-27


Ontario : Budget 2008 - Arts Funding

"The McGuinty government has provided a patchwork of assistance to what it likes to call 'the entertainment and creative cluster.'"
Creator(s): The Globe and Mail | Date Published: 2008-03-26


Internet - ou quand la foi mène la musique (available in French only)

« Il suffit d'avoir la foi. Le site offre aux auteurs-compositeurs-interprètes une vitrine qui leur permet de cumuler des parts de 10 $ chacune auprès de leurs fans, appelés believers (croyants), en vue de la production d'un premier album. »
Creator(s): Le Devoir | Date Published: 2008-03-25


Un fonds dédié à la culture dans la MRC du Val-Saint-François (available in French only)

« Le Centre local de développement économique (CLDÉ) de la MRC du Val-Saint-François est fier d’annoncer la création de son nouveau Fonds d’Initiatives Culturelles (FIC) Promutuel. »
Creator(s): Fournisseur municipal | Date Published: 2008-03-25


U.S. ruling sets clock ticking on radio deal

"The takeover of XM Satellite Radio Holdings Inc. by Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. in the United States came a step closer to becoming a reality yesterday through a surprise ruling that could clear the way for a monopoly in the burgeoning industry."
Creator(s): The Globe and Mail | Date Published: 2008-03-24


Merchants get behind arts centre; Businesses say it will help restore downtown

"Downtown Barrie may be in for an economic boost if a proposed performing arts centre is built at the Five Points."
Creator(s): The Barrie Examiner | Date Published: 2008-03-24


Quebec musicians targeting rest of Canada

"The Quebec singer's voice has blasted through Ontario, the grain-swept Prairies, the pounding surfs of Atlantic Canada and the forests of B.C."
Creator(s): | Date Published: 2008-03-24


En bref - Encourager l'émergence (available in French only)

« Un nouveau programme d'aide gouvernemental s'adresse aux artistes professionnels de la métropole évoluant dans des formes d'art émergentes. »
Creator(s): Le Devoir | Date Published: 2008-03-22


Le Québec numérique s'emballe (available in French only)

« En 2007, 71,5 % de la population adulte de la province a utilisé Internet sur une base régulière, contre 66 % dans le ROC. »
Creator(s): Le Devoir | Date Published: 2008-03-20


CBC experiments with Bit Torrent downloads

"The CBC is borrowing a page out of the Internet pirate's playbook by distributing one of its prime-time TV shows using Bit Torrent technology, a first by a North American broadcaster."
Creator(s): National Post | Date Published: 2008-03-20


Investissements culturels : Gérald Tremblay demande l'aide de Québec (available in French only)

« Le maire Gérald Tremblay revient à la charge dans le dossier de la fiscalité municipale. Cette fois, il enfourche le cheval de la culture et des arts pour demander à Québec de nouveaux leviers fiscaux pour la métropole. »
Creator(s): | Date Published: 2008-03-19


Aide financière 610 096 $ pour la restauration de la gare historique de Lachute (available in French only)

« Une aide financière gouvernementale de 610 096 $ est accordée à la MRC d'Argenteuil, pour des travaux de réaménagement et de restauration de la gare historique de Lachute, dont les coûts estimés s'élèvent à plus de 1,2 M$. »
Creator(s): Fournisseur municipal | Date Published: 2008-03-19


Don't blame your public library

"Unfortunately for the thousands of Canadians who borrow music from the library, the days of flipping through a library's CD collection could be numbered."
Creator(s): | Date Published: 2008-03-19


PPP: patrimoine, pelletage (Available in French only)

« L'État québécois va-t-il déléguer ses responsabilités vers les municipalités dans sa future loi sur la protection du patrimoine? »
Creator(s): Le Devoir | Date Published: 2008-03-18


Burlington gets more cash for arts centre

"Ottawa has come through with more money for Burlington to build its performing arts centre."
Creator(s): The Hamilton Spectator | Date Published: 2008-03-18


Sound recording and music publishing

"Canada's sound recording and music publishing industries maintained profitability for the second consecutive year in 2006, but not without a struggle."
Creator(s): Statistics Canada | Date Published: 2008-03-18


Fonds d'initiatives autochtones (Available in French only)

« Le gouvernement du Québec signe une entente de 1,11 M$ avec la communauté de La Romaine »
Creator(s): Fournisseur Municipal | Date Published: 2008-03-17


The Government of Canada Supports Corporation du Centre Culturel de la Région de Rivière-du-Loup

"Thanks to the support of the Government of Canada, the Corporation du Centre culturel de la région de Rivière-du-Loup will be able to implement its project "A Strategic Plan: A Vision for the Future!" "
Creator(s): Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2008-03-17


Budget Québec 2008-2009: Les faits saillants (Available in French only)

Creator(s): Radio Canada | Date Published: 2008-03-14


Plus d'argent pour les festivals de la région (Available in French only)

« Le gouvernement ontarien a alloué, mardi, plus de 1,2 million de dollars à onze festivals d'Ottawa. »
Creator(s): Radio Canada | Date Published: 2008-03-14


CCA PUBLICATION : "From Economy to Ecology: A Policy Framework for Creative Labour"

"The Canadian Conference of the Arts (CCA) has released the report 'From Economy to Ecology: A Policy Framework for Creative Labour'."
Creator(s): Canadian Conference of the Arts | Date Published: 2008-03-14


Studies Suggest There's An Art to Getting Older

"Creative Activity May Have Health Benefits"
Creator(s): The Washington Post | Date Published: 2008-03-11


Le gouvernement finance les bibliothèques publiques de l'Ontario (Available in French only)

"La bibliothèque publique de Perth Ouest a entamé des travaux d'expansion qui rendront ses locaux plus accessibles pour les personnes handicapées."
Creator(s): Fournisseur Municipal | Date Published: 2008-03-07


$209 million to enhance B.C.'s arts and culture

"The Province is investing $209 million to support arts and culture across British Columbia, Premier Gordon Campbell announced."
Creator(s): Fournisseur Municipal | Date Published: 2008-03-07


Vancouver Art Gallery gets $50-million boost

"The Vancouver Art Gallery's director is hoping to accelerate fundraising for a new facility thanks to a $50-million provincial contribution, announced yesterday by Premier Gordon Campbell."
Creator(s): The Globe and Mail | Date Published: 2008-03-07


Projet de loi visant la protection du patrimoine culturel du Québec - La Ville de Rouyn-Noranda présente un mémoire(Available in French only)

"Projet de loi visant la protection du patrimoine culturel du Québec "
Creator(s): Fournisseur Municipal | Date Published: 2008-03-05


Animation des bibliothèques - 25 000 $ au Centre régional de services aux bibliothèques publiques de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue et du Nord-du-Québec (Available in French only)

"25 000 $ au Centre régional de services aux bibliothèques publiques de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue et du Nord-du-Québec"
Creator(s): Fournisseur Municipal | Date Published: 2008-03-04


Vancouver Olympics to license, sell, native art
- The Globe and Mail

"The Vancouver Organizing Committee for the 2010 Olympic Games will announce details tomorrow of a nationwide search for aboriginal artists to create works to be licensed and sold by VANOC."
Creator(s): The Globe and Mail | Date Published: 2008-03-03


CRTC announces new rules for wholesale telecommunications services

"The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) today established a new framework for wholesale services that will promote competition in wholesale and retail telecommunications markets based on sound economic principles."
Creator(s): The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission | Date Published: 2008-03-03


La culture et Google aux frontières de l'inconnu
- La Presse (available in French only)

"Quelles sont les conséquences culturelles de l'expansion phénoménale de Google?"
Creator(s): La Presse | Date Published: 2008-03-03


Un nouvel équipement à Montréal - Québec annonce 8,9 M$ pour le projet de création de la Maison du festival de jazz (Available in French only)

"Québec annonce 8,9 M$ pour le projet de création de la Maison du festival de jazz"
Creator(s): Fournisseur Municipal | Date Published: 2008-03-03


Fonds de développement culturel : La MRC d’Argenteuil met en place une nouvelle procédure pour soutenir financièrement les organismes, artistes et artisans du territoire

"Le comité culturel de la MRC d’Argenteuil, avec l’appui du conseil des maires, dévoile une nouvelle façon de procéder pour l’octroi d’aides financières aux organismes, artistes et artisans d’Argenteuil."
Creator(s): Fournisseur Municipal | Date Published: 2008-03-03


Lancement de la première stratégie du patrimoine pour la Nouvelle-Écosse
- Fournisseur Municipal (available in French only)

"La première stratégie provinciale du patrimoine a été publiée le 25 février"
Creator(s): Fournisseur Municipal | Date Published: 2008-02-29


Opinion: B.C.'s mastering the art of getting serious about culture
– The Globe and Mail

"At the end of a budget that was strong on climate change, the economy, health care, education and housing, Finance Minister Carole Taylor announced: "To honour our 150th birthday as a province, we are creating a new, $150-million BC150 Cultural Fund."
Creator(s): The Globe and Mail | Date Published: 2008-02-28


Film, television and video post-production
– Statistics Canada

"The profit position for Canada's film, television and video post-production industry improved slightly in 2006. Even though operating revenues edged down, the industry's operating expenses fell at a faster pace."
Creator(s): Statistics Canada | Date Published: 2008-02-27


CBC's battle of the books gives publishing industry a shot in the arm
– The Globe and Mail

"February is one of the crueler months in Canada. Not only is the weather atrocious, so is the culture. The few new movies are lousy, there aren't many new or much-anticipated books in the stores. Magazines are thin in content and page count."
Creator(s): The Globe and Mail | Date Published: 2008-02-25


Britain threatens piracy legislation
– The Globe and Mail

"Britain will impose legislation on Internet service providers (ISPs) by April 2009 if they do not work with the music and film industries to curb illegal downloading, the government said on Friday."
Creator(s): The Globe and Mail | Date Published: 2008-02-22


Poll Shows Canadians Support Financial Contributions for Digital Media Content
– Broadcaster Magazine

"Canadians strongly support the idea of requiring Internet service providers and wireless service providers to help fund the production of Canadian digital media content, according to the results of a recent poll released today."
Creator(s): Broadcaster Magazine | Date Published: 2008-02-22


Projet Propulse Art : espaces branchés communicants
– (available in French only)

« On ne cesse de le prédire, notre lien à la production culturelle sera de plus en plus tributaire des réseaux au détriment des supports physiques. Que dire des arts de la scène? Bien sûr, on ne téléchargera pas un spectacle de sitôt, mais... »
Creator(s): | Date Published: 2008-02-22


The movie industry's changing picture
– The Globe and Mail

"Studios and theatres are focused on the advantages of going digital as they strive to rebuild their audiences."
Creator(s): The Globe and Mail | Date Published: 2008-02-21

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GTEC Gold Medal Winner: Innovative E-Government Pilot Projects (2004)
GTEC Gold Medal Winner: Innovative E-Government Pilot Projects (2004)
ID: 2867 | Date Added: 2004-03-01 | Date Modified: 2008-03-27 Important Notices