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To Save a Butterfly, Must One Kill It? The Historic Places Initiative in a Rural Context
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All(8)Studies & Reports(5)
Statistics(2)General Reference(1)
The Canadian Cultural Observatory lists publications and resources as a public service only and does not promote or endorse them in any way.

Studies & Reports

Studies & Reports

From ICT to E-culture

"Advisory report on the digitalization of culture and the implications for cultural policy."
Creator(s): Netherlands Council for Culture | Date Published: 2003-06

Studies & Reports

Five Scenarios for Digital Media in a Post-Napster World

"The intent of this paper is to spark reasoned discussion and debate that can assist in the development of new business models for the entertainment industry, artists and technology companies, while enabling consumers to legitimately acquire and manipulate copyrighted digital media."
Creator(s): GartnerG2 | Date Published: 2003

Studies & Reports

New Media and Electronic Rights

"Evolving Standards and Implications for Arts Agencies and Programs, executive summary."
Creator(s): Robert Labossiere, Canada Council for the Arts | Date Published: 2001

Studies & Reports

Database protection and Canadian laws

"This Study considers the legal protection of databases (traditional and new media) in Canada and comparatively with protections available or proposed in the United States and the European Union. It represents the initial stage preliminary to the development of a database protection policy for Canada."
Creator(s): Patrimoine canadien/ Industrie Canada | Date Published: 1998-10

Studies & Reports

Study on mechanisms to promote the development and distribution of Canadian multimedia and other new media content and services

"The objectives of the Study (as required by the Terms of Reference) were to provide a profile of the Canadian new media industry (including identifying the strengths and weaknesses) and to recommend policy mechanisms to promote the industry."
Creator(s): Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 1998

General Reference

General Reference

Media International Australia

"Media International Australia incorporating Culture and Policy publishes new scholarly and applied research on the media, telecommunications, and the cultural industries, and the policy regimes within which they operate."
Creator(s): Griffith University



OECD Broadband Statistics, December 2005

"The number of broadband subscriptions throughout the OECD continued to increase during 2005 from 136 million in June 2005 to 158 million by December 2005. Broadband penetration growth in the OECD held steady at 15% in the second half of the year reaching 13.6 subscribers per 100 inhabitants in December."
Creator(s): Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) | Date Published: 2006-04-11


Industry Profile: Interactive Digital Media - Ontario

"There are an estimated 1,775 interactive digital media firms in Canada, including both Canadian and foreign firms."
Creator(s): Ontario Media Development Corporation | Date Published: 2004-07-21


Also Related

Related Materials


Free Culture: How Big Media Uses Technology and the Law to Lock Down Culture and Control Creativity

"Lessig, in FREE CULTURE, widens his focus to consider the diminishment of the larger public domain of ideas. In this powerful wake-up call he shows how short-sighted interests blind to the long-term damage they’re inflicting are poisoning the ecosystem that fosters innovation."
Creator(s): Lawrence Lessig | Date Published: 2004

Studies & Reports

Activités de FUNREDES pour la promotion de la diversité linguistique dans l'internet et enseignement de l'expérience (available in French only)

«Le thème de la diversité linguistique ne peut être séparé de celui de la diversité culturelle. Une approche purement technique de ce thème comporte ce grand risque. Le thème de la diversité culturelle (et donc aussi linguistique) est un thème fondamental pour la Société de l'Information car il interfère avec tous les autres thèmes majeurs (droits humains, gouvernance, propriété intellectuelle, paix dans le monde...).»
Creator(s): Organisation internationale de la francophonie | Date Published: 2005-06

Studies & Reports

Educational Internet Project for Street Kids (Final Report)

"One of the most innovative and significant pedagogical experiments that the Renacer Foundation of Colombia has undertaken in recent years relates to use of the Internet for educational purposes in helping street kids and adolescents to reintegrate into society."
Creator(s): Fundación Renacer Prepared by NELSON E. RIVERA REYES Therapeutic Coordinator | Date Published: 2005

Studies & Reports

Langues et cultures sur la Toile 2005 (available in French only)

« Même si la langue prédominante sur l’Internet reste l’anglais, les statistiques démontrent une progression constante des principales langues néolatines (espagnol, français, italien, portugais et roumain) sur la Toile. »
Creator(s): La Direction Terminologie et Industries de la Langue - DTIL | Date Published: 2005

Studies & Reports

Making Citizenship Work: Fostering European Culture and Diversity through Programmes for Youth, Culture, Audiovisual and Civic Participation

"The Commission Communication of 10 February “Building our common Future: Policy challenges and Budgetary means of the Enlarged Union 2007-2013”, proposed developing European citizenship as a main priority for EU action, on the basis of an area of freedom, justice and security."
Creator(s): European Union | Date Published: 2004-09-03

Studies & Reports

Access and the Cultural Infastructure

"As the repository for the collective history of creative endeavor and a source of inspiration for tomorrow’s thinkers and artists, the cultural infrastructure is a complex system of relationships among individuals and public, private, for-profit and not-for-profit institutions."
Creator(s): Allison Brugg Bawden | Date Published: 2002-11

Studies & Reports

Feature Columnist Communities: The Engines of Social Cohesion

"This article presents research completed by the Social Cohesion Network."
Creator(s): Maureen Williams | Date Published: 2001-12-01

Studies & Reports

Copyright as Cultural Policy

"Copyright as Cultural Policy provides an overview, historical anaylsis and legal implications of copyright law for the creative sector and cultural organizations in the United States."
Creator(s): Dr. Michael S. Shapiro | Date Published: 2001-10

Studies & Reports

Entering the Tribal and Acoustic World - Globally

"This paper explores the cultural policy implications."
Creator(s): Michael Cross | Date Published: 2001-04-01

Studies & Reports

Study on the Impacts of New Technologies on the Sound Recording Industry in Canada: Final Report

"Nordicity Group Limited prepared this report for the Task Force on the Future of the Music Industry in Canada."
Creator(s): Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 1995-06-05

Studies & Reports

Les médias de service public dans la société de l’information (available in French only)

« Si ce rapport ne présente pas de réponses tranchées sur tous les aspects abordés, cette faiblesse sera je l’espère compensée par la richesse des questions, souvent complexes et provocantes, qui y sont posées. »
Creator(s): Conseil de l’Europe | Date Published: 02-06

Projects & Programs

Digi-Arts UNESCO Knowledge Portal

"DigiArts is one of UNESCO’s major initiatives aiming at the development of interdisciplinary activities in research, creativity and communication in the field of media arts."
Lead Managing Organization: UNESCO | Start Date: 2002-05-23

Projects & Programs

Urbanisation, Culture et Société

"The Centre Urbanisation, Culture et Societé houses a team of thirty-four full-time social scientists (professors/ researchers) working on a wide range of issues."
Lead Managing Organization: L'Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS) | Start Date: 2005

Projects & Programs

Can Machines Help Solve Canada’s Growing Translation Woes?

"The demand for translation – particularly in countries like Canada which have a policy of official bilingualism – far exceeds the number of translators available to do the needed work. Can Computer-Aided Translation Technology (CATT) used to help?"
Lead Managing Organization: University of Ottawa | Start Date: 2005

General Reference

Canada's Digital Collections

"Canada's Digital Collections in review provides some historical background and a selection of a few outstanding CDC projects for you to enjoy."
Creator(s): Government of Canada | Date Published: 2004-06-22

General Reference

Bibliothèque virtuelle de périodiques (available in French only)

« est une réalisation de La Vitrine APO (Applications Pédagogiques de l'Ordinateur) qui regroupe plus de 90 établissements (commissions scolaires, collèges et universités). »
Creator(s): | Date Published: 2004-05-28

General Reference

Carnegie Mellon Center for Arts Management and Technology

"The mission of the Carnegie Mellon Center for Arts Management and Technology (CAMT) is to investigate existing and emerging information and communication technology, and to stimulate thinking about the practical application of this technology for arts managers..."
Creator(s): Carnegie Mellon Center for Arts Management and Technology | Date Published: 2004-02-23

General Reference

Growing Up Digital

"Welcome to the Growing Up Digital Web site. Dedicated to the latest publication by Don Tapscott, this site deals with the influence of technology on society, youth, and the forces of transformation which are poised to emerge out of this trend."
Creator(s): Don Tapscott | Date Published: 2004-02-13


New Media: Quick Facts 2002

"Cultural Sector's Economic Contribution to Canada - New Media."
Creator(s): Department of Canadian Heritage, Strategic Research and Analysis | Date Published: 2002-06


Inter-Society for the Electronic Arts

"ISEA is a non-profit international organization whose membership and collaborators consists of a wide range of individuals and institutions involved in the creative, theoretical and technological aspects of electronic arts."


M/C - Media and Culture

"M/C — Media and Culture was founded in 1998 as a place of public intellectualism, analysing and critiquing the meeting of media and culture."


Media Awareness Network

"MNet is a Canadian non-profit organization that has been pioneering the development of media literacy programs since its incorporation in 1996."


Centre for History and New Media

"Since 1994, the Center for History and New Media (CHNM) has used digital media and computer technology to change the ways that people--scholars, students, and the general public--learn about and use the past."


Banff New Media Institute

"The Banff Centre is a globally respected arts, cultural, and educational institution and conference facility."


Centre for Intellectual Property Policy

"The Centre for Intellectual Property Policy is a research centre which studies the manner in which information and technology affect laws, legal systems and institutions. It uses a transdisciplinary approach to examine and analyse problems of social organisation, governance through law and the limits of private, public and international regulatory regimes."


European Academy of Digital Media

"The European Academy of Digital Media (EADiM) provides an infrastructure for sharing and networking expertise among the nominees, winners and jurors of EUROPRIX."



"The Société québécoise de gestion collective des droits de reproduction, commonly referred to as COPIBEC, is a not-for-profit collective which was founded in 1997 by the Union des écrivaines et écrivains québécois (UNEQ) and the Association nationale des éditeurs de livres (ANEL). Various other organizations representing newspaper and periodical authors and publishers and visual artists are also members of COPIBEC."

Legislation & Regulations

Telecommunications Act

"An Act respecting telecommunications."
Creator(s): Department of Justice Canada | Date Published: 2005-08-09

Newsletter(s) & Bulletin(s)

Global Media Intelligence Screen Digest

"Screen Digest is the pre-eminent source of business intelligence, research, and analysis on global audiovisual media. Screen Digest the Newsletter has been published for more than 30 years and is read in over 40 countries."
Creator(s): Global Media Intelligence Screen Digest | Date Published: 2006




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GTEC Gold Medal Winner: Innovative E-Government Pilot Projects (2004)
GTEC Gold Medal Winner: Innovative E-Government Pilot Projects (2004)
ID: 9779 | Date Added: 2006-02-06 | Date Modified: 2007-05-16 Important Notices