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Home Research Themes In Focus Creative Cities
June 2004

Creativity & New Economy (Creative Cities In Focus)



All(40)Studies & Reports(29)
General Reference(11) 
The new economy is knowledge-based, networked, reliant on continuous learning and innovation, and places value on innovation and creativity as a driving force of economic growth. Nowadays, the ability to compete and prosper in the global economy goes beyond the trade of goods, flows of capital, and investments. Instead, it increasingly turns on the capability of nations to attract, retain and develop creative people.

Creativity and New Economy covers strategies, policies and programs that foresee developments, monitor changes, adopt comprehensive approaches, anticipate risks, and consolidate the positive benefits of creativity on the new economy and vice versa, especially with regard to young people and vulnerable groups in society. It explores the interconnectedness of macro and micro-economics with social and cultural life at the local level and considers the nature of these relationships in Canadian cities and regions at the start of the new century.

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Studies & Reports

Studies & Reports

Building a Creative Society

"Excerpted from 'The Flight of the Creative Class: The New Global Competition for Talent'"
Creator(s): Richard Florida | Date Published: 2005-12

Studies & Reports

The Wrong Stuff: Creative Class Theory, Diversity and City Performance

"This paper examines Florida's ideas, focusing on the evidence in British cities."
Creator(s): Max Nathan, Centre for Cities | Date Published: 2005-09

Studies & Reports

Montreal's Capacity for Creative Connectivity: Outlook and Opportunities@

"This document is a summary of the academic article currently being written for submission to American scientifi c journals."
Creator(s): Kevin Stolarick, PhD. Richard Florida Ph.D. Louis Musante, Catalytix | Date Published: 2005-01

Studies & Reports

How Should Suburbs Help Their Central Cities?

"In this paper, we study the question whether suburbs should help finance the core public services of their central cities. We review three arguments that have been offered in favor of suburbs’ fiscal assistance to their central cities. "
Creator(s): Andrew F. Haughwout and Robert P. Inman | Date Published: 2004-05

Studies & Reports

Investing in a Better Future: A Review of the Fiscal and Competitive Advantages of Smarter Growth Development Patterns

"This paper makes the case that more compact development patterns and investing in projects to improve urban cores could save taxpayers money and improve overall regional economic performance."
Creator(s): Mark Muro and Robert Puentes | Date Published: 2004-03

Studies & Reports

Europe in the Creative Age

"This report develops new indicators for the Creative Class and competitiveness that are based on the 3Ts of economic development."
Creator(s): Richard Florida and Irene Tinagli | Date Published: 2004-02

Studies & Reports

Smart Growth : Threatening the Quality of Urban Life

"In general, smart growth involves establishing far more prescriptive controls on land use. It seeks to prohibit urban development outside “urban growth boundaries”, to increase neighbourhood population densities, and to substitute mass transit for highways in order to accommodate the increasing travel demand that accompanies population growth."
Creator(s): Wendell Cox | Date Published: 2004-02

Studies & Reports

Creative Class War

"How the GOP's anti-elitism could ruin America's economy."
Creator(s): Richard Florida | Date Published: 2004-01/02

Studies & Reports

Competing on Creativity - Focus on Halifax

"For policy makers, this work confirms the importance of urban centres in the knowledge economy and the need to investigate further the importance of higher education in this knowledge economy. At the municipal level, this work points to the importance of the collaborative efforts between local governments, firms, and individuals to reinforce and strengthen the unique urban character of their city-regions."
Creator(s): The Greater Halifax Partnership | Date Published: 2004-01-22

Studies & Reports

The Curse of the Creative Class

"Providence, Rhode Island, is so worried that it doesn’t appeal to hip, young technology workers that local economic-development officials are urging a campaign to make the city the nation’s capital of independent rock music."
Creator(s): Steven Malanga | Date Published: 2004-01

Studies & Reports

Creating Economic and Social Benefits for Communities

"Whether it’s the increasing number of practical examples of success in your own and other communities or the academic research of Dr. Richard Florida (The Rise of the Creative Class), the evidence is in: it pays for a municipality to make a proactive role in arts and cultural development a key part of its core “business.”"
Creator(s): Creative City Network | Date Published: 2004

Studies & Reports

The New Creative Economy: Vancouver’s Competitive Advantage

"Why is it that some cities and regions grow and prosper, while others lag behind? Why is it that even with identical tax structures, financial incentives, and basic infrastructure some regions thrive while others flounder? "
Creator(s): Dr. Martha C. Piper | Date Published: 2003-09-23

Studies & Reports

The New Creative Economy: Vancouver’s Competitive Advantage@

The New Creative Economy: Vancouver’s Competitive Advantage
Creator(s): Dr. Martha C. Piper | Date Published: 2003-09

Studies & Reports

The State Role in Urban Land Redevelopment

"Vacant and abandoned properties present both a significant problem, and an opportunity, for many central cities."
Creator(s): Nancey Green Leigh | Date Published: 2003-04

Studies & Reports

Cities: Talent's Critical Mass

"An article originally from the Globe and Mail newspaper that analyses some aspects of Canadian cities from the perspective of Richard Florida's "creative class" theories."
Creator(s): Richard Florida and Meric Gertler | Date Published: 2003-01-03

Studies & Reports

The Creative Clusters Summit Sheffield, United Kingdom, November 20-23, 2002

"The Creative Clusters Summit Conference took place in Sheffield, England November 20-23, 2002. It brought together almost 300 delegates and more than 70 speakers and experts working in the creative industries from around the world."
Creator(s): Greg Baeker | Date Published: 2002-11-01

Studies & Reports

Competing on Creativity: Placing Ontario’s Cities in North American Context

"This report examines the relationship between talent, technology, creativity and diversity in city-regions in Ontario – and Canada more generally – and compares these to the relationships found to exist in American metropolitan regions."
Creator(s): Ontario Ministry of Enterprise, Opportunity and Innovation | Date Published: 2002-11

Studies & Reports

Competing on Creativity: How Canada's city regions stack up

"This report examines the relationship between talent, technology, creativity and diversity in city-regions in Ontario – and Canada more generally – and compares these to the relationships found to exist in American metropolitan regions."
Creator(s): Meric S. Gertler, Richard Florida, Gary Gates and Tara Vinodrai | Date Published: 2002-11

Studies & Reports

Ontario as a North American Region State

"Ontario has donned the mantle of a North American region state, anchored around the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) as a global city region."
Creator(s): Thomas J. Courchene and Jarislowsky-Deutsch | Date Published: 2002-09-12

Studies & Reports

The “new economy” and Europe

"The report takes an up-to-date look at the “new economy” – now well into its second decade – and its impact on Europe."
Creator(s): Parliamentary Assembly - Council of Europe | Date Published: 2002-03-27

Studies & Reports

Le contexte de la nouvelle économie et le profil des chercheurs entrepreneurs au Québec

«La thématique n'est pas nouvelle mais l'engouement, plus récent, pour les entreprises, dites de la « nouvelle économie » a propulsé le phénomène des nouvelles entreprises technologiques, les NTBF (new technology-based firm) à l'avant-scène des actualités économiques.»
Creator(s): Université Laval - Faculté des sciences de l'administration | Date Published: 2002

Studies & Reports

Innovation in the New Economy

"Innovation now plays a more important role in economic growth, and the nature of that innovation has changed. Those changes have to do with the way innovation is financed, with the sources of innovative concepts and the growing importance of scientific progress to innovation. Investments in information and communications technologies (ICTs) are important to economic growth but improving economic growth depends on far more than ICT."
Creator(s): Dirk Pilat | Date Published: 2002

Studies & Reports

Innovation, Human Capital, and Diversity

"This paper argues that innovation is a joint product of human capital and diversity. The capacity to innovate is seen to be a function of a region’s ability to attract human capital and to provide low barriers to entry for talented people of all backgrounds."
Creator(s): Richard Florida and Sam Youl Lee | Date Published: 2001-11

Studies & Reports

Do Federal Funds Better Support Cities Or Suburbs? A Spatial Analysis of Federal Spending In The Chicago Metropolis

"For many years, debates have raged over the effect of federal spending on metropolitan growth and development. The federal highway program and home lending policies have been cited as encouraging sprawling development while discouraging investment in center cities."
Creator(s): Joseph Persky and Haydar Kurban | Date Published: 2001-11

Studies & Reports

Apprentissages, transmission et créativité de et dans la ville

«Le Comité de programme a retenu trois champs spécifiques pour cette consultation, en prévoyant que les propositions de recherche pourraient se faire à l'intersection de ces champs non exclusifs les uns des autres: des mémoires aux histoires, des espaces et des lieux comme culture et des innovations culturelles, créations artistiques et esthétiques urbaines.»
Creator(s): Convention de programme pluriannuel | Date Published: 2001-09-25

Studies & Reports

Competitiveness and quality of life in City Regions: compatible concepts?

"Paper Presented at the Canadian Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Montreal, Quebec, June 1, 2001."
Creator(s): Betsy Donald | Date Published: 2001-06-01

Studies & Reports

Urban Economy and Society in Canada: Flows of People, Capital and Ideas

"The author documents the current and growing centrality of cities in contemporary society, demonstrates the interconnectedness of the economic and the social at the local level, and considers the nature of this relationship in Canadian cities at the start of the new century."
Creator(s): Meric S. Gertler | Date Published: 2001-04

Studies & Reports

Économie du savoir : une nouvelle économie?

«Les défis posés par la nouvelle économie.»
Creator(s): ENAP - Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières | Date Published: 2001-03-15

Studies & Reports

Human Capital, Quality of Place, and Location

"Our research focuses specifically on the interaction between individual and firm."
Creator(s): Ashish Arora, Richard Florida, Gary J. Gates and Mark Kamlet | Date Published: 2000-09

Studies & Reports

The Creative Economy Initiative: The Role of the Arts and Culture in New England's Economic Competitiveness

"The New England Council confirms what many have long believed to be true: that our arts and cultural activities have been and will continue to be integral to those regional strengths, and to the economic health of New England, not a frill."
Creator(s): The New England Council | Date Published: 2000-06

Studies & Reports

Nouvelle économie, nouvelle organisation et technologies de l'information@

« Nouvelle économie, nouvelle organisation et technologies de l'information. »
Creator(s): Suzanne Rivard | Date Published: 2000-03

Studies & Reports

Nouvelle économie, nouvelle organisation et technologies de l'information

«Pour faire face aux défis de la nouvelle économie, nombre d’entreprises avant-gardistes adoptent des formes organisationnelles non-traditionnelles. Ces nouvelles formes partagent un certain nombre de caractéristiques : organisation autour des processus plutôt qu’autour de la tâche, structure aplatie, maximisation des contacts avec les fournisseurs et les clients, par exemple.»
Creator(s): Suzanne Rivard | Date Published: 2000-03

Studies & Reports

The Creative Economy Initiative: The Role of the Arts and Culture in New England's Economic Competitiveness@

The Creative Economy Initiative: The Role of the Arts and Culture in New England's Economic Competitiveness
Creator(s): The New England Council | Date Published: 2000

General Reference

General Reference

"Home of the Richard Florida Creativity Group."
Creator(s): Richard Florida | Date Published: ?

General Reference

Creative City Network: A face to face and online network of colleagues creating creative cities

"The Creative City Network is a resource centre of cultural plans, policies, program guidelines, reports, studies, and comparative data and statistics to address the needs of municipal cultural staff."
Creator(s): Creative City Network

General Reference

Canadian Urban Institute

"The Canadian Urban Institute (CUI) is a non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing the quality of life in urban areas across Canada and internationally."
Creator(s): Canadian Urban Institute

General Reference

Brighton 2004 : Creative Clusters Conference

"The Creative Clusters Conference took place in Brighton, UK, from 28th April to 1st May 2004."
Creator(s): Creative Clusters

General Reference

Comedia: Creative Thinking about Cities and Culture

"There are new points of energy and debate in the modern world where economics, culture, creativity and sense of place converge and interact. These are the points where COMEDIA will be found."
Creator(s): Comedia: Creative Thinking about Cities and Culture

General Reference

Boston Indicators Project - Creativity and Innovation: A Bridge to the Future

"The Boston Indicators Project is a civic initiative coordinated by the Boston Foundation in partnership with the City of Boston/Boston Redevelopment Authority and the Metropolitan Area Planning Council."
Creator(s): The Boston Foundation

General Reference

Nouvelle économie, mutation technique et culture

«Les récentes mégafusions dans les secteurs de la communication dessinent un nouveau paysage économique et financier, mais aussi culturel.»
Creator(s): Regards

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