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All(52)Studies & Reports(28)
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The Canadian Cultural Observatory lists publications and resources as a public service only and does not promote or endorse them in any way.

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Wi: Journal of the Mobile Digital Commons Network

"Welcome to Wi, the journal of the Mobile Digital Commons Network (MDCN). Wi publishes the latest in Canadian mobilities research, encompassing disciplines such as design, engineering, computer science, communications and media studies."
Creator(s): Wi: Journal of the Mobile Digital Commons Network | Date Published: 2006


Journal of Digital Information

Journal of Digital Information
Creator(s): Journal of Digital Information | Date Published: 2005


Free Culture: How Big Media Uses Technology and the Law to Lock Down Culture and Control Creativity

"Lessig, in FREE CULTURE, widens his focus to consider the diminishment of the larger public domain of ideas. In this powerful wake-up call he shows how short-sighted interests blind to the long-term damage they’re inflicting are poisoning the ecosystem that fosters innovation."
Creator(s): Lawrence Lessig | Date Published: 2004

Studies & Reports

Studies & Reports

Increased use of video-sharing sites

"48% of internet users have been to video-sharing sites such as YouTube and the daily traffic to such sites on a typical day has doubled in the past year."
Creator(s): Pew Internet and American Life Project | Date Published: 2008-01-09

Studies & Reports

Digital Footprints: Online Identity Management and Search in the Age of Transparency

"Internet users are becoming more aware of their digital footprint; 47% have searched for information about themselves online, up from just 22% five years ago."
Creator(s): Pew Internet and American Life Project | Date Published: 2007-12-16

Studies & Reports

Canadian Digital Information Strategy

"In 2005, Library and Archives Canada (LAC) initiated a dialogue reflecting the range of interests in the digital field, with the goal of framing a Canadian Digital Information Strategy (CDIS). Through a series of meetings, LAC consulted with over 200 stakeholder organizations from a variety of sectors. The consultations culminated in a National Summit at which broad consensus on the elements of a national strategy emerged, which in turn led to the development of this document."
Creator(s): Strategy Development Committee | Date Published: 2007-10

Studies & Reports

Hobbyists Online

"The great majority of online Americans now use the internet to pursue their leisure-time interests."
Creator(s): by Maggie Griffith, Research Associate, and Susannah Fox, Associate Director, Pew Internet and American Life Project | Date Published: 2007-09-19

Studies & Reports

Factors Associated with Internet Use: Does Rurality Matter?

"In 2005, only 58% of residents living in rural and small town areas accessed the Internet, well below the national average."
Creator(s): Larry McKeown, Statistics Canada, and Anthony Noce and Peter Czerny, Industry Canada | Date Published: 2007-09-13

Studies & Reports

A Typology of Information and Communication Technology Users

"Pew Internet & American Life Project conducted a survey designed to classify Americans into different groups of technology users. We developed our typology along three dimensions of people’s relationship to information and communications technology."
Creator(s): John B. Horrigan, Pew Internet & American Life Project | Date Published: 2007-05-07

Studies & Reports

Internet traffic prioritisation: an overview

"The study provides background for national debates by examining the role of traffic prioritisation in networks and highlighting associated policy and regulatory issues."
Creator(s): OECD | Date Published: 2007-04-23

Studies & Reports

IFIPI:06 Digital Music Report

"Two years ago, few could have predicted the extraordinary growth we have seen in the digital music business. Some 420 million single tracks were downloaded in 2005, up more than twenty times on two years ago."
Creator(s): International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI) | Date Published: 2006-01-19

Studies & Reports

The Digital Review of Asia Pacific 2005-2006

"The completely updated edition of the Digital Review of Asia Pacific contains authoritative reports on how 29 economies are using ICT in business, government and civil society written by senior authors who live and work in the region. Included are three subregional chapters on the Pacific Island States, ASEAN and APEC."
Creator(s): The Digital Review of Asia Pacific | Date Published: 2005-2006

Studies & Reports

Going Mobile Slowly: How Wireline Telephone Regulation Slows Cellular Network Development

"Canada has been extraordinarily slow to roll out digital cellular networks, and ranks near the bottom of OECD nations in per capita cellular telephone subscriptions. If Canadians want a better range of cellular network services at lower cost, they should look for fresh approaches to regulation and competition at the CRTC."
Creator(s): Neil Quigley, Margaret Sanderson C.D. Howe Institute | Date Published: 2005-12-13

Studies & Reports

World Report: Towards Knowledge Societies

"Towards Knowledge Societies clearly makes the distinction between knowledge societies and the information society. While the information society is based on technological breakthroughs, knowledge societies “encompass broader social, ethical and political dimensions.” "
Creator(s): UNESCO Publishing | Date Published: 2005-11-01

Studies & Reports

Canada Online! 2004

"[A] representational survey of Canadians that provides data and analysis for ongoing research in the area of internet use and non-use patterns. The study explores the behaviour and attitudes of both users and non-users and the economic, cultural, and social implications of the internet in Canada, in comparative perspective."
Creator(s): The Canadian Internet Project | Date Published: 2005-11

Studies & Reports

Innovation in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector service industries: Results from the Survey of Innovation 2003

"The purpose of this program is to develop useful indicators of science and technology activity in Canada based on a framework that ties them together into a coherent picture."
Creator(s): Charlene Lonmo, Statistics Canada | Date Published: 2005-10-25

Studies & Reports

The Global Cultural Commons after Cancun: Identity, Diversity and Citizenship

"Thanks to new information technologies, movies, television programs and music are consumed by a worldwide audience. Magazines, books and newspapers are sold around the globe. Many experts are rethinking the challenges posed by cultural diversity, as research continues to show that in a hyper-democratic age, technology diffuses power downwards and towards the margins"
Creator(s): Daniel Drache ( and Marc D. Froese | Date Published: 2005-06

Studies & Reports

Rapport au ministre de la culture et de la communication sur l’accès aux œuvres numériques conservées par les bibliothèques publiques (available in French only)

« La révolution numérique... ne touche pas seulement à l’accès à l’information; elle concerne aussi sa production et sa conservation. »
Creator(s): François Stasse | Date Published: 2005-04

Studies & Reports

Études des solutions de filtrage des échanges de musique sur internet dans le domaine du peer-to-peer (available in French only)

« Le Ministre de la Culture et de la Communication, le Ministre délégué à l’Industrie et le Ministre délégué à la Recherche ont nommé deux experts, Gilles Kahn, président de l’Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique (INRIA) et Antoine Brugidou, responsable des activités Service Public au sein de la société de conseil et ingénierie Accenture. »
Creator(s): A. Brugidou, G. Kahn | Date Published: 2005-03-10

Studies & Reports

Towards Knowledge Societies

"Does the aim of building knowledge societies make any sense when history and anthropology teach us that since ancient times, all societies have probably been, each in its own way, knowledge societies?"
Creator(s): UNESCO | Date Published: 2005

Studies & Reports

The Digital Divide to Digital Opportunities: Measuring Infostates for Development

"The compilation of statistics and analysis of trends have accelerated recently with increased focus around the world on ICTs and the recognition that ICTs are an effective tool for social development and economic growth."
Creator(s): George Sciadas, Editor | Date Published: 2005

Studies & Reports

Measuring Linguistic Diversity on the Internet: World Summint on the Information Society

"UNESCO has been emphasizing the concept of “knowledge societies”, which stresses plurality and diversity instead of a global uniformity in order to bridge the digital divide and to form an inclusive information society."
Creator(s): UNESCO Publishing | Date Published: 2005

Studies & Reports

the CARDICIS project

"The general mission of the second phase of the CARDICIS project is "to follow up, to make concrete and to extend the first efforts to the people of civil society with a key role in the field of ICT4D, as well as to those of particularly relevant international organisations"
Creator(s): Information Society and Cultural Diversity at the Caribbean | Date Published: 2003-2005

Studies & Reports

Combating Hate on the Internet: An International Comparative Overview

"This study provides an international comparative overview of existing and emerging government."
Creator(s): Heather De Santis | Date Published: 2003-03-27

Studies & Reports

Seeking Community on the Internet: Ethnocultural Use of Information Communication Technology

"This research brief is principally concerned with the personal and cultural linkages that arise from the use of the Internet."
Creator(s): Amanda Aizlewood & Maureen Doody | Date Published: 2002-07-01

Studies & Reports

Rapport : La diffusion numérique du patrimoine, dimension de la politique culturelle (available in French only)

« ... dans le contexte de l'avènement de la société de l'information, quels contenus patrimoniaux numérisés le ministère de la culture doit-il diffuser gratuitement sur internet? Quelles doivent être ses relations avec les éditeurs privés souhaitant exploiter ces contenus? Quelle organisation doit-il se donner dans ce domaine? »
Creator(s): Bruno Ory-Lavollée | Date Published: 2002-01

Studies & Reports

Digital Collections, Digital Libraries and the Digitization of Cultural Heritage Information

"This paper is based on the transcript of a largely extemporaneous keynote address given at the Web-Wise 2002 Conference on March 20, 2002 at Johns Hopkins University."
Creator(s): Clifford Lynch | Date Published: 2002

Studies & Reports

Study on mechanisms to promote the development and distribution of Canadian multimedia and other new media content and services executive summary

"This study was commissioned by Industry Canada, Canadian Heritage and the CRTC. The objectives of the Study (as required by the Terms of Reference) were to provide a profile of the Canadian new media industry (including identifying the strengths and weaknesses) and to recommend policy mechanisms to promote the industry."
Creator(s): Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 1998-03-31

Studies & Reports

Government Reponses to the Information Society: A Comparative Profile of 6 Asian Countries

"The primary aim of the report is to provide an overview of the general policy approach to the information society."
Creator(s): Sandra Smeltzer | Date Published: 1997-10-01

Studies & Reports

The Multimedia Industry in Canada: An Analysis of Development Options

"The Department of Canadian Heritage gave the SECOR Group a mandate to study various support mechanisms to the multimedia industry in Canada. This request reflects the Department’s interest in a sector of activity that is both very promising from an economic and job-creation point of view and unavoidable as a new product and method of cultural dissemination."
Creator(s): Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 1997

Studies & Reports

Les médias de service public dans la société de l’information (available in French only)

« Si ce rapport ne présente pas de réponses tranchées sur tous les aspects abordés, cette faiblesse sera je l’espère compensée par la richesse des questions, souvent complexes et provocantes, qui y sont posées. »
Creator(s): Conseil de l’Europe | Date Published: 02-06

Projects & Programs

Projects & Programs

CASPAR Digital Preservation User Community

"How can digitally encoded information still be understood and used in the future when the software, systems and everyday knowledge will have changed? This is the challenge of CASPAR."
Lead Managing Organization: CASPAR (Cultural, Artistic and Scientific knowledge for Preservation, Access and Retrieval) | Start Date: 2006

Projects & Programs

Technoprudence or Technotyranny: The Challenges of Online Regulation

"how best to govern privacy, free speech and personal safety on-line."
Lead Managing Organization: University of Ottawa | Start Date: 2005

General Reference

General Reference

" is a unique online information source on contemporary international artists from all fields. Knowledge and information of international arts from several leading European cultural institutions are linked under"
Creator(s): | Date Published: ?

General Reference

Canadian Cultural Web Directory

"It is the nucleus of a communication model that presents a level playing field of visibility and access for Canada's arts and cultural web complex."
Creator(s): The Canadian Cultural Web Directory | Date Published: ?

General Reference

EServer Cultural Studies and Critical Theory Collection

"Cultural studies and critical theory combine sociology, literary theory, film/video studies, and cultural anthropology to study cultural phenomena in industrial societies."
Creator(s): EServer Cultural Studies and Critical Theory Collection | Date Published: ?

General Reference

CHASS - Computing in the Humanities and Social Sciences

"This collection of on-line databases and custom built search and retrieval programs are maintained by Computing in the Humanities and Social Sciences (CHASS) at the University of Toronto."
Creator(s): University of Toronto | Date Published: 2006

General Reference

Canadian Internet Project

"The Canadian Internet Project / Projet Internet Canada (CIP) is a representational survey of Canadians that provides data and analysis for ongoing research in the area of internet use and non-use patterns. The study explores the behaviour and attitudes of both users and non-users and the economic, cultural, and social implications of the internet in Canada, in comparative perspective."
Creator(s): Canadian Internet Project | Date Published: 2006

General Reference

World Internet Project

"By the release of the second annual study there will be a national conference examining the project’s findings. Policy makers, industry leaders and others will be invited to learn about the nature and extent of the influence of PC/Internet technology and to speculate on its meaning."
Creator(s): UCLA Center for Communication Policy, NTU School of Communication Studies (Singapore), Osservatorio Internet Italia at Bocconi University in Milan (Italy) | Date Published: 2005

General Reference


"Artspages is a global partnership of rights owners and technology providers – a nexus between the arts, media and R&D; community facilitating sustainable eCommerce in the culture and content industries."
Creator(s): ArtsPages | Date Published: 2004-02-20

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Also Related

Related Materials

Studies & Reports

"Mapping the Digital Transition: What is the New Normal?"

"The Culture and Technology Round Table (Toronto, March 10, 2006) was gain a better understanding of the impact of digital technologies on Canadian society, a society that is facing considerable demographic change. The goal of the session was to draw a clear, evidence-based assessment of the "new normal" and other patterns or trends on the horizon that influence the way that Canada continues to achieve its cultural policy objectives."
Creator(s): Culture and Technology Task Force, the Canadian Cultural Observatory and the Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2006-05-09

Studies & Reports

Measuring Linguistic Diversity on the Internet

"UNESCO is calling for new ways to monitor information societies which go beyond a techno-centric view to consider the social impact of the Internet"
Creator(s): UNESCO | Date Published: 200511

Studies & Reports

Personalisation and Digital Technologies

"The logic of education systems should be reversed so that it is the system that conforms to the learner, rather than the learner to the system. This is the essence of personalisation."
Creator(s): By Hannah Green, Keri Facer and Tim Rudd, with Patrick Dillon and Peter Humphreys | Date Published: 2005-11

Studies & Reports

Aboriginal Culture in the Digital Age

"As the digital age continues to change Canada’s social, political, and economic landscapes, Aboriginal peoples are responding."
Creator(s): Marcia Nickerson, Head of the KTA Aboriginal Practice Group, and Jay Kaufman, Principal in the KTA Consulting and KTA Centre for Collaborative Governance, Aboriginal Voice | Date Published: 2005-07

Studies & Reports

UNESCO World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Action Directory: Cultural diversity and identity, linguistic diversity and local content

"Cultural and linguistic diversity, while stimulating respect for cultural identity, traditions and religions, is essential to the development of an Information Society based on the dialogue among cultures and regional and international cooperation. It is an important factor for sustainable development."
Creator(s): UNESCO World Summit on the Information Society | Date Published: 2005

Studies & Reports

Proceedings from the International Conference on New Media Research Networks March 26 - 27, 2004

"We are pleased to provide the proceedings of the Conference of New Media Research Networks, held in Charlottetown, PE March 26 - 27, 2004."
Creator(s): Arts-Netlantic | Date Published: 2004-03-26

Studies & Reports

French on the Internet: Promotion Through Innovation

"This paper reports, therefore, on the follow-up to the 19 recommendations in the Commissioner’s special study of March 2002."
Creator(s): Government of Canada | Date Published: 2004-03

Studies & Reports

From ICT to E-culture

"Advisory report on the digitalization of culture and the implications for cultural policy."
Creator(s): Netherlands Council for Culture | Date Published: 2003-06

Studies & Reports

Culture Clash - Digital Government Researchers Plumb Success and Failure of E-Government Partnerships

"Government collaborates with industry, melding strengths and resources to deliver public services that are both efficient and profitable."
Creator(s): Mack Reed | Date Published: 2002

Studies & Reports

Institutional and Capacity Issues in Developing Countries

"The study examines the institutional capacities for intellectual property policy making, administration and enforcement which exist in poor countries and the recent technical co-operation programmes which have sought to re-enforce them."
Creator(s): Tom Pengelly & Mart Leesti | Date Published: 2002

Studies & Reports

Electronic Publishing Guide to Best Practices for Canadian Publishers

"Welcome to the National Library of Canada's Best Practices Manual for online publishing. In Canada as elsewhere, the nascent field of electronic publishing is confusing and fraught with unanswered questions."
Creator(s): National Library of Canada | Date Published: 2001

Studies & Reports

Nouvelle économie, nouvelle organisation et technologies de l'information

« Nouvelle économie, nouvelle organisation et technologies de l'information. »
Creator(s): Suzanne Rivard | Date Published: 2000-03

Studies & Reports

Young Candian in a Wired World (YCWW)

"Initiated in 2000 by the Media Awareness Network (MNet), Young Canadians in a Wired World (YCWW) is the most comprehensive and wide-ranging study of its kind in Canada. The research project tracks and investigates the behaviours, attitudes, and opinions of Canadian children and youth with respect to their use of the Internet."
Creator(s): Media Awareness Network (MNet) | Date Published: 2000

Studies & Reports

Special Study: The Government of Canada and French on the Internet

"The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms establishes the equality of status of the two official languages and Part VII of the Official Languages Act confirms the responsibility of all federal departments and agencies to enhance the vitality of the official language communities."
Creator(s): The Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages | Date Published: 1999-08

Studies & Reports

Modern Technology, Identity and Culture: The South Asian Diasporas

"The primary purpose of this paper is to explore very briefly and in a broad way a relatively unchartered area: the role modern technology, particularly in transportation and communications, plays in cultural heritage and ethnic identity maintenance (or change) among specific groups, using overseas South Asian groups as a case in point."
Creator(s): Dhiru Patel, Canadian Identity Sector, Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 1999-06-01

Studies & Reports

Beyond Nationalism: Identity and Attachment in a Post-modern World

"This study identifies and describes programs and initiatives in other countries which serve to respond to the challenge of strengthening national identity."
Creator(s): Roger Butt, Terrence Cowl and Karim Karim | Date Published: 1997-04-01

Studies & Reports

Social Cohesion Research Workplan

"The cohesiveness of societies is being affected by globalization, technological and demographic pressures, the implications of which we are only beginning to understand."
Creator(s): M. Sharon Jeannotte | Date Published: 1997-03-01

Studies & Reports

The Canadian Experience in the Teaching of Official Languages

"The Symposium whose Proceedings are presented here took place under the auspices of the Department of Canadian Heritage on May 22 and 23, 1996, at the Conference Centre in Ottawa. Its title—and hence its theme—was Symposium on the Canadian Experience in the Teaching of Official Languages."
Creator(s): Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 1997

Studies & Reports

Humanities and Arts on the Information Highways: A Profile

"A national policy that encourages humanities and arts endeavors will allow for cultural heritage information to contribute toward the promises of the NII and enable the scientific and engineering communities to reap the benefits of research on humanities-driven technology problems."
Creator(s): Getty Art History Information Program (AHIP) | Date Published: 1994-09

General Reference

Culture Populaire, Connaissance et Critique (CPCC) (available in French only)

«Le CPCC se veut un lieu de recherche et de réflexion critique sur différentes facettes de la culture populaire, notamment dans ses articulations aux médias et, plus largement, aux rapports sociaux et aux relations de pouvoir qui la traversent et qu'elle informe. L'accent y est mis tant sur les pratiques et les produits culturels que sur leurs processus de production et de diffusion que de consommation et de réception.»
Creator(s): University of Montreal | Date Published: 2005

General Reference

Glossary of Intellectual Property Terms

Creator(s): Canadian Intellectual Property Office | Date Published: 2004-06-11

General Reference

Gricis, an interdisciplinary research group on communication, information and society

"Gricis, an interdisciplinary research group on communication, information and society, focuses on the position and role of information (in all its forms) and communication within the dynamics of contemporary societies."
Creator(s): Gricis, an interdisciplinary research group on communication, information and society | Date Published: 2003-11-10


Public Libraries and the Internet 2004: Survey Results and Findings

"A primary goal of the study is to provide the library community with current information that describes public library activities in the networked environment. The report summarizes findings at the library outlet system level for all questions on the survey."
Creator(s): Information Use Management and Policy Institute, College of Information, Florida State University | Date Published: 2005-06-01


International Center for New Media

"A Non Profit Organization, seated in Salzburg-Austria, working throughout the European Countries (33) and networking around the world (Africa, America, Asia)."


The Association for Progressive Communications

"A world in which all people have easy,equal and affordable access to the creative potential of ICTs to improve their lives and create more democratic and egalitarian societies"


Institute of European Media Law

"Focuses on European media law."


Inter-Society for the Electronic Arts

"ISEA is a non-profit international organization whose membership and collaborators consists of a wide range of individuals and institutions involved in the creative, theoretical and technological aspects of electronic arts."


Media Awareness Network

"MNet is a Canadian non-profit organization that has been pioneering the development of media literacy programs since its incorporation in 1996."


Banff New Media Institute

"The Banff Centre is a globally respected arts, cultural, and educational institution and conference facility."


Center for Digital Storytelling

"The Center for Digital Storytelling is a non-profit project development, training, and research organization dedicated to assisting people in using digital media to tell meaningful stories from their lives."


Development Gateway

"The Development Gateway Foundation is an enabler of development. We help improve people’s lives in developing countries by building partnerships and information systems that provide access to knowledge for development."


European Academy of Digital Media

"The European Academy of Digital Media (EADiM) provides an infrastructure for sharing and networking expertise among the nominees, winners and jurors of EUROPRIX."


International Federation of Multimedia Associations

"To promote international cooperation between multimedia associations from around the world."


Observatory of the Information Society, UNESCO

"UNESCO Observatory of the Information Society."


Canadian Technology Network

If you run a small or medium-sized technology related business in Canada, the CTN's cross-country network of advisors can provide you with access to new and innovative resources which offer integrated and coordinated service delivery."

Newsletter(s) & Bulletin(s)

DigiCULT.Info Newsletter

DigiCULT.Info Newsletter
Creator(s): DigiCULT




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GTEC Gold Medal Winner: Innovative E-Government Pilot Projects (2004)
GTEC Gold Medal Winner: Innovative E-Government Pilot Projects (2004)
ID: 9778 | Date Added: 2006-02-06 | Date Modified: 2008-01-11 Important Notices