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Arts and Youth: Canadian Youth Arts Programming and Policy
Community Arts in Rural Settings
Commentary: Community Arts in Rural Settings
Socio-economic Conditions of Visible Minorities in Canada: 1967-2017
Sustainable Communities: Culture, Creativity and Inclusiveness
October 2005
To Save a Butterfly, Must One Kill It? The Historic Places Initiative in a Rural Context
The Arts and Heritage in Rural Communities
Digital Transformations
Digital Tranformations I:
Digital Evolution and New Publishing Models
January 2007
Digital Transformations II:
Toward a New Form of Musical Culture
February 2007
The Arts and Health I: Artists on the Wards
March 2007
The Arts and Health II:
Use of the Arts in Health Professional Education
April 2007
Opportunities and Challenges in the Development of Canadian Arts and Health
Canadian Cultural Policy 101
September 2006
Cultural Policy 101: Demystifying the US Ecosystem
December 2006
Indigenous Knowledge
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All(38)Studies & Reports(15)
Legislation & Regulations(1)Project(s)(4)
General Reference(13) 
The Canadian Cultural Observatory lists publications and resources as a public service only and does not promote or endorse them in any way.



The Culture of International Business

"Intercultures Magazine is an electronic quarterly that explores international work from an intercultural perspective. Intercultures is published by the Centre for Intercultural Learning."
Creator(s): Foreign Affairs Canada | Date Published: 2005-07

Studies & Reports

Studies & Reports

Practice makes perfect. A learning framework for Intercultural Dialogue

"The paper outlines the principles emerging from this year-long process, and sets out a work programme for the period ahead. Describing itself as ‘a learning framework for Intercultural Dialogue', the Paper cautions against the misuse of this term but states positively that ‘Intercultural Dialogue can become one of the ways we talk about and address inequality and tension.'"
Creator(s): The Civil Society Platform for Intercultural Dialogue / The Rainbow Platform | Date Published: 2008-01-07

Studies & Reports

Symposium on the Role of Arts and Culture in Canadian Public Diplomacy

"At a time when public diplomacy is the subject of renewed interest on the part of the governments of many Western democracies, it is fitting to reflect upon the role that arts and culture could play in Canada's foreign policy"
Creator(s): Canadian Conference of the Arts | Date Published: 2007-11

Studies & Reports

Cultural Elements in Public Diplomacy: The Challenges of Globalization

Background paper for November 22, 2007 Symposium on The Role of Arts and Culture in Canadian Public Diplomacy
Creator(s): Guillaume Sirois, Canadian Conference of the Arts | Date Published: 2007-10

Studies & Reports

Migration in an interconnected world: New directions for action

"...the Global Commission on International Migration says the international community has failed to realize the full potential of migration and has not risen to the many opportunities and challenges it presents."
Creator(s): Global Commission on International Migration (GCIM) | Date Published: 2005-10

Studies & Reports

Summary and Main Findings from the Second World Culturelink Conference, Zagreb Croatia June 9-12, 2005

"The Second World Culturelink Conference, held in Zagreb from 9 to 12 June 2005, was attended by 150 participants from 40 countries, who represented different national and international associations, centers, cultural institutions, foundations, universities and various other organizations, or were individual Culturelink members."
Creator(s): Culturelink Network | Date Published: 2005-06-29

Studies & Reports

Study on Cultural Cooperation in Europe

"The issues of cultural cooperation in Europe dealt with in this report have a special relevance when confronting the needs of European integration, the fostering of sensitive and responsible citizenship and the implementation of Human and Cultural Rights."
Creator(s): European Union | Date Published: 2004-06-24

Studies & Reports

The Political Economy of Dissent: Global Publics After Cancun

"No one can afford to be indifferent to the profound absence of forward momentum in the world trading system. Both regional and global trade negotiations, by quite separate paths and for distinct reasons, have arrived at an impasse. Turning point is an apt phrase suggesting the presence of an array of forces pushing and pulling the present world trading system towards a new configuration with different rules, practices, ideas, and mentalities (Prestowitz, 2002; Barber, 2003). To look at the political economy of dissent through this lens helps identity the processes and behaviours that have produced the present global impasse. "
Creator(s): Daniel Drache ( | Date Published: 2004-06

Studies & Reports

Evaluation of Canada's Participation in EXPO 2000 in Hannover, Germany

"On balance, the evaluation data indicates that Canada was well-represented at EXPO 2000 and that a number of positive results were realized. Some concerns with Canada's participation in EXPO 2000 were noted."
Creator(s): Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2003-03-24

Studies & Reports

Cultural Cooperation in Europe: What Role for Foundations?

"The reason for the assignment derives from the observation that the cultural cooperation framework in Europe has been deeply affected in the last few years and is currently rapidly changing."
Creator(s): Network of European Foundations for Innovative Cooperation, Fondazione Fitzcarraldo | Date Published: 2003

Studies & Reports

Arts and Minds: Cultural Diplomacy and Cultural Tensions

"Mounting concern about America's image abroad focused new attention on the use of art and culture as a diplomatic tool. Reviving the official deployment of culture to boost receptivity to American values has been the subject of recent debate, with teh chairman of the House Committee on International Relations asking, "How is it that the country that invented Hollywood and Madison Avenue has allowed such a destructive and parodied image of itself?""
Creator(s): National Arts Journalism Program, Arts International and the Centre for Arts and Culture | Date Published: 2002-2003

Studies & Reports

Towards a Canada-United States Cultural Research Agenda

"This paper outlines recent aspects of Canada-United States cultural relations and identifies eight horizontal issues in cultural research that would benefit from more concerted bilateral consideration."
Creator(s): John Foote | Date Published: 2002-04-18

Studies & Reports

Report on Culture and Conflict Conference

"Approximately 70 participants from 22 countries and 3 international organizations (UNESCO, Council of Europe and the INCP) attended this conference on Culture and Conflict in Dubrovnik,Croatia, including Ministers of Culture and officials from INCP member and non-member countries and international cultural organizations."
Creator(s): UNESCO, Council of Europe, International Network on Cultural Policy | Date Published: 2001-03-29

Studies & Reports

Canada's Place in World Affairs

"Young Canadians traveling through Europe are usually easy to recognize. Most of them are seen hiking along with the Canadian flag, the unmistakable red maple leaf, attached to their knapsack. They know why: to be identified as a Canadian often facilitates their reception in nearly all foreign countries."
Creator(s): The Centre for Canadian Studies at Mount Allison University | Date Published: 2001

Studies & Reports

From the Information Economy to the Creative Economy: Moving Culture to the Center of International Public Policy

"The globalization of the information economy and the internationalization of cyberspace makes it imperative that concepts of culture and creativity be reassessed and repositioned at the center of public policy."
Creator(s): Shalini Venturelli | Date Published: 2000

Studies & Reports

Report on the National Policy Research Conference -- Analyzing the Trends (November 25-26, 1999)

"This Blue Plate Special is a summary of the National Policy Research Conference, held in Ottawa on November 25-26, 1999."
Creator(s): National Policy Research Conference | Date Published: 1999-12-01

Projects & Programs

Projects & Programs

Intercultural Dialogue

"This site is entirely devoted to the activities of the Council of Europe to promote intercultural dialogue on our continent, and between Europe and its neighbouring regions."
Lead Managing Organization: Council of Europe | Start Date: 2006

Projects & Programs

The Privatization of Culture Project at New York University

"Based in New York University's American Studies Program, The Privatization of Culture Project is a collaborative project with the Sociology Program at the New School for Social Research and the Center for Cultural Studies at the Graduate Center for the Ci
Lead Managing Organization: New York University | Start Date: 2000

Projects & Programs

World Culture Project

"Examine the crucial role culture, cultures, and Canadian culture are capable of playing in the world of the future."
Lead Managing Organization: D. Paul Schafer, Director | Start Date: 1989

Projects & Programs

Salzburg Culture Forum (SCF)

"The vision of the ‘Salzburg Culture Forum’ is to set standards for cultural organizations and cultural leaders that have a positive, sustainable impact on cultural development and international cultural co-operation."
Lead Managing Organization: International Center for Culture and Management (ICCM) | Start Date: 2003

General Reference

General Reference

" is Canada's leading online source for information about the social, cultural, political and economic issues and events that bind the 34 democratic countries of the western hemisphere."
Creator(s): Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade | Date Published: 2006

General Reference

Policy Resources for Culture in South East Europe

"Web site of the Policies for Culture Programme, covering cultural policy issues in South-East Europe."
Creator(s): Policies for Culture | Date Published: 2006

General Reference

CulturE-ASEF: Asia-Europe Cultural Exchange

"CulturE-ASEF is an information system in the Internet."
Creator(s): Asia Europe Foundation, Universes in Universe | Date Published: 2006

General Reference

"New Zealand Culture Online."
Creator(s): Ministry for Culture and Heritage New Zealand | Date Published: 2006

General Reference : le portail de la culture (available in French only)

« Le portail de la culture. »
Creator(s): The Ministry of Culture and Communication | Date Published: 2005-08-10

General Reference

Embassies and Foreign Missions in Canada

"Links to Embassies and Foreign Missions in Canada."
Creator(s): Publiservice | Date Published: 2005

General Reference

Belgium's French Community

"Belgium's French Community manages all of the matters allocated to it by the Constitution and the institutional reform laws, i.e. in short, matters related to the individual and using the language."
Creator(s): La Communauté française de Belgique | Date Published: 2005

General Reference

Township & Cultural Tourism in the Kingdom of the Zulu (KwaZulu-Natal)

"Only its remarkable mix of cultures matches the outstanding scenic diversity of South Africa's, Kingdom of the Zulu. African, European and Asian influences intermingle to create a uniquely South African multi-cultural society. The many-faceted heritage bequeathed by this mixture of exotic and indigenous cultures is deeply interlaced with the social and political history of the region, the country and the continent."
Creator(s): Tourism KwaZulu-Natal | Date Published: 2005

General Reference

Global Policy Forum

"Global Policy Forum monitors policy making at the United Nations, promotes accountability of global decisions, educates and mobilizes for global citizen participation, and advocates on vital issues of international peace and justice."
Creator(s): Global Policy Forum | Date Published: 2005

General Reference

Balkankult - Balkan Cultural Co-Operation

"In December 1999, artists, media practitioners, policy makers, researchers and representatives of intergovernmental organizations came together to support cultural co-operation within and beyond South East Europe (SEE). The regional participants from Slovenia to Moldavia, Croatia to Macedonia then created BalkanKult."
Creator(s): Balkankult | Date Published: 2004-05-28

General Reference

Le Centre régional d'éducation permanente et d'action culturelle (CREPAC) (available in French only)

«Le Centre régional d'éducation permanente et d'action culturelle (CREPAC) d'Aquitaine, association, regroupe les Ligues de l'enseignement des cinq départements d'Aquitaine et la Ligue française de l'enseignement et de l'éducation permanente.»
Creator(s): Le Centre régional d'éducation permanente et d'action culturelle (CREPAC) | Date Published: 2004-01-06

General Reference

Universal Forum of Cultures - Forum 2004 Barcelona - Forum Monterrey 2007

"The three central themes around which Forum Barcelona 2004 is structured—cultural diversity, sustainable development and conditions for peace—were approved at the meeting of the UNESCO General Conference held in November 1997. The overall framework for the event was thus established: the task that remained was to define a starting point for the activities that were to be carried out."
Creator(s): Barcelona City Council, the Catalan Autonomous Government, Spanish Government | Date Published: 2004

General Reference

European Cultural Foundation

"The European Cultural Foundation is an independent, non-governmental organization. It was founded to ‘promote cultural and educational activities and research of a multinational nature and European character."
Creator(s): European Cultural Foundation



Government ‘out of step’ with Canadians on foreign policy priorities: First uOttawa Ipsos-Reid Public Policy Poll

"The survey, conducted October 4-7 by Ipsos Reid, a leading public opinion research company, explored Canadians’ opinions on a number of foreign policy questions."
Creator(s): Univsersity of Ottawa and Ipsos-Reid | Date Published: 2005-10


Comparisons of Arts Funding in Selected Countries: Preliminary Findings

"This report is intended to provide some indication of where Canada might stand now compared with other countries in relation to arts funding, in particular at the national level."
Creator(s): Claire McCaughey | Date Published: 2005-10



Association pour le développement Culturel Européen et Internationale (ADCEI)

"Créée en 1998 par des professionnels des questions européennes, l’association travaille sur le térritoire de la région Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur depuis 2000. Elle est membre du Réseau national auprès de la Fondation euroméditerrannéenne Anna Lindh pour le dialogue entre les cultures et de MEDCOOP."

Legislation & Regulations

Legislation & Regulations

A Role of Pride and Influence in the World: Diplomacy

"Why Foreign Policy Matters to Canadians."
Creator(s): Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade | Date Published: 2005



Transitions Online: Culture

"Unique coverage of all of the region's 28 post-communist countries"
Creator(s): Transitions Online | Date Published: 2006


Also Related

Related Materials


Intercultural Communication

"The goal of the journal is to promote research but also education and training in the area of intercultural communication."
Creator(s): Intercultural Communication | Date Published: 2005-07


International Journal on Multicultural Societies

International journal for policy-related social science research in the field of multiculturalism, minority rights, migration and related issues
Creator(s): UNESCO | Date Published: 1998

Studies & Reports

Cultural Policy of Non-Western Countries: African Union

"The arts are not always in a prominent place on the political agenda in Africa, Latin-America and Asia. Nevertheless, an increasing number of governments recognise the importance of culture in itself and in connection to social and economic development. Part eleven in a series on cultural policy in non-Western countries."
Creator(s): The Power of Culture | Date Published: 2005-12

Studies & Reports

The Demographic Divide: What It Is and Why It Matters

"As average population growth slowed globally over the last century, the range of national demographic experiences actually widened. Growth rates have remained high in many countries such as Burkina Faso, Chad, and Iraq, while they have plummeted in others including Italy, South Korea, and Thailand."
Creator(s): Mary Mederios Kent and Carl Haub | Date Published: 2005-12

Studies & Reports

Cultural Policy of Non-Western Countries: Egypt

"The arts are not always in a prominent place on the political agenda in Africa, Latin-America and Asia. Nevertheless, an increasing number of governments recognise the importance of culture in itself and in connection to social and economic development. Part ten in a series on cultural policy in non-Western countries."
Creator(s): Inge Ruigrok, The Power of Culture | Date Published: 2005-11

Studies & Reports

Losing Canadian Culture: The Danger of Foreign Ownership of Telecom

"This paper considers the danger posed to Candian culture by foreign ownership of the telecommunications industry. These two services, culture and telecom, are being handled very differently in the international negotiations taking place through the World Trade Organization (WTO)."
Creator(s): Julie White, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) | Date Published: 2005-10-31

Studies & Reports

Cultural Policy of Non-Western Countries: Ethiopia

"The arts are not always in a prominent place on the political agenda in Africa, Latin-America and Asia. Nevertheless, an increasing number of governments recognise the importance of culture in itself and in connection to social and economic development. Part nine in a series on cultural policy in non-Western countries."
Creator(s): Inge Ruigrok, The Power of Culture | Date Published: 2005-10

Studies & Reports

Cultural Policy of Non-Western Countries: Ghana

"The arts are not always in a prominent place on the political agenda in Africa, Latin-America and Asia. Nevertheless, an increasing number of governments recognise the importance of culture in itself and in connection to social and economic development. Part eight in a series on cultural policy in non-Western countries."
Creator(s): Inge Ruigrok, The Power of Culture | Date Published: 2005-09

Studies & Reports

Cultural Policy of Non-Western Countries: South Africa

"The arts are not always in a prominent place on the political agenda in Africa, Latin-America and Asia. Nevertheless, an increasing number of governments recognise the importance of culture in itself and in connection to social and economic development. Part seven in a series on cultural policy in non-Western countries."
Creator(s): Inge Ruigrok, The Power of Culture | Date Published: 2005-08

Studies & Reports

Cultural Policy of Non-Western Countries: Uganda

"The arts are not always in a prominent place on the political agenda in Africa, Latin-America and Asia. Nevertheless, an increasing number of governments recognise the importance of culture in itself and in connection to social and economic development. Part six in a series on cultural policy in non-Western countries."
Creator(s): Inge Ruigrok, The Power of Culture | Date Published: 2005-07

Studies & Reports

Response to the On-line Discussion on the Promotion of Canadian Culture and Knowledge Abroad, June 29, 2005

"Over the last few weeks policy planners at Foreign Affairs Canada (FAC) have reviewed comments submitted by Canadians during the recent eDiscussion on Showcasing Canadian Culture and Know-how Abroad."
Creator(s): Foreign Affairs Canada | Date Published: 2005-06-29

Studies & Reports

Cultural Policy of Non-Western Countries: Tanzania

"The arts are not always in a prominent place on the political agenda in Africa, Latin-America and Asia. Nevertheless, an increasing number of governments recognise the importance of culture in itself and in connection to social and economic development. Part five in a series on cultural policy in non-Western countries."
Creator(s): Inge Ruigrok, The Power of Culture | Date Published: 2005-06

Studies & Reports

Cultural Policy of Non-Western Countries: Mozambique

"The arts are not always in a prominent place on the political agenda in Africa, Latin-America and Asia. Nevertheless, an increasing number of governments recognise the importance of culture in itself and in connection to social and economic development. Part three in a series on cultural policy in non-Western countries."
Creator(s): Inge Ruigrok, The Power of Culture | Date Published: 2005-05

Studies & Reports

Cultural Policy of Non-Western Countries: Nigeria

"The arts are not always in a prominent place on the political agenda in Africa, Latin-America and Asia. Nevertheless, an increasing number of governments recognise the importance of culture in itself and in connection to social and economic development. Part three in a series on cultural policy in non-Western countries."
Creator(s): Inge Ruigrok, The Power of Culture | Date Published: 2005-04

Studies & Reports

Cultural Policy of Non-Western Countries: Angola

"The arts are not always in a prominent place on the political agenda in Africa, Latin-America and Asia. Nevertheless, an increasing number of governments recognise the importance of culture in itself and in connection to social and economic development. Part two in a series on cultural policy in non-Western countries."
Creator(s): Inge Ruigrok, The Power of Culture | Date Published: 2005-03

Studies & Reports

Cultural Policy of Non-Western Countries: Namibia

"The arts are not always in a prominent place on the political agenda in Africa, Latin-America and Asia. Nevertheless, an increasing number of governments recognise the importance of culture in itself and in connection to social and economic development. Part one in a series on cultural policy in non-Western countries."
Creator(s): Inge Ruigrok, The Power of Culture | Date Published: 2005-02

Studies & Reports

Human Security, Sustainable and Equitable Development - Foundations for Canada's International Policy

"In the world of the 21st century, the achievement of human security through sustainable and equitable development will be increasingly fundamental to foreign policy, international peace, and global commerce. Therefore, a clear set of development objectives must underpin our international policies in all other areas—diplomacy, defence and commerce."
Creator(s): The North - South Institute (NSI) | Date Published: 2005-01

Studies & Reports

The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Cultural Policy

"In recognition of the positive or negative role that culture could play in the relationship of peoples; with the realisation of the fact that culture is itself the mark of the identity of humankind and the foundation of all human rights; and believing that it is appropriate to ensure that the cultures of the nations, nationalities and peoples of Ethiopia receive equal recognition, respect, and the chance to develop."
Creator(s): The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia | Date Published: 2005

Studies & Reports

Ministry for Culture and Heritage Statement of Intent 2005-2009

"This Statement of Intent outlines expectations of the Ministry over the next five years. It establishes the overall direction that the Ministry will take, and sets out key strategies it will adopt in order to achieve the government's priorities."
Creator(s): Ministry For Culture & Heritage (New Zealand) | Date Published: 2005

Studies & Reports

Helsinki Agenda - Strategy document on international development of new media culture policy

"The Helsinki Agenda recognizes Finland’s pioneering role in media culture and arts, and in creating open access tools and accessible mobile communication technologies (software, technology and interfaces between information technology and culture)."
Creator(s): IFACCA and the Arts Council of Finland | Date Published: 2004-08-24

Studies & Reports

Report on the Canadian Forum on Cultural Entreprise: When Culture Talks Business; January 12-14, 2004

"The Canadian Forum on Cultural Enterprise: When Culture Talks Business was held in Paris from January 12 to 14 and can already be described as a success — a multi-sector trade first for the arts and cultural sector in Canada and around the world. The Forum drew 600 participants."
Creator(s): The Canadian Forum on Cultural Entreprise | Date Published: 2004-01-12

Studies & Reports

The Culture Sector in Atlantic Canada: Its Economic Impact and Export Potential

"In Canada as in the rest of the world, it is generally recognized that culture is at the heart of social vitality and identity. In spite of this, however, decision-makers have been slow in recognizing the major impact of cultural activities on the provincial, regional, and national economies."
Creator(s): Nicole Barrieau, The Canadian Institute for Research on Regional Development | Date Published: 2004

Studies & Reports

Culture is Not a Luxury: Culture in Development and Cooperation

"This booklet about the role of culture in development and cooperation efforts was published by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). It contains background information, programme guidelines, and lessons learned, as well as project examples from Mali, Mozambique, Burkina Faso, Cuba, Nicaragua, Vietnam, India, Bangladesh, Romania, Macedonia, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan."
Creator(s): Development Gateway | Date Published: 2003-11-20

Studies & Reports

State of the World's Cities 2004/5: Globalization and Urban Culture

"This issue of The State of the World’s Cities report examines the cultural impact of globalization on cities – on how they are governed and planned, on the make-up and density of their population, and on their cultures and economies."
Creator(s): UN-HABITAT | Date Published: 2003

Studies & Reports

Globalization and Cultural Diplomacy

"Culture can be the glue that binds civil societies; it can provide for the common assumptions which undergird markets, laws and regulations. Conversely, cultural divisions can tear a society apart, and make its markets, laws and regulations unworkable, at least in part."
Creator(s): Harvey B. Feigenbaum | Date Published: 2001-11

Studies & Reports

Cultural Exports: Their Relative Contribution to the Arts and Cultural Sector and the Canadian Economy

"This paper assesses the role and contribution of cultural exporting activities to the Canadian economy, looking at traditional exports (commodities, services and intellectual property) and from foreign tourism expenditures attributable to the arts and cultural infrastructure."
Creator(s): Luc Perron | Date Published: 2001-06-01

Studies & Reports

Entering the Tribal and Acoustic World - Globally

"This paper explores the cultural policy implications."
Creator(s): Michael Cross | Date Published: 2001-04-01

Studies & Reports

UNESCO Summary Report Ministerial Round Table - December 11 And 12, 2000 Paris, France

"UNESCO's Round Table on December 11 and 12, 2000 brought over 55 Ministers of Culture together to discuss "Cultural Diversity: Challenges to the Marketplace."
Creator(s): UNESCO | Date Published: 2000-12-11

Studies & Reports

Multiculturalism: a dialogue in process - The Greek and Canadian Paradigm, A Symposium on Canadian Multiculturalism

"The Symposium entitled Multiculturalism: a dialogue in process - the Greek and Canadian paradigm took place at the History Centre of Thessaloniki, November 8-10, 2000."
Creator(s): Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, the Municipality of Thessaloniki and the Canadian Embassy, with support from the Hellenic Ministry of Culture and DFAIT | Date Published: 2000-11-08

Studies & Reports

Do Borders Matter for Social Capital? Economic Growth and Civic Culture in U.S. States and Canadian Provinces

"This paper extends to North America the analysis in Helliwell and Putnam (1995) linking regional growth and social capital in Italian regions."
Creator(s): John F. Helliwell | Date Published: 2000-06-01

Studies & Reports

A review of the Canadian Television Fund and its impact on the industry and economy: final report

"KPMG Consulting LP, Peter Fleming Consulting and Wall Communications Inc. undertook an evaluation of the Canadian Television Fund (CTF), on behalf of Canadian Heritage, to determine the extent to which the Fund met its stated objectives."
Creator(s): KPMG Consulting LP, Peter Fleming Consulting and Wall Communications Inc. | Date Published: 2000-03-23

Studies & Reports

Team Canada Inc Business Plan 2000-2003

"Canada has long been a trading nation. A rich natural resource base and proximity to the world’s leading economic power have necessitated this traditional reliance on trade. Globalization has only intensified it."
Creator(s): Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2000

Studies & Reports

Cultural Exemptions in Canada's Major International Trade Agreements and Investment Relationships [In Brief]

"Canada has joined the global economy by signing a number of international trade agreements. These agreements include certain cultural provisions allowing Canada to continue to support its domestic cultural industries. For example, the cultural industries were exempted from the provisions of the Canada-United States Free Trade Agreement (FTA)."
Creator(s): Parlimentary Research Branch | Date Published: 1999-10-12

Studies & Reports

Linguistic and Cultural Diversity in the Context of Economic Integration of the Americas

"The interpenetration of cultures through communications networks and freer trade presents Canada with both risks and opportunities. The strong cultural presence of the United States in Canada has always set us a challenge, one that we have met by taking linguistic multicultural and cultural measures that have contributed to the preservation of our linguistic and cultural diversity."
Creator(s): Parlimentary Research Branch | Date Published: 1997-08

Studies & Reports

Beyond Nationalism: Identity and Attachment in a Post-modern World

"This study identifies and describes programs and initiatives in other countries which serve to respond to the challenge of strengthening national identity."
Creator(s): Roger Butt, Terrence Cowl and Karim Karim | Date Published: 1997-04-01

Studies & Reports

Social Cohesion Research Workplan

"The cohesiveness of societies is being affected by globalization, technological and demographic pressures, the implications of which we are only beginning to understand."
Creator(s): M. Sharon Jeannotte | Date Published: 1997-03-01

Studies & Reports

Cultural Policy: an International comparative

"This study provides an outline of some of the major cultural policy issues facing several countries abroad, although not a comprehensive review."
Creator(s): Terrence Cowl | Date Published: 1997-02-21

Studies & Reports

International Comparative Review of Citizenship and Identity Youth Policies & Programming

"The research has demonstrated a trend toward a focus on young people as a major target group for public policy."
Creator(s): Roger Butt and Barbara Motzney | Date Published: 1994-09-30

Projects & Programs

Creative America

"There are 38 million people working in the Creative Economy in the United States. We want the next President to recognize, nourish and celebrate creativity in America."
Lead Managing Organization: Creative America | Start Date: 2006

General Reference (available in French only)

« Un site pour s’informer sur les démarches et la réglementation applicables lorsque l’on accueille des professionnels étrangers. »
Creator(s): Centre d'Aide à la Gestion des Entreprises culturelles | Date Published: 2007

General Reference


"Mission: Providing the European Union with a high-quality statistical information service."
Creator(s): Eurostat | Date Published: 2006-02-14

General Reference

European Culture Portal

"The Member States of the European Union set themselves the goal of creating an ever-closer union between the peoples of Europe. This process of integration, which was in the past linked to economics and trade (the single market and the single currency), has for some years now been developed on a wider basis, allowing culture to play a full part in strengthening a sense of a shared belonging to Europe."
Creator(s): European Commission | Date Published: 2006

General Reference

Eldis Intellectual Property Rights Resource Guide

"Global gateway on development issues with free access also to intellectual property rights news and resources."
Creator(s): Eldis Intellectual Property Rights Resource Guide | Date Published: 2006

General Reference

Population Reference Bureau

"The Population Reference Bureau informs people around the world about population, health, and the environment, and empowers them to use that information to advance the well-being of current and future generations."
Creator(s): Population Reference Bureau | Date Published: 2005

General Reference

Africinfo, Cultural Diary for Africa

" is the website for the RICAFE network (cultural information network in Africa and Europe) that aims to solve problems with the distribution of cultural information."
Creator(s): Africinfo, Cultural Diary for Africa | Date Published: 2005

General Reference


"A resource centre for corporate sponsors, executives, fundraisers, media representatives, students and the wider community."
Creator(s): Admical | Date Published: 2004-06-16

General Reference

CultureNet Denmark

"CultureNet Denmark is a portal to Danish culture on the Internet. It features a Culture Guide to Danish cultural institutions, 'CultureNews' containing news articles and e-says, and a daily updated Calendar of activities and events."
Creator(s): CultureNet Denmark | Date Published: 2004-04-21

General Reference

Bibliography for Cultural Policies and Development

"The following bibliography presents a list of 466 works, published between 1989 and 1998, by UNESCO or with the support of UNESCO, in the fields of cultural policies, cultural development and culture and development."
Creator(s): United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) | Date Published: 2004-02-04

General Reference

ISMIR 2004: 5th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval

"The annual ISMIR Conference is the first established international forum for those involved in work on accessing digital musical materials."
Creator(s): Audiovisual Institute, Universitat Pompeu Fabra | Date Published: 2004

General Reference

"Informa Law, publishers of Trademark World, Patent World and Copyright World, have created The IP Think Tank as a tool to resolve specific problems emerging in the world of intellectual property."
Creator(s): Iforma Law | Date Published: 2004

General Reference

Arts & Cultural Industries - Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade

"As part of its International Cultural Relations Program, the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade provides support to the cultural sector through its grant program and its business development program."
Creator(s): Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade | Date Published: 2003-11-10

General Reference

Culture and Recreation Portal Homepage

"The Culture and Recreation Portal provides access to online services and information in the fields of culture and recreation, from all levels of government and the non-government sector. We provide access and search facilities for over 2,600 Australian sites."
Creator(s): Australian Government Department of Communications, Information Technology and the Arts | Date Published: 2003-11-03


Global Education Digest 2005 - Comparing Education Statistics Across the World

"The Global Education Digest 2005 presents a wide range of comparable education indicators. They can be used to assess progress towards the Education for All and Millennium Development Goals. These cross-national indicators can also be used to benchmark the performance of one’s own educational system to those in other countries."
Creator(s): UNESCO | Date Published: 2005-06


International Trade Data Online (available in French only)

« International Trade Data Online provides the ability to generate customized reports on Canada's and Québec's trade with over 200 countries. »
Creator(s): Institut de la statistique Québec | Date Published: 2005


Measuring Globalization: Globalization of the Economy, Politics, Culture, Law

"[I]ncreasing interconnectedness is readily apparent in a host of economic, demographic, technological, and cultural changes. The data below track concrete global linkages that, in sum, begin to trace the more general phenomenon."
Creator(s): Global Policy Forum | Date Published: 2003-07


International Trade

"Cultural Sector's Economic Contribution to Canada - International Trade."
Creator(s): Department of Canadian Heritage, Strategic Research and Analysis | Date Published: 2002-06


Social Cohesion

"Given the events of September 11th, it was expected that there might have been a shift in social cohesion in Canada. This current research intends to use questions and data from previous research waves to track any recent changes in opinion that may have occurred."
Creator(s): Environics Research Group Ltd. Prepared for Canadian Heritage, Citizenship and Immigration Canada and Communication Canada | Date Published: 2002-03-01


Pro Cultural Foundation

""We would like to underline the importance of constant monitoring of dependencies between - culture - cultural policies - civil society. The shape of the contemporary civil society to a high extent depends on the cultural environment of the citizens and is beneficial for the social cohesion."


The Arab League Educational Cultural and Scientific Organization

"ALECSO is a specialized Arab organization, established by the League of Arab States. Its primary responsibility is the promotion and co-ordination of educational, cultural and scientific activities at the regional and national levels in the Arab world."


AMCHAM Intellectual Property Committee

"AMCHAM EU is the key organization representing the view of American companies committed to Europe, and often deals with intellectual property issues."


Council of Europe Portal

"Any European state can become a member of the Council of Europe provided it accepts the principle of the rule of law and guarantees human rights and fundamental freedoms to everyone under its jurisdiction."


Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)

"CIDA supports sustainable development in developing countries in order to reduce poverty and to contribute to a more secure, equitable and prosperous world."



"Culturekiosque does for the Web what the European luxury sedan did for the Autobahn and the Interstate: bring the best European refinement and taste to an audience hungry for something more than the basics. It has a tightly focused mission: to cover culture in all its depth and breadth around the world with news, commentary and information on the arts, culture and entertainment in North America, Europe and beyond."


Culture - Ministère des affaires étrangères

"Essentially, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is the state’s instrument of sovereignty outside its borders, which is why it is described as “noble” but its original task, “classic” diplomacy developed and metamorphosed in the 20th century."


Foreign Affairs Canada (FAC)

"Foreign Affairs Canada (FAC) supports Canadians abroad, works towards a more peaceful and secure world, and promotes our culture and values internationally."


Arts and Culture

"From internationally recognised artists, actors, filmmakers, musicians and performers, to collections of cultural significance, Australia's artists and cultural institutions continue to make their mark on the world stage."


Orbicom: The International Network of UNESCO Chairs in Communications

"Orbicom's Network underscores its multinational, multisectorial and multilingual approach, and includes expertise in seven key areas. Communications and international development which include international aid policies, decision-making processes, and cross- cultural communications issues."


Academic Council on the United Nations System (ACUNS)

"The Academic Council on the United Nations System (ACUNS) was founded in June, 1987, at a conference at Dartmouth College. The purpose was to create a new organization to stimulate and support research and teaching on the role of the United Nations system in international relations."


Arab World Insititute

"The Arab World Institute is a place of culture that is the fruit of a partnership between France and twenty-two Arab countries : Algeria, Saoudi Arabia, Bahrain, Comores, Djibouti, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Iraq, Jordan, Kowait, Lebanon, Libya, Marocco, Mauritania, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia and Yemen."


The Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF)

"The Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) seeks to promote better mutual understanding between the peoples of Asia and Europe through greater intellectual, cultural, and people-to-people exchanges."


Association for Cultural Economics International

"The Association for Cultural Economics International (ACEI) is a scientific society that includes academic scholars, government officials, foundation officials, managers of arts and cultural organizations and artists, united in their interest in furthering understanding of the economic aspects of the arts and culture in their own countries and throughout the world. It holds international research conferences every two years, sponsors small conferences, workshops, and sessions ..."


Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada

"The Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada is the voice of Canada's universities"


The Inter-American Committee on Culture (CIC)

"The CIC is a Committee of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI) of the OAS. Its creation was approved in the First Inter-American Meeting of Ministers of Culture and Highest Appropriate Authorities, celebrated in Cartagena de Indias in July, 2002."


International Forum for Cultural Policy

"The International Forum for Cultural Policy seeks to unite scholars and professionals from around the world dedicated to the study or implementation of cultural policy."


International Society for Third-Sector Research (ISTR)

"The International Society for Third-Sector Research (ISTR) is a major international association promoting research and education in the fields of philanthropy, civil society and the nonprofit sector."


The Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

"The Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization -ISESCO- was set up upon the adoption of its Statute by the Eleventh Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers, meeting in Islamabad, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, in May 1980."


Ministère des Relations internationales du Québec

"The Ministère des Relations internationales (MRI) directs the government's international involvement in such a way as to promote and defend Québec's interests and values."


Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

"The OECD groups 30 member countries sharing a commitment to democratic government and the market economy. With active relationships with some 70 other countries, NGOs and civil society, it has a global reach."


Office of Cultural Affairs from the Organization of American States (OAS)

"The Organization of American States on-line cultural service contains information on the availability of publications, studies and reports produced by cultural policy researchers."


Society for Economic Research on Copyright Issues

"The Society for Economic Research on Copyright Issues aims to actively promote and distribute internationally quality academic research relating economic theory with all aspects of copyright and intellectual property of a cultural nature."


UK-South East Europe Forum

"The UK-SouthEastEurope Forum aims to build alliances between the next generation of leaders from the UK and the countries in South East Europe, and within South East Europe itself."


Embassies and Consulates

"The Web sites of our embassies, consulates and high commissions abroad are listed below. Please note, this list only represents those offices with their own Web site."


World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)

"The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is an international organization dedicated to helping to ensure that the rights of creators and owners of intellectual property are protected worldwide and that inventors and authors are, thus, recognized and rewarded for their ingenuity."


World Trade Organization (WTO)

"The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the only global international organization dealing with the rules of trade between nations. At its heart are the WTO agreements, negotiated and signed by the bulk of the world’s trading nations and ratified in their parliaments. The goal is to help producers of goods and services, exporters, and importers conduct their business."


The Budapest Observatory

"To be of help for those who want to know more about the conditions (finances, legislation, governance, policies) of cultural life (cultural activities, products and organisations) in east-central European countries."


United Nations Economic and Social Council

"Under the UN Charter, ECOSOC is responsible for promoting higher standards of living, full employment, and economic and social progress; identifying solutions to international economic, social and health problems; facilitating international cultural and educational cooperation; and encouraging universal respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms."


Youth Canada Association (YOUCAN)

"YOUCAN is an organization focused on youth-led initiatives in non-violent conflict resolution and violence prevention, both nationally and internationally."


Canadian Institute of International Affairs

"[P]roviding Canadians with a non-partisan nation-wide forum for discussion, analysis and debate of international affairs."


Office franco-québécois pour la jeunesse

« L'Office Franco-Québécois pour la Jeunesse, créé en vertu du Protocole relatif aux échanges entre la France et le Québec en matière d'éducation physique, de sports et d'éducation populaire pris en application de l'entente franco-québécoise du 27 février 1965 sur un programme d'échanges et de coopération dans le domaine de l'éducation, signé le 9 février 1968, est régi par le présent Protocole. »


Relais Culture Europe

« Le Relais Culture Europe, est le Point de Contact Culture en France. Son rôle : informer les professionnels du secteur des arts et du patrimoine sur les dispositifs communautaires en faveur de la culture. »

Legislation & Regulations

International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights - Fifth Report of Canada Covering the period September 1999 – December 2004

"It was prepared in close collaboration by the federal, provincial and territorial governments and describes significant measures and initiatives taken by these governments with respect to the Covenant during this period."
Creator(s): Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2005-12-15

Legislation & Regulations

Cultural Property Export and Import Act

"An Act respecting the export from Canada of cultural property and the import into Canada of cultural property illegally exported from foreign states."
Creator(s): Department of Justice Canada | Date Published: 2005-08-09

Legislation & Regulations

A Role of Pride and Influence in the World: Commerce

"This document analyses the challenges and opportunities in the emerging globalized economy, and sets out both the broad strategies and specific short term actions that are being taken or are planned in response."
Creator(s): Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade | Date Published: 2005

Legislation & Regulations

A Role of Pride and Influence in the World : Development

"This paper outlines a strategy for maximizing the contribution made by Canada and Canadians toward a world which is safer, healthier, more prosperous and more equitable..."
Creator(s): Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) | Date Published: 2005

Legislation & Regulations

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

"Adopted and proclaimed by the UN general Assembly on December 10, 1948."
Creator(s): United Nations | Date Published: 2003-11-26

Legislation & Regulations

Canada's Fourth Report on the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights covering the period January 1990 - December 1994

"The present report outlines measures adopted in Canada from 1990 to 1994 to implement the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and relevant case law, with occasional references to developments of special interest since that time."
Creator(s): Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 1997




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GTEC Gold Medal Winner: Innovative E-Government Pilot Projects (2004)
ID: 9805 | Date Added: 2006-02-06 | Date Modified: 2008-03-05 Important Notices