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All(20)Studies & Reports(18)
Organization(s)(1)General Reference(1)

Studies & Reports

Studies & Reports

Total Music Sales See Slight Lift in 2006, Thanks to Downloads

"Digital downloads helped give a slight lift to total U.S. music sales in 2006, despite the fact that album sales continued to drop."
Creator(s): CBC Arts | Date Published: 2007-02-06

Studies & Reports

Canadian Music Creators Coalition Congratulates Industry on Unparalled Growth in Electronic Music Sales

"Impressive sales numbers leave Canadian musicians asking: “Why sue our fans?”"
Creator(s): Canadian Music Creators Coalition | Date Published: 2007-01-30

Studies & Reports

CMCC Congratulates Industry on Unparalleled Growth in Electronic Music Sales

"Impressive sales numbers leave Canadian musicians asking: “Why sue our fans?”"
Creator(s): Canadian Music Creators Coalition | Date Published: 2007-01-30

Studies & Reports

IFPI Publishes Digital Music Report 2007

"Record labels have become digitally literate companies, selling an estimated US$2 billion worth of music online or through mobile phones in 2006 (trade revenues), almost doubling the market in the last year."
Creator(s): IFPI | Date Published: 2007-01-17

Studies & Reports

Music mogul wants to change how music is sold

"Terry McBride isn't interested in selling CDs despite having some of the world's biggest musicians on his roster."
Creator(s): Elianna Lev, Canadian Press | Date Published: 2006-11-30

Studies & Reports

A Barenaked Way of Embracing Technology

"With some people calling them the most Internet-savvy band in the world, the Barenaked Ladies are constantly looking for new ways to connect with their fans, and to make being a fan of the band more of an interactive experience than a one-way exchange."
Creator(s): Geoff Martin, | Date Published: 2006-09-22

Studies & Reports

No Suit Required

"Terry McBride has a maverick approach to music management: Take care of the fans and the bands, and the business will take care of itself."
Creator(s): Jeff Howe, Wired | Date Published: 2006-09

Studies & Reports

A Barenaked guide to music copyright reform

"The Canadian music scene has been riding a remarkable wave in recent months, with packed clubs, breakout artists, and international acclaim. While that success has garnered considerable attention, last week a group of well-known Canadian musicians took centre stage for another reason."
Creator(s): Steven Page, National Post | Date Published: 2006-05-01

Studies & Reports

Iconic Designs: The Apple iPod

"The iPod branded by Apple is the first cultural consumer icon of the twenty-first century; it represents a perfect marriage between aesthetics and functionality, of sound and touch - the auditory world in the palm of the hand."
Creator(s): Michael Bull | Date Published: 2006-03

Studies & Reports

Should music be free?: Artists discuss the pros and cons of sharing music online

"The single biggest issue facing the music industry these days is downloading and file-sharing. But consumers – armed with MP3 players, iPods and computers that can copy CDs in a matter of minutes – are being left to make moral decisions because of mixed messages from the people who make and market music."
Creator(s): John Kennedy, | Date Published: 2006

Studies & Reports

The MP3 as Cultural Artifact

"The mp3 lies at the center of important debates around intellectual property and file-sharing, but it is also a cultural artifact in its own right."
Creator(s): Johnathan Sterne, McGill University | Date Published: 2006

Studies & Reports

RIAA, MPAA sue students downloading files over Internet2

"The recording and movie industry associations zeroed in on Internet2 this week, filing lawsuits against hundreds of students from 18 colleges across the country, alleging they illegally downloaded and swapped music and movie files using the high-speed network."
Creator(s): InfoWorld | Date Published: 2005-04-14

Studies & Reports

The Government of Canada Announces Upcoming Amendments to the Copyright Act

"Today, the Government also tabled its Response to the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage with respect to its May 2004 Interim Report on Copyright Reform. The Response includes the Government’s statement."
Creator(s): Industry Canada | Date Published: 2005-03-24

Studies & Reports

Legal downloading on the rise in Canada, but file-swapping still a problem

"A report released in London, UK, today indicates a phenomenal surge in the online digital marketplace in Europe and the US. Unfortunately, Canada lags behind other industrialized countries when it comes to the business of online music sales, reports the Canadian Recording Industry Association (CRIA)."
Creator(s): Canadian Recording Industry Association | Date Published: 2005-01-19

Studies & Reports

Bull Session With Professor IPod

"Lecturer Dr. Michael Bull is "the world's leading -- perhaps only -- expert on the social impact of personal stereo devices," according to The New York Times. "
Creator(s): Leander Kahney, Wired | Date Published: 2004-25

Studies & Reports

Sample the Future

"By nature, musicians are thieves. Nicking a bit of this song and a lick from that one, shaping their style on the riffs of those who came before, musicians are experts in the art of acquisition."
Creator(s): Thonas Goetz, Wired | Date Published: 2004-11

Studies & Reports

MPAA, RIAA Sue File-sharers

"It was only a matter of time for the commencement of litigation some call "Napster: Part 2.""
Creator(s): | Date Published: 2001-10-03

Studies & Reports

Music: Intellectual Property's Canary in the Digital Age Coal Mine

In The Digital Dilemma: Intellectual Property in the Information Age p. 76-95
Creator(s): National Research Council (U.S.A.) | Date Published: 2000

General Reference

General Reference

Internet Underground Music Archive (IUMA)

Creator(s): Wikipedia | Date Published: 2007



Canadian Music Creators Coalition (CMCC)

"We are a growing coalition of Canadian music creators who share the common goal of having our voices heard about the laws and policies that affect our livelihoods. We are the people who actually create Canadian music. Without us, there would be no music for copyright laws to protect."


Also Related

Related Materials

Studies & Reports

The Recording Industry 2006 Piracy Report

"Protecting Creativity in Music."
Creator(s): International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI) | Date Published: 2007-02-07

Studies & Reports

IFIPI:07 Digital Music Report

"Record labels have become digitally literate companies, selling an estimated US$2 billion worth of music online or through mobile phones in 2006 (trade revenues), almost doubling the market in the last year."
Creator(s): International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI) | Date Published: 2007-01-17

Studies & Reports

The Music Distribution Industry in Canada 2006

"This report has been prepared by Larry LeBlanc for the Canadian Association of Broadcasters."
Creator(s): Larry LeBlanc | Date Published: 2006-02

General Reference

Bibliography: In Focus Digital Transfomations

Digital Transformations
Creator(s): Knowledge Centre, Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2007-01-11

General Reference

Issues: Canadian Recording Industry Association

Creator(s): Canadian Recording Industry Association | Date Published: 2006

General Reference

Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic

"The Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic (CIPPIC) was established in fall of 2003 at the University of Ottawa, Faculty of Law, Common Law Section."
Creator(s): University of Ottawa


Creative Commons

"Creative Commons provides free tools that let authors, scientists, artists, and educators easily mark their creative work with the freedoms they want it to carry. You can use CC to change your copyright terms from "All Rights Reserved" to "Some Rights Reserved.""


Canada Music Fund

"Music is the soundtrack of our lives. In the background and the foreground of our daily activities are the songs, singers, composers and musicians that punctuate our passage from childhood to adulthood and which shape our understanding of the world around us."


International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI)

"Representing the recording industry worldwide."


CRIA (Canadian Recording Industry Association)

"The Canadian Recording Industry Association (CRIA) is a non-profit trade organization that was founded in 1964 to represent the interests of Canadian companies that create, manufacture and market sound recordings."


Future of Music Coalition

"The Future of Music Coalition is a not-for-profit collaboration between members of the music, technology, public policy and intellectual property law communities."


FACTOR, The Foundation to Assist Canadian Talent on Records

FACTOR, The Foundation to Assist Canadian Talent on Records."




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GTEC Gold Medal Winner: Innovative E-Government Pilot Projects (2004)
ID: 12992 | Date Added: 2007-02-20 | Date Modified: 2007-03-09 Important Notices