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Socio-economic Conditions of Visible Minorities in Canada: 1967-2017
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To Save a Butterfly, Must One Kill It? The Historic Places Initiative in a Rural Context
The Arts and Heritage in Rural Communities
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January 2007
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Toward a New Form of Musical Culture
February 2007
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March 2007
The Arts and Health II:
Use of the Arts in Health Professional Education
April 2007
Opportunities and Challenges in the Development of Canadian Arts and Health
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Cultural Policy 101: Demystifying the US Ecosystem
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All(44)Studies & Reports(33)
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The Canadian Cultural Observatory lists publications and resources as a public service only and does not promote or endorse them in any way.

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Studies & Reports

Studies & Reports

International Measurement of the Economic and Social Importance of Culture

Final Report
Creator(s): Statistics Directorate, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development | Date Published: 2007-03-31

Studies & Reports

Papers from the OECD Workshop on the International Measurement of Culture, Paris, December 4-5, 2006

"This new OECD project will provide an approach to measuring the economic and social importance of culture and will deliver initial quantitative estimates of these measures. The project will also explore the linkages between culture and well-being. An international workshop is planned for December 2006."
Creator(s): OECD | Date Published: 2006-12

Studies & Reports

Sunshine Coast, British Columbia Regional Cultural Scan

"This report contains the completed findings of the Sunshine Coast Regional Cultural Scan. It was a delight to travel along the Coast, speaking to so many of the people who play an important role in the Coast’s vibrant cultural community. The ‘arts’ truly do interpret and enhance the Sunshine Coast’s ‘sense of place,’ as the work of individuals and organisations builds a collective, cultural “hum” of energy."
Creator(s): Grant Thornton and the Sunshine Coast Regional District (BC) | Date Published: 2006-06-30

Studies & Reports

City Indicators: Now to Nanjing

"The last 200 years of civilization are largely defined by our disparate visions of cities."
Creator(s): World Bank | Date Published: 2006-06

Studies & Reports

Evaluation Framework for Federal Investment in the Social Economy: A Discussion Paper

"The report discusses the nature of the social economy, identifies issues and challenges involved in evaluating its activities and proposes a learning-oriented approach to its evaluation. The paper also presents a logic model for conceptualizing the work of the social economy, including the broad societal objectives it seeks to achieve, major types of investment and support to sustain this activity, and results for households, organizations, communities and the social economy sector as a whole. "
Creator(s): Eric Leviten-Reid, Sherri Torjman | Date Published: 2006-01

Studies & Reports

Deliberative Cultural Policy Practices

"Cultural Policy in the U.S. context is best understood as a system of arrangements that effects the allocation of resources and the articulation of value. As an advocate for artist-centered and ethnic-specific cultural practices, I am mindful of this arrangement, especially the politics of participation at work within it, tied as they may be to aesthetic judgments, administrative practices, and policy research."
Creator(s): Roberto Bedoya | Date Published: 2005-12

Studies & Reports

Making Exact Change: How U.S. arts-based programs have made a signficant and sustained impact on their communities

"In the fall of 2004, API approached the Center for the Study of Art & Community (CSA&C;) for assistance with the proposed research. This study was undertaken to help the growing but largely disconnected community arts field learn from its most venerable and successful colleagues. Its focus is exemplary arts-based programs that have had a significant and sustained positive impact on their communities. For the purposes of this inquiry “significant and sustained positive impact” is defined as change leading to the long-term advancement of human dignity, health and/or productivity. “Long-term” in this context is defined as a minimum of ten years."
Creator(s): Community Arts Network | Date Published: 2005-11

Studies & Reports

Cultural Heritage Counts for Europe

"Europa Nostra position paper to the European Union institutions."
Creator(s): Europa Nostra | Date Published: 2005-06

Studies & Reports

Statistical Indicators for Arts Policy

"Around the world there are increasing demands for accountability of public monies."
Creator(s): International Federation of Arts Councils and Culture Agencies (IFACCA) | Date Published: 2005-06

Studies & Reports

Cultural Life and the Arts - The Boston Indicators Project

"Boston’s cultural life is undergoing a renaissance, with a newly-consolidated Mayor’s Office of Arts, Tourism & Special Events, and more charitable foundations focused on arts funding."
Creator(s): The Boston Indicators Project | Date Published: 2005

Studies & Reports

Fracture numérique de genre en Afrique francophone - une inquiétante réalité (available in French only)

« La recherche sur la fracture numérique de genre en Afrique francophone, réalisée par le Réseau genre et TIC, établit que, dans les six pays étudiés (Bénin,Burkina-Faso, Cameroun, Mali, Mauritanie et Sénégal) les femmes ont globalement un tiers de chances en moins que les hommes de bénéficier des avantages de la société africaine de l’information et que les liens politiques entre les questions de genre et de TIC y sont largement méconnues. »
Creator(s): Marie-Hélène Mottin-Sylla | Date Published: 2005

Studies & Reports

Making Cross-country Comparisions of Cultural Statistics: Problems and Solutions

"International Comparisons of Cultural Sectors: An Exploritory Investigation."
Creator(s): Policy Communication Research, Australia Council for the Arts | Date Published: 2004-10

Studies & Reports

Cultural Governance in the Netherlands: A Summary

The importance of adequate management, governance and supervision is widely acknowledged; not only in the business sector, but fortunately to an increasing extent in the not for profit sector as well.
Creator(s): Stichting Kunst & Zaken | Date Published: 2004-05-17

Studies & Reports

Citoyennes africaines de la société de l'information (available in French only)

« Ce manuel traite, du point de vue des femmes, des enjeux liés à l’entrée des pays africains dans la société de l’information. Il présente, à l’intention des décideurs et acteurs publics, civils et privés, un plaidoyer sur la prise en compte du genre dans les politiques de TIC pour une société africaine de l’information juste, plurielle et inclusive. »
Creator(s): Marie-Hélène Mottin-Sylla, Fatimata Sèye Sylla, Safietou K. Ly | Date Published: 2004

Studies & Reports

Human Resouces Management: Best Practices in the Cultural Sector

"Over the past decade a considerable amount of discussion, research and analysis has been focused on the current state of human resources management in the cultural sector. On the whole, most of the reports have painted an unhealthy picture of HR practices in the sector."
Creator(s): Cultural Human Resources Council | Date Published: 2004

Studies & Reports

Towards Broader Cultural Indicators? Performance Indicators and Justification of Cultural Policies in Quebec and Europe

"This study examines the relationship between the justification of cultural policies and performance indicators in Quebec, the European Union and the United Kingdom. While these three geographic zones continue to widen their definition of cultural participation and emphasize partnerships with cities, the private sector and civil society, considerable differences exist between Quebec and Europe."
Creator(s): Christian Poirier | Date Published: 2003-11-15

Studies & Reports

Cultural Indicators and Benchmarks in Community Indicator Projects: Performance Measures for Cultural Investment?

"The many dimensions, many perspectives, many audiences, and many possible uses of cultural indicators make a journey into the world of cultural indicators a complex one. The required linkages between models, policy frameworks, research foundations, purpose and application, data (availability and quality), the pragmatic realities of creation—and the dangers of inappropriate interpretations require all dimensions should be considered."
Creator(s): Nancy Duxbury, PhD | Date Published: 2003-11-13

Studies & Reports

Ministerial Advisory Committee on the Status of the Artist Final Report A Report to the Saskatchewan Minister of Culture, Youth and Recreation

"The establishment of MACSA followed the enactment of the Status of the Artist Act in July 2002...In shaping the final recommendations for this report, MACSA saw the Status of the Artist Act as a strong foundation from which to build and strengthen the status of the artist in Saskatchewan."
Creator(s): The Government of Saskatchewan: The Department of Culture, Youth and Recreation | Date Published: 2003-10

Studies & Reports

National Compensation Survey for Management and Administration in Not-for-Profit Arts Organizations

"In February and March of 2003, two hundred and thirty-one (231) organizations within the not-for-profit arts sector participated in a comprehensive compensation survey."
Creator(s): Cultural Human Resources Council (CHRC) | Date Published: 2003-05

Studies & Reports

Canadian Heritage 2003-2004 Estimates, A Report on Plans and Priorities

"The current Planning, Reporting and Accountability Structure (PRAS) of the Department of Canadian Heritage outlines the Department's current Business Lines: Cultural Development and Heritage; Canadian Identity; and Corporate Management."
Creator(s): Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2003

Studies & Reports

Human Development Report 2002

"Politics matter for human development. Reducing poverty depends as much on whether poor people have political power as on their opportunities for economic progress."
Creator(s): United Nations Development Programme, 2003 | Date Published: 2003

Studies & Reports

Programs and Services for Heritage Organizations in Canada

"The following list of Canadian Heritage Programs and Services is organized by field of activity, so that heritage organizations may more easily link their specific needs to available programs and services."
Creator(s): Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2003

Studies & Reports

Beyond Economics: Developing Indicators of the Social Effects of Culture

"This blue plate special presents the main points of presentations on the topic of citizenship values and social cohesion given by Dr Paul Reed (Carleton University) and Professor Neil Nevitte (University of Toronto)."
Creator(s): Dick Stanley | Date Published: 2002-06-01

Studies & Reports

Policy Partners: Making the Case for State Investments in Culture

"The cornerstone publication of a project with the Pew Charitable Trusts that explores how cultural leaders and decision makers can strengthen their states' cultural activity."
Creator(s): M. Christine Dwyer and Susan Frankel | Date Published: 2002

Studies & Reports

Assessing the Values of Cultural Heritage Research Report

"This is the third report on the research on values and economics of cultural heritage which was started at the Getty Conservation Institute in 1995. The early results of this project highlighted some issues fundamental to the field that were in need of further consideration. Among these were the lack of recognized and widely accepted methodologies for the assessment of cultural values, as well as the difficulties of comparing the results of economic and cultural values assessments."
Creator(s): The Getty Conservation Institute | Date Published: 2002

Studies & Reports

Sharing the Vision: A National Framework for Arts Education in Canadian Schools

"The National Symposium on Arts Education (NSAE) has been working since 1997 to build consensus around a Shared Vision for Arts Education in Canada."
Creator(s): The National Symposium on Arts Education | Date Published: 2001-07-03

Studies & Reports

Canadian Heritage Departmental Performance Report, For the period ending March 31, 2001

"In the spring of 2000 the President of the Treasury Board tabled in Parliament the document "Results for Canadians: A Management Framework for the Government of Canada". This document sets a clear agenda for improving and modernising management practices in federal departments and agencies."
Creator(s): Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2001-03-31

Studies & Reports

Culture as Confrontation - Principles on Cultural Policy in 2001-2004

"The political priorities of Dutch cultural policy from 2000 to 2004 are laid out in the publication entitled 'Culture as Confrontation'. The main themes are planning, e-culture, cultural entrepreneurship, acquisition and exhibition of cultural assets, youth, cultural diversity and improved programming."
Creator(s): Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science | Date Published: 2001

Studies & Reports

2001-2002 Canadian Heritage Estimates, A Report on Plans and Priorities

"The current Planning, Reporting and Accountability Structure (PRAS) of the Department of Canadian Heritage outlines the Department's Business Lines: Cultural Development and Heritage; Canadian Identity; and Corporate Management."
Creator(s): Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2001

Studies & Reports

Conceptual Framework for an Analysis of Citizenship in the Liberal Democracies - Volume I

"The study places special emphasis on the room allowed for differential identities within national identity."
Creator(s): France Gagnon and Michel Pagé | Date Published: 1999-05-31

Studies & Reports

1999-2000 Canadian Heritage Estimates, A Report on Plans and Priorities

"The Department of Canadian Heritage has put in place appropriate operational mechanisms and secured funding from the Treasury Board to ensure that Government-wide Mission Critical Systems in the Parks Canada Agency and Department-wide Mission Critical systems in the Department and those systems and infrastructure shared with the Parks Agency are Year 2000 compliant."
Creator(s): Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 1998

Studies & Reports

Income Management Benchmarking and Best Practices Study

"Improving all aspects of income management -- obtaining better results from marketing and fundraising efforts -- is a challenge faced by all not-for-profit performing arts organizations. This study is a first-time effort to identify Income Management benchmarks and to examine the best practices being used by 24 performing arts organizations to improve their Income Management processes and obtain better results."
Creator(s): Centre for Cultural Management, University of Waterloo and Ontario Arts Council | Date Published: 1997-11

Studies & Reports

Capacity-Building Approaches for Smaller Cultural Organizations

"The Centre for Cultural Management recently completed a study of the needs of small/medium-size organizations and the applicability of the Arts Stabilization concept."
Creator(s): Centre for Cultural Management University of Waterloo | Date Published: 1997-05

General Reference

General Reference

Canadian Economy Online

"This one-stop guide to the national economy lets you check out statistics, access a wealth of federal government information and learn more about economic concepts and events."
Creator(s): Government of Canada | Date Published: 2005

General Reference

VIS A VIS: Visitor, Audience, Visitor

"Vis A Vis is a new initiative within the University of Salford, incorporating a wider vision that will explore the total/audience/visitor experience from design through to user interface. Our vision is to facilitate a centre of excellence that links opportunities across a wide range of related fields including the arts, heritage, museums, cultural tourism, leisure, media, management, marketing and design."
Creator(s): The Centre for Audience and Visitor Research at University of Salford



Cultural Indicators for New Zealand: 2006

"This report establishes the indicators within a framework of five theme areas, which broadly reflect key goals for the New Zealand cultural sector and those involved in it."
Creator(s): Statistics New Zealand | Date Published: 2006-08-03


Prince Edward Island 32nd Annual Statistical Review

"Both the national and Island economics experienced strong growth in 2005. Statistics Canada estimates that the Canadian economy expanded by 2.9 per cent in constant dollars, the same rate of growth as a year earlier."
Creator(s): Government of Prince Edward Island | Date Published: 2006-07


Province of Prince Edward Island Thirty-First Annual Statistical Review

"This 31st edition contains a comprehensive narrative on the economic performance of the province in 2004, a section entitled Ket Facts About Prince Edward Island, as well as over 100 tables of compiled data drawn from a variety of sources, including Statistics Canada and Provincial Government departments."
Creator(s): Government of Prince Edward Island | Date Published: 2005-06


Canadian Framework for Culture Statistics

"This framework for culture statistics documents the conceptual and definitional aspects of measuring culture industries. The adoption of a standard definition of culture and a conceptual framework will better enable the development of culture indicators based on approved conventions, yielding coherent and accurate analytical conclusions."
Creator(s): Culture Statistics Program - Statistics Canada | Date Published: 2004-08


Les dépenses publiques en matière de culture au Québec 2001-2002 - Portrait statistique (available in French only)

« Ce portrait statistique porte sur les dépenses des gouvernements en matière de culture au Québec et fait la comparaison avec la situation prévalant dans les autres provinces et dans l'ensemble du Canada. »
Creator(s): Culture et Communications Québec | Date Published: 2004-04

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Also Related

Related Materials

Studies & Reports

Provincial Profiles of Cultural and Heritage Activities

"Based on Statistics Canada’s General Social Survey, this report provides provincial information about cultural and heritage activities in 1992 and 2005."
Creator(s): Hill Strategies Research Inc. | Date Published: 2007-10-02

Studies & Reports

Thundering Hooves: Maintaining the Global Competitive Edge of Edinburgh's Festivals (Full Report)

"This study was commissioned by the Scottish Arts Council in partnership with Festivals Edinburgh (formely, the Association of Edinburgh Festivals), the City of Edinburgh Council (CEC), the Scottish Executive, EventScotland and Scottish Entreprise Edinburgh and Lothian."
Creator(s): AEA Consulting | Date Published: 2006-05

Studies & Reports

2005 Arts & Cultural Policy Research Directory

"The Center for Arts and Culture at George Mason University, CPANDA, and the Center for Arts and Cultural Policy Studies at Princeton are pleased to release the 2005 Arts and Cultural Policy Research Directory."
Creator(s): Arts and Cultural Policy Research Directory | Date Published: 2005-12

Studies & Reports

Audiences and Economic Indicators: Spotlight On Canadian Documentaries

"An economic profile of the documentary sector, presented by Telefilm Canada at the 2005 Doc Policy Summit during the 12th Annual Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival."
Creator(s): Telefilm Canada | Date Published: 2005-04-25

Studies & Reports

Gifts of the Muse: Reframing the Debate About the Benefits of the Arts

"RAND Study Says Arts Policy Should Focus On Building Individual Appreciation of the Arts."
Creator(s): RAND Corporation | Date Published: 2005-02-15

Studies & Reports

40 Years of Empirical Research on Arts & Cultural Participation and Artists: What Do We Know and Where Do We Go From Here?

"presentation... based on a comprehensive review of data sets identified by and, in many cases, available through CPANDA"
Creator(s): Cultural Policy and the Arts National Data Archive (CPANDA), Princeton University | Date Published: 2005

Studies & Reports

Beyond Richard Florida: A Cultural Sector of Our Own

"This is a sequel to Ann Daly's essay, "Richard Florida's High-class Glasses," originally published in Summer 2004 in the Grantmakers in the Arts Reader."
Creator(s): Ann Daly | Date Published: 2005

Studies & Reports

Ministry for Culture and Heritage Annual Report 2005

"Within this report you will fi nd six Reference Point stories, which stand as examples of government’s commitment to culture in New Zealand and the benefi ts that will accrue both nationally and internationally when we have a strong national identity."
Creator(s): Temanatu Taonga Ministry for Culture and Heritage | Date Published: 2005

Studies & Reports

Donors to Arts and Culture Organizations

"New Report Analyzes Donors and Donations in 2000 and changes since 1997."
Creator(s): Hill Strategies Research Inc. | Date Published: 2004-01

Studies & Reports

Cultural Policy and Trends in Ukraine

"The research focuses on the general directions of cultural policy in Ukraine, agents and instruments of cultural policy (administration, financing, legislation), cultural developments and international cultural cooperation issues."
Creator(s): Olexandr Butsenko | Date Published: 2004

Studies & Reports

Linguistic Duality in Commercial Advertising and Sponsorships

"This study examines the place of Canada’s linguistic duality in commercial advertisements and sponsorship messages in publications of organizations subject to the Official Languages Act."
Creator(s): Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages | Date Published: 2003-09

Studies & Reports

Social Capital as a Health Determinant - How is it Defined?

"The work attempts to clarify the place of social capital among the social determinants of health."
Creator(s): Health Canada | Date Published: 2003

Studies & Reports

Social Cohesion: Updating the State of the Research

"In the last four years, since CPRN published Mapping Social Cohesion: The State of Canadian Research, there have been significant additions to the body of academic research and policy-related findings on social cohesion."
Creator(s): Caroline Beauvais, Jane Jensen, Canadian Policy Research Network | Date Published: 2002-07-12

Studies & Reports

Licensing Images: Checklist for Museums and other Cultural Organizations

"This document contains a Checklist identifying key items to be addressed in a licensing agreement between a museum and a person or company wanting to acquire the right to use a museum's images and information to create commercial or consumer products or for the purposes of sub-licensing."
Creator(s): Canadian Heritage Information Network | Date Published: 2002-04-27

Studies & Reports

English-language Canadian Literature in High Schools

"Commissioned by The Canada Council for the Arts. Prepared by The Writers' Trust of Canada."
Creator(s): Canada Council for the Arts | Date Published: 2002-04

Studies & Reports

Fractured Discourse: Report from the Second International Conference on Cultural Policy Research

"This Blue Plate Special is a report on the Second International Conference on Cultural Policy Research - "Cultural Sites, Cultural Theory, Cultural Policy", which was held in Wellington, New Zealand on January 23-26, 2002."
Creator(s): M. Sharon Jeannotte | Date Published: 2002-03-28

Studies & Reports

Holding the Centre: What We Know About Social Cohesion

"Over the last four years, the Social Cohesion Network has made considerable progress on its horizontal research program."
Creator(s): Dick Stanley | Date Published: 2001-02-19

Studies & Reports

Follow-up Report on the Review of the Federal System of Support to Film and Television Production

"The purpose of this study was to conduct a risk assessment of the federal support system for television and film and to develop an enhanced management control framework to minimize risk and ensure the achievement of objectives."
Creator(s): Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2000-09

Studies & Reports

International review of support measures for sound recording: an update 2000

"The purpose of this international comparative study is to identify and review direct and indirect support programs, as well as legislative, regulatory and administrative support measures for domestic sound recording industries in selected countries."
Creator(s): Liudmila Kirpitchenko | Date Published: 2000-07-01

Studies & Reports

Social Cohesion: A Dialectical Critique of a Quasi-concept?

"This study criticizes and deconstructs the concept of social cohesion."
Creator(s): Paul Bernard | Date Published: 2000-02-01

Studies & Reports

Team Canada Inc Business Plan 2000-2003

"Canada has long been a trading nation. A rich natural resource base and proximity to the world’s leading economic power have necessitated this traditional reliance on trade. Globalization has only intensified it."
Creator(s): Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2000

Studies & Reports

Review of the Management Practices of Federal Government, Mechanisms in Support of Film and Television Production

"This report sets out the findings, conclusions and recommendations from an independent review of the management practices of the federal government mechanisms that support television and film production."
Creator(s): Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 1999-12-31

Studies & Reports

Development and Access to Multimedia Content: an International Comparison of Policies, Programs and Practices

"This report provides an overview and comparative analysis of the policies and programs of ten governments and three intergovernmental organizations relating to the production of, and access to, multimedia content in the arts, culture and heritage, and education and training sectors."
Creator(s): Maurice Estabrook | Date Published: 1999-08-01

Studies & Reports

Mapping Social Cohesion: The State of Canadian Research

"Much clarification is needed before drawing any conclusions about the meaning of social cohesion and its contribution to collective well-being."
Creator(s): Jane Jensen, Canadian Policy Research Network | Date Published: 1998-11-27

Studies & Reports

Canada Compared : Cross-National Indicators of Citizen Engagement and Participation

"This paper provides a general overview of indicators relevant to cross-national comparisons of citizen participation."
Creator(s): Dennis Price | Date Published: 1998-09-27

Studies & Reports

Social and Cultural Dimensions of Sustainable Development: Challenges and Opportunities

"This paper represents a first step in an exploration of the social and cultural dimensions of sustainable development. It also attempts to identify, in the Canadian context, some of the key challenges and opportunities for both governments and others, indeed for society in general, inaddressing the critical questions in this relatively unexplored area."
Creator(s): Dhiru Patel | Date Published: 1998-06-03

Studies & Reports

Study on mechanisms to promote the development and distribution of Canadian multimedia and other new media content and services executive summary

"This study was commissioned by Industry Canada, Canadian Heritage and the CRTC. The objectives of the Study (as required by the Terms of Reference) were to provide a profile of the Canadian new media industry (including identifying the strengths and weaknesses) and to recommend policy mechanisms to promote the industry."
Creator(s): Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 1998-03-31

Studies & Reports

Social Cohesion: choice, challenge and change. (Deck)

"This blue plate special presents the main points of presentations on the topic of citizenship values and social cohesion given by Dr Paul Reed (Carleton University) and Professor Neil Nevitte (University of Toronto)."
Creator(s): M. Wernick et T. Herman | Date Published: 1997-11-18

Studies & Reports

Definition of visible Minority: A Historical and Cultural Analysis

"The term “visible minority” has popularly come to denote “non-white”; it is used widely in federal legislation texts."
Creator(s): Karim Karim | Date Published: 1996-04-17

Studies & Reports

Curriculum Methodology Relevant to Cultural Management Education

"This is a scan of key ideas, concepts, principles and related methodologies, drawn from the field of curriculum inquiry, of potential use in curriculum development for cultural management education in Canada. They are the methodological considerations within which the substantive issues identified in the other Background Papers study may best be considered in looking forward to Phase II of the work and beyond."
Creator(s): Applied Cultural Principles (ACP): Learning and Cultural Development | Date Published: 1995-03-31

Studies & Reports

An Examination of Current Policies and Programs and Legislation for the Canadian Sound Recording Industry

"As part of its mandate the Task Force asked us to examine current governmental policies and programs for the sound recording industry and other legislation relating to the industry and to formulate policy recommendations to ensure the long-term viability of the different sectors (e.g., production, distribution, retail) and components (i.e., French-language and English-language, as well as foreign-owned and Canadian-owned [but most specifically the Canadian-owned component]) ..."
Creator(s): Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 1992

Projects & Programs

ARTWORKS - Artistic Services in the Third Sector

"Summary of the study on artistic services in the third sector, mainly connected with the income situation of artists in Austria."
Lead Managing Organization: Artistic Services in the Third Sector | Start Date: September 2002


Towards Excellence A Report on Education in the Northwest Territories

"This fifth edition of Towards Excellence: A Report on Education in the NWT provides a profile of education from Kindergarten to Grade 12 for the school year 2002 to 2003."
Creator(s): Northwest Territories Education, Culture and Employment | Date Published: 2004-11


Profile of Cultural Activities in Nova Scotia

"Culture Counts - Counting Culture, Culture Statistics Program."
Creator(s): Government of Nova Scotia - Tourism and Culture and Heritage | Date Published: 2003-12


Centre for Research and Information on Canada

"The Centre for Research and Information on Canada (CRIC), established in 1996, manages the Canadian Unity Council (CUC) research and communications activities. It keeps volunteers abreast of Canadians' thinking by constantly tracking and analyzing public opinion about the federation. CRIC is a one-of-a-kind organization."

Newsletter(s) & Bulletin(s)

Indicators-L -- The Creative City Network of Canada's discussion list on Cultural Indicators

Indicators-L -- The Creative City Network of Canada's discussion list on Cultural Indicators
Creator(s): Creative City Network




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