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All(13)Studies & Reports(2)
Guides & Case Studies(5)General Reference(4)
The Canadian Cultural Observatory lists publications and resources as a public service only and does not promote or endorse them in any way.

Studies & Reports

Studies & Reports

Living Heritage: Community Development Through Cultural Resources in South East Europe, Final Report 2001-2005

"The evolution of how heritage is understood and used in European societies is part of a wider change in the concept of culture itself...culture is no longer viewed exclusively as a natural and objective good. It has become enlarged, complex and contested..."
Creator(s): François Matarasso, King Baudouin Foundation | Date Published: 2005-10

Studies & Reports

The Economic Benefits of Protected Areas: A Guide for Estimating Personal Benefits

"This guide has been prepared to assist those responsible for the management of protected areas. This guide deals with the methods used to value personal benefits."
Creator(s): The Outspan Group | Date Published: 2000-01-01

Projects & Programs

Projects & Programs

Villes et villages d'art et de patrimoine (available in French only)

« Lors du Sommet du Québec et de la jeunesse, le ministère de la Culture et des Communications a proposé d'actualiser le programme Villes et villages d'art et de patrimoine. »
Lead Managing Organization: Culture et des Communications Québec | Start Date: 2006

General Reference

General Reference

Catalogue des fonds culturels numérisés (available in French only)

« Le catalogue décrit les fonds (textuels, iconographiques, sonores, audiovisuels...) numérisés ou en cours de numérisation, conservés dans les bibliothèques, services d'archives, musées, services patrimoniaux et autres institutions culturelles en France. Il permet d'identifier et localiser ces fonds et, le cas échéant, de les consulter en ligne. »
Creator(s): Numerisation du Patrimoine Culturel | Date Published: 2006

General Reference


"Common-place is a common place for exploring and exchanging ideas about early American history and culture."
Creator(s): Common-place | Date Published: 2006

General Reference

UNESCO World Heritage Center

"The World Heritage List grows longer every year as new nominations are accepted by the World Heritage Committee and more countries sign the World Heritage Convention."
Creator(s): UNESCO | Date Published: 2005

General Reference

Atlantic Canada Portal

"Designed to support research relating to the Atlantic Provinces of Canada, the Atlantic Canada Portal is a collaborative effort of the Electronic Text Centre and the Canada Research Chair in Atlantic Canada Studies, both based at the University of New Brunswick in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada."
Creator(s): Atlantic Canada Portal (ACP) | Date Published: 2005

Guides & Case Studies

Guides & Case Studies

Guide à l'intention des municipalités - La protection des biens patrimoniaux en situation de risque (available in French only)

« Ce guide est destiné aux municipalités et municipalités régionales de comté (MRC) qui s'engagent dans une démarche visant la protection des biens patrimoniaux en situation de risque. Il a pour but d'inciter le milieu municipal à s'interroger sur son rôle et sur sa préparation par rapport à une situation d'urgence pouvant menacer ses biens patrimoniaux. »
Creator(s): Direction du patrimoine du ministère de la Culture, des Communications et de la Condition féminine du Québec | Date Published: 2007-09-27

Guides & Case Studies

The Rideau Heritage Initiative (RHI): A Case Study

In 2006, the Ontario Ministry of Culture’s (MCL) Historic Places Initiative (HPI) and Carleton University’s School of Canadian Studies collaborated on a ground breaking four-month pilot project to raise awareness and provide support for heritage stewardship of the Rideau Canal.
Creator(s): Canadian Cultural Observatory | Date Published: 2007-06-15

Guides & Case Studies

Ontario Heritage Tool Kit

"The Ontario Heritage Tool Kit is a series of guides that explain different aspects the Ontario Heritage Act, the Planning Act, the Historic Places Initiative, and related programs."
Creator(s): Ontario Ministry of Culture | Date Published: 2006-02-17

Guides & Case Studies

Strengthening Ontario’s Heritage: An introductory guide to identifying, protecting and promoting your community’s heritage

"The Ontario government is helping communities across the province preserve and protect their local heritage with the publication of Strengthening Ontario’s Heritage: An introductory guide to identifying, protecting and promoting your community’s heritage."
Creator(s): Ministry of Culture, Government of Ontario | Date Published: 2005-10-05

Guides & Case Studies

Consult the thesaurus

"A thesaurus is the vocabulary of a controlled indexing language formally organized so that the a priori relationships between concepts are made explicit. This tool is intended to help the user of the website when surfing through the various on-line national reports."
Creator(s): The European Heritage Network (HEREIN) | Date Published: 2005



10 Year Benchmark Study - What Do Young Adults Know About Canadian History?

"Ten-Year Benchmark Study exploring how many young adults age 18 to 24 can pass a simple thirty question exam on Canadian history identical to the one given to same age group ten years previously by Ipsos-Reid and The Dominion Institute."
Creator(s): Ipsos-Reid and The Dominion Institute | Date Published: 2007-11-08



Next Generation of Heritage and Associated Professionals (NOGHAP)@

NoGHAP has a very simple mandate: to bridge the gap between those starting out their careers in the heritage sector–students, recent graduates and young professionals–and those individuals and organizations that are well-established in the sector but may be seeking out new blood to sustain their activities into the next generation.


Also Related

Related Materials


The Journal of Canadian Art History

"The Journal of Canadian Art History is the only scholarly journal devoted entirely to the issues and events in Canadian art history. The quality of its contents is assured by the participation of an Advisory Board of prominent art historians from across Canada."
Creator(s): Concordia University | Date Published: 2004-05-25

Studies & Reports

Tribal Consultation: Best Practices in Historic Preservation

"In order to provide the reader with some indications and effective methods of meaningful consultation, this project bypassed anecdotal experiences in favor of surveying a large body of Agencies and Tribes for their empirical experiences in consultations they deemed to be successful."
Creator(s): National Association of Tribal Historic Preservation Officers (NATHPO) | Date Published: 2005-05

Studies & Reports

Core Technologies for the Cultural and Scientific Heritage Sector

"Report on the usage of technologies for the cultural and scientific sector."
Creator(s): DigiCULT | Date Published: 2005-01

Studies & Reports

The Future Digital Heritage Space an Expedition Report

"The target has been to bring home a research and technological development (RTD) roadmap that outlines what may be expected in a future digital heritage space."
Creator(s): Guntram Geser and John Pereira (eds.) - DigiCult | Date Published: 2004-12

Studies & Reports

Presentations on the Canadian Intellectual Property Regime

"These presentations described both IP and other legal mechanisms to protect Aboriginal culture and heritage. Current efforts related to the protection of Aboriginal culture and heritage were also presented. Following is a report on the presentations and discussions."
Creator(s): Industry Canada | Date Published: 2003-03-10

Studies & Reports

Programs and Services for Heritage Organizations in Canada

"The following list of Canadian Heritage Programs and Services is organized by field of activity, so that heritage organizations may more easily link their specific needs to available programs and services."
Creator(s): Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2003

Studies & Reports

Gambling on Culture in Canada: Gaming as a Source of Funding for Culture, the Arts and Heritage

"This study examines the extent to which cultural activity in Canada is being funded through state-sponsored gaming revenues."
Creator(s): M. Sharon Jeannotte | Date Published: 2002-08-01

Studies & Reports

Historic Places and Aboriginal People - A Discussion Document

"The Department of Canadian Heritage has prepared a general outline of legislative proposals for the protection of historic places, Towards a New Act: Protecting Canada’s Historic Places, as a basis for discussions with Canadians."
Creator(s): Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2002

Studies & Reports

The Role of Linguistics Within a Multidisciplinary Framework For Studying the Initial Peopling of the Americas

"This paper will focus on the role that linguistics plays within the multi-disciplinary approach to studying American aboriginal origins. From a purely linguistic view point, the antiquity of American aboriginal linguistic units is largely unknown."
Creator(s): Grant D. Zazula, The University of Alberta | Date Published: 1998

General Reference

The European Heritage Network (HEREIN)

"The European Heritage Network (HEREIN) is a permanent information system of the Council of Europe linking European governmental departments responsible for cultural heritage conservation."
Creator(s): The European Heritage Network (HEREIN) | Date Published: 2006

General Reference : le portail de la culture (available in French only)

« Le portail de la culture. »
Creator(s): The Ministry of Culture and Communication | Date Published: 2005-08-10

General Reference

Sharing Canadian Stories: Cultural diversity at home and in the world

"Because Canadians often feel they must struggle to be heard over the roar of a history that includes powerful nations like the United States, Britain and France, great emphasis is placed on preserving our own national symbols."
Creator(s): Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2005

General Reference

Guide to Canadian Heritage financial support programs 2002

"Canadian Heritage works directly with Canadian citizens in a variety of ways. One major service is provided through the support programs of the Department, which include grants, bursaries, tax credits and other means."
Creator(s): Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2004-06-16

General Reference

Éducart (available in French only)

«Ce site porte sur les modalités de l'intervention artistique en milieu scolaire et présente des textes réglementaires en vigueur et des adresses utiles.»
Creator(s): Centre de ressources de la Délégation au développement et à l'action territoriale | Date Published: 2003-12-23

General Reference

Développement culturel en action (available in French only)

«Ce site présente une base de données d'une soixantaine d'actions dans le domaine de l'éducation artistique et culturelle. »
Creator(s): Délégation au développement et à l'action territoriale | Date Published: 2003-12-23

General Reference

Canadiana: The Canadian Resource Page

"The Canadian Resource Page."
Creator(s): Canadiana: The Canadian Resource Page | Date Published: 2003-12-17

General Reference

2003 Financial Support Programs

"The Department contributes to the growth and development of Canadian cultural and sporting life, the promotion of a fairer and more equitable society, the nation’s linguistic duality and multicultural character, and more."
Creator(s): Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2003-11-06

General Reference

UNESCO World Heritage List

"The following properties have been approved by the World Heritage Committee to be included on UNESCO's World Heritage List. The list currently contains 754 different properties as of June, 2003."
Creator(s): UNESCO World Heritage List | Date Published: 2003

Guides & Case Studies

Producing Online Heritage Projects

"The publication of Producing Online Heritage Projects is a fitting way to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Canadian Heritage Information Network (CHIN) because this handbook is an important milestone for CHIN and its more than 700 member museums, galleries and heritage institutions. It is our way of sharing, with heritage professionals, the valuable experience we have acquired over the past seven years in producing online heritage products."
Creator(s): Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2002


Arts & Heritage Participation Survey

"To assist in its policy and program development, the Arts and Heritage Sector of the Department of Canadian Heritage required a survey of the Canadian public to examine Canadians' participation in arts and heritage activities, including those at the community level. The current research project also included an examination of some values and motivations attached to participation, including quality of life aspects, identity components, and others."
Creator(s): Environics Research Group Ltd. for the Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2000-09


National Heritage Areas

"Congress has established 24 National Heritage Areas around the country in which conservation, interpretation and other activities are managed by partnerships among federal, state, and local governments and the private sector."


National Trust for Historic Preservation

"For more than 50 years, the National Trust has been helping Americans protect the irreplaceable. A private nonprofit organization with more than 200,000 members, the National Trust is the leader of the vigorous preservation movement that is saving the best of the country's past for the future."


International Council on Monuments and Sites

"ICOMOS is an international non-governmental organization of professionals, dedicated to the conservation of the world's historic monuments and sites. ICOMOS provides a forum for professional dialogue and a vehicle for the collection, evaluation, and dissemination of information on conservation principles, techniques, and policies."


Native Planet

"Native Planet is a non-governmental organization (NGO) dedicated to the empowerment of indigenous peoples and preservation of world ethnic cultures."


Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association

"The Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association (CSAA) is a professional association that promotes research, publication and teaching in Sociology and Anthropology in Canada."


Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage

"The Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage promotes the understanding and continuity of contemporary grassroots cultures in the United States and abroad. It produces the Smithsonian Folklife Festival, Smithsonian Folkways Recordings, exhibitions, documentary films and videos, symposia, and educational materials. The Center conducts research, maintains archives, and provides educational and research opportunities."


Association québécoise d'interprétation du patrimoine

« L'Association québécoise d'interprétation du patrimoine est une association provinciale, sans but lucratif, légalement constituée depuis plus de 25 ans et reconnue par le ministère de la Culture et des Communications. »


Institut d'histoire de l'Amérique française

« L'Institut d'histoire de l'Amérique française est la principale association des historiennes et des historiens professionnels du Québec et des spécialistes de l'Amérique française. »


Fédération des sociétés d'histoire du Québec

« La Fédération des sociétés d'histoire du Québec est un organisme sans but lucratif qui oeuvre depuis 1965 à la promotion et à la valorisation de l'histoire locale, régionale et nationale du Québec. »

Legislation & Regulations

UNESCO Cultural Heritage Laws

"Looting, theft, illegal export and import, and illicit trafficking of cultural property are international problems affecting all States to various extents. Such an international problem is best fought against by an international response."
Creator(s): UNESCO | Date Published: 2005-02-21

Legislation & Regulations

Department of Canadian Heritage Act

"An Act to establish the Department of Canadian Heritage."
Creator(s): Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2003-01-15




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ID: 9740 | Date Added: 2006-02-06 | Date Modified: 2007-11-13 Important Notices