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Arts and Youth: Canadian Youth Arts Programming and Policy
Community Arts in Rural Settings
Commentary: Community Arts in Rural Settings
Socio-economic Conditions of Visible Minorities in Canada: 1967-2017
Sustainable Communities: Culture, Creativity and Inclusiveness
October 2005
To Save a Butterfly, Must One Kill It? The Historic Places Initiative in a Rural Context
The Arts and Heritage in Rural Communities
Digital Transformations
Digital Tranformations I:
Digital Evolution and New Publishing Models
January 2007
Digital Transformations II:
Toward a New Form of Musical Culture
February 2007
The Arts and Health I: Artists on the Wards
March 2007
The Arts and Health II:
Use of the Arts in Health Professional Education
April 2007
Opportunities and Challenges in the Development of Canadian Arts and Health
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Cultural Policy 101: Demystifying the US Ecosystem
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All(60)Studies & Reports(42)
Multimedia(1)General Reference(3)
The Canadian Cultural Observatory lists publications and resources as a public service only and does not promote or endorse them in any way.

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Broadcast Dialogue

"Industry leaders as columnists, feature presentations that speak to what's happening "today", a wealth of information designed and intended for all facets of the Canadian Broadcast community. That is the short story of what Broadcast Dialogue is all about."
Creator(s): Broadcast Dialogue | Date Published: 2006



Ruling the Airwaves: The CRTC and Canadian Content

"Broadcasting's brave new world."
Creator(s): Canadian Broadcasting Corporation | Date Published: 1986-09-22

Studies & Reports

Studies & Reports

CBC/Radio-Canada : Defining distinctiveness in the changing media landscape

"On September 27, 2006, the CBC/Radio-Canada senior executive appeared before the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage. The President and Chief Executive Officer of the Crown corporation, Robert Rabinovitch, spoke in his opening remarks about the need to review the mandate of CBC/Radio-Canada."
Creator(s): Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2008-02

Studies & Reports

Broadcasting Policy and Globalization

"This issue of Westminster Papers in Communications and Culture (WPCC) presents a collection of essays primarily concerned with the examination of contemporary broadcasting policies and policy-making processes amid 'globalisation trends'. These latter are very broadly understood to encompass global economic, political and cultural shifts, technological change, and the regionalisation of regulation and policy-making loci."
Creator(s): Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture (WPCC) | Date Published: 2007-09

Studies & Reports

Review of the Regulatory Framework for Broadcasting Services in Canada (Dunbar/Leblanc Report)

"The objective of the review was to assess the effectiveness of the existing regulatory and policy framework in meeting Canadians’ requirements for broadcasting services."
Creator(s): Laurence J.E. Dunbar, Christian Leblanc | Date Published: 2007-08-31

Studies & Reports

A New Approach to Public Service Content in the Digital Media Age

"This is a discussion document, which is intended to inform and encourage debate around public service intervention in digital media and the concept of the PSP. It is not intended as a formal policy consultation, although we would welcome comments and responses on the issues laid out in this document."
Creator(s): UK Office of Communications (Ofcom) | Date Published: 2007-01-24

Studies & Reports

The CRTC and Canadian Cultural Content

"The production and exhibition of Canadian music and drama has been the object of much of the Canadian Conference of the Arts' (CCA) preoccupations during the past nine months."
Creator(s): Canadian Conference of the Arts | Date Published: 2006-12-20

Studies & Reports

The Future Environment Facing the Canadian Broadcasting System

"On 8 June 2006, the Governor in Council issued Order in Council P.C. 2006-519 (the OIC), pursuant to section 15 of the Broadcasting Act (the Act). The OIC, a copy of which is appended in Appendix II of this report, requested that the Commission provide a factual report on the future environment facing the whole broadcasting system."
Creator(s): Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) | Date Published: 2006-12-14

Studies & Reports

Projet de loi relatif à la modernisation de la diffusion audiovisuelle et à la télévision du futur (available in French only)

« Ce projet de loi créera le cadre juridique pour assurer le basculement complet de l'analogique au numérique au plus tard le 30 novembre 2011. »
Creator(s): Ministère de la culture et des communications | Date Published: 2006-07-25

Studies & Reports

Broadcasting Policy Monitoring Report 2006

"Radio, television, broadcasting distribution, diversity and social issues, new media."
Creator(s): CRTC | Date Published: 2006-06-30

Studies & Reports

Mission de réflexion et de médiation sur les problèmes relatifs à la rediffusion des fictions françaises sur les chaînes de télévision (available in French only)

« L’objectif de ma mission, telle qu’elle était formulée dans la lettre du 19 septembre 2005, était de créer les conditions favorables à la conclusion d’un avenant aux annexes de la convention collective des artistes interprètes de 1992 fixant des conditions de rémunération plus compatibles avec la réalité du marché français actuel face à la concurrence internationale. »
Creator(s): Raphaël Hadas-Lebel | Date Published: 2006-06-12

Studies & Reports

Green Paper: The Future of Television in Canada

Prepared for the The Banff World Television Festival 2006
Creator(s): Nordicity Group Ltd. | Date Published: 2006-06-08

Studies & Reports

Whither the CBC?: The Future of Public Broadcasting in Canada

"I hope you find the report not only makes a case for change at the public broadcaster but underlines roles both government and CBC management can play in recreating the organization for the future."
Creator(s): Bill Neville | Date Published: 2006-06

Studies & Reports

Canadian Recording Industry Association Consumer Study of Radio and Music - Survey Results

"This research study was commissioned by CRIA to provide objective, empirical evidence in support of CRIA’s submission to the CRTC responding to Public Hearing 2006-1 – Review to the CRTC responding to Public Hearing 2006-1 – Review of the Commercial Radio Policy."
Creator(s): Canadian Recording Industry Association | Date Published: 2006-02

Studies & Reports

The Draft WIPO Broadcasting Treaty and its Impact on Freedom of Expression

"The study critically analyses the Draft Treaty's provisions on object of protection, beneficiaries of protection, scope of granted rights, exceptions and limitations, term of protection, obligations regarding protection of technological measures, rights management information and formalities, pointing out potential areas of conflict with freedom of expression."
Creator(s): Patrícia Akester | Date Published: 2006

Studies & Reports

La langue à la télévision québécoise : aspects sociophonétiques (available in French only)

« La question de la langue des médias et de son influence éventuelle sur le français parlé au Québec est assez souvent l’objet de débats qui animent l’actualité québécoise. La présente étude, à partir d’un corpus relevé dans les stations publiques et privées de télévision, cherche à décrire les comportements linguistiques réels observés dans ce média au Québec et à vérifier dans quelle mesure la télévision québécoise diffuse un modèle de français standard. »
Creator(s): Kristin Reinke, Technishe Universitat Berlin avec la collaboration de Luc Ostiguy, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières | Date Published: 2005-12

Studies & Reports

Summative Evaluation of the Canadian Television Fund Program

"The objective of this evaluation was to provide an evidence-based assessment of the CTF ’s relevance, success and cost-effectiveness."
Creator(s): Corporate Review Branch of the Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2005-10-19

Studies & Reports

Completing the Cycle of Electoral Reforms – Recommendations from the Chief Electoral Officer of Canada on the 38th General Election

"A Simpler, Fairer Entitlement to Broadcasting Rights"
Creator(s): Elections Canada | Date Published: 2005-10-17

Studies & Reports

Lessons from broadband development in Canada, Japan, Korea and the United States

"Broadband network development does not always track closely a nations overall wealth and economic strength. The International Telecommunication Union reported that in 2005 the five top nations for broadband network market penetration were: Korea, Hong Kong, the Netherlands, Denmark and Canada."
Creator(s): Rob Frieden, Penn State University | Date Published: 2005-07-15

Studies & Reports

Indepth: Satellite Radio

"Satellite radio: FAQs."
Creator(s): Canadian Broadcasting Corporation | Date Published: 2005-06-16

Studies & Reports

Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2005-247

"Satellite subscription radio undertaking"
Creator(s): Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission | Date Published: 2005-06-16

Studies & Reports

Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2005-248

"Terrestrial subscription radio undertaking"
Creator(s): Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission | Date Published: 2005-06-16

Studies & Reports

Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2005-246

"Satellite subscription radio undertaking"
Creator(s): Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission | Date Published: 2005-05-16

Studies & Reports

Reinforcing Our Cultural Sovereignty – Setting Priorities for the Canadian Broadcasting System

"The Government of Canada's Second Response to the Report of the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage, Our Cultural Sovereignty: The Second Century of Canadian Broadcasting."
Creator(s): Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2005-04-04

Studies & Reports

Speaking Points

"The Honourable Liza Frulla, P.C., M.P. Minister of Canadian Heritage and Minister Responsible for Status of Women at the Canadian Film and Television Production Association's Prime Time in Ottawa Luncheon."
Creator(s): Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2005-02-03

Studies & Reports

After September 11: TV News and Transnational Audiences

"The events on and after September 11 have had a dramatic impact on world affairs. Our knowledge of these events has been mediated to a very large degree by television and in particular the coverage provided by terrestrial national news bulletins. However, for an increasingly large number of viewers satellite news channels have offered a broader range of views and sometimes, when originated outside the UK, a different sensibility and analysis of these events. This has provided a new dimension to the ways in which viewers, of whatever language or ethnic background, gains access to news which interests them. In the light of the events post September 11, it is also of particular interest to examine the impact of the coverage from the UK’s main news programmes of Islam and the views of the British Muslim communities about the current world political situation."
Creator(s): After September 11 | Date Published: 2005

Studies & Reports

The Future of Public Television: 2004 Arts and Humanities in Public Life Conference

"The record of the discussions summarized in this volume do not provide a set of research findings, nor do they culminate in a set of policy recommendations per se. But they do provide a useful synopsis of the state of the public broadcasting industry in December 2004, as viewed from a variety of perspectives."
Creator(s): Cultural Policy Center, The Irving B. Harris Graduate School of Public Policy Studies | Date Published: 2004-12-02

Studies & Reports

Integration and Cultural Diversity -- Report of the Panel on Access to Third-Language Public Television Services

"The report of the expert panel on access to third-language public television services describes the work of the panel, lists the important issues that are involved in access to third-language television services, and makes a number of recommendations."
Creator(s): Department of Canadian Heritage, Broadcasting Policy and Innovation Branch | Date Published: 2004-09-27

Studies & Reports

Ownership by Canadians: To enrich the social, political and cultural fabric of Canada

"A discussion paper on the foreign ownership rules in broadcasting"
Creator(s): Canadian Conference of the Arts | Date Published: 2004-01-14

Studies & Reports

La diversité musicale dans le paysage radiophonique (available in French only)

« L'objectif central de ce rapport qui est celui de la diversité musicale demeur donc au coeur d'un des nouveaux enjeux, l'année prochaine, qui établiront un mode optimal d'organisation du système de radiodiffusion en France. »
Creator(s): André Nicolas, l'Observatoire de la musique | Date Published: 2004

Studies & Reports

The Government of Canada's Response: To the Report of the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage, Our Cultural Sovereignty: The Second Century of Canadian Broadcasting

"The Committee's report is not only a most useful compendium of wide-ranging information, but it also gives a thorough account of Canadians' views. The Government appreciates the long and diligent work of the Committee that led to its recommendations."
Creator(s): Government of Canada | Date Published: 2003-11-05

Studies & Reports

Our Cultural Sovereignty; the Second Century of Canadian Broadcasting

"On 10 May 2001, the House of Commons Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage announced that it would conduct a study of the Canadian broadcasting system. The Committee's aim was to determine whether the ideals and objectives set out in the Broadcasting Act of 1991 were being met and whether the Act itself was in need of reform."
Creator(s): Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2003-06

Studies & Reports

Opening Canadian Communications to the World

"The National Broadband Task Force requested a review of Canada’s foreign ownership rules in telecommunications and broadcasting distribution in 2001. At that time, the Task Force was concerned that the restrictions might be impeding industry participation in the competitive deployment of broadband infrastructure in Canada."
Creator(s): Report of the Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology | Date Published: 2003-04

Studies & Reports

Evaluation of Federal Participation in TV5

"The evaluation also aims to review the relevance of Canada's participation in TV5, and to determine whether there are more cost-effective solutions that might achieve comparable results."
Creator(s): Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2003-03-17

Studies & Reports

Formative Evaluation of Radio Canada International (RCI)

"Radio Canada International (RCI) is an international broadcast service, established in 1942, that is located in the Société Radio-Canada building in Montréal."
Creator(s): Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2003-02-26

Studies & Reports

La nuit et l'été : Quelques propositions pour les quatre saisons (available in French only)

« Rapport remis à monsieur Jean-Jacques Aillagon, ministre de la Culture et de la Communication, sur l'évaluation, l'analyse et les propositions concernant l'offre culturelle à France Télévision (particulièrement France 2 et France 3). »
Creator(s): Cathérine Clement | Date Published: 2002-12-10

Studies & Reports

Canadian Content in the 21st Century

"Submission to the Canadian Content Review advocating policy tools to promote Canadian content."
Creator(s): Canadian Conference of the Arts | Date Published: 2002-05-30

Studies & Reports

Proposed Policy Framework for Community Based Media

"Submission to the CRTC encouraging the regulatory body in its efforts to provide more space for Canadian cultural expression in the broadcast media and to foster and environment where diverse forms of cultural expression can flourish."
Creator(s): Canadian Conference of the Arts | Date Published: 2002-02-22

Studies & Reports

Canadian Content in the 21st Century: a discussion paper about Canadian content in film and television productions

"This discussion paper has been developed as a first step to initiate a public dialogue on Canadian content."
Creator(s): Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2002

Studies & Reports

“Safeguard, Enrich and Strengthen”: Canada's Broadcasting System and the 1991 Broadcasting Act

"Submitted by the Canadian Conference of the Arts to the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage."
Creator(s): Canadian Conference of the Arts | Date Published: 2001-12

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Also Related

Related Materials

Studies & Reports

Trends in Audiovisual Markets: Regional Perspectives from the South

" overview of the main trends in the broadcasting and audiovisual industry worldwide, with a focus on regional patterns of production, consumption and trade in Africa, Asia and Latin America."
Creator(s): United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) | Date Published: 2006

Studies & Reports

Télé-Québec in the 21st Century: More Necessary than ever as a Benchmark for our Collective Identity

"Public hearings by the Télé-Québec Review Working Group."
Creator(s): National Film Board of Canada - Jacques Bensimon | Date Published: 2004-10-08

Studies & Reports

Canadian Content in the 21st Century in Film and Television Production: A Matter of Cultural Activities

"This report reviews the definition of Canadian content as it applies to film and television production and its relationship to public funding."
Creator(s): François Macerola | Date Published: 2003-06

Studies & Reports

Follow-up Report on the Review of the Federal System of Support to Film and Television Production

"The purpose of this study was to conduct a risk assessment of the federal support system for television and film and to develop an enhanced management control framework to minimize risk and ensure the achievement of objectives."
Creator(s): Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2000-09

General Reference


"ScreenSite facilitates the teaching and research of film/TV/new media and is designed principally for educators and students."
Creator(s): ScreenSite | Date Published: 2006

General Reference

Canadian Cultural Catalogue

"The Canadian Cultural Catalogue is the only Internet site devoted to Canadian film, television and multimedia productions and those who produced them."
Creator(s): Qui fait Quoi Inc. | Date Published: 2005


British Columbia Film and Television Industry Review

"The Province of British Columbia commissioned InterVISTAS Consulting Inc. to undertake a comprehensive economic study of the British Columbia film and television industry."
Creator(s): InterVistas Consulting | Date Published: 2005-10


Industry Profile: Film and Television - Ontario

"The Canadian film and television production sector is characterized by a concentration of small firms in three regions of the country – Ontario (specifically the Greater Toronto Area), Quebec, and British Columbia."
Creator(s): Ontario Media Development Corporation | Date Published: 2004-07-21


A snapshot: film and television production in Toronto

"$949.05 million worth of film and television productions were shot in the City of Toronto in 2004."
Creator(s): City of Toronto | Date Published: 2004


Bureau of Broadcast Measurement

"BBM Canada is a not-for-profit, broadcast research company that was jointly established in 1944 as a tripartite cooperative by the Canadian Association of Broadcasters and the Association of Canadian Advertisers."


Canadian Women in Communications (CWC)

"Canadian Women in Communications (CWC) is a national, bilingual organization dedicated to the advancement of women in the communications sector through strategic networking, targeted professional development and meaningful recognition."


Austrian Film Commission

"The Austrian Film Commission (AFC), founded in 1986, is an organization dedicated to promoting Austrian cinema throughout the world. The AFC’s role is to increase awareness of Austrian filmmaking abroad and to support the positioning and release of Austrian films on the international marketplace."


Broadcasting Regulation and Cultural Diversity (BRCD)

"The BRCD is a network for the exchange of information and experiences relating to the protection and promotion of cultural diversity in the broadcasting sector."


Broadcast Educators Association of Canada

"The Broadcast Educators Association of Canada is dedicated to the Professional Development of Faculty and Administrators in Radio, Television, Broadcast Journalism and New Media programs in Provincially accredited Colleges and Universities in Canada.


Canadian Cable Television Association (CCTA)

"The Cable Industry is a vehicle for ideas. It has evolved into a relevant medium transmitting thoughts across Canada and the world at large. Whether through new initiatives in quality programming or the World Wide Web, cable is taking the lead in promoting enrichment for Canadians everywhere."


Canadian Broadcast Standards Council

"The Canadian Broadcast Standards Council plays a special role in the Canadian broadcasting industry. It deals with complaints and queries from the public about Canada's private broadcasters' programming."


Canadian Television Fund

"The Canadian Television Fund is a public-private partnership funded by the Government of Canada, cable companies and direct-to-home satellite service providers. With an annual budget of approximately $250 million, its role is to enhance the creation and broadcast of high-quality, culturally significant, Canadian television programs."


Independent Production Fund (IPF)

"The Independent Production Fund is a private independent Foundation established to assist independent production companies to finance the production of Canadian television drama series for private sector broadcasters."


Pan African News Agency, PANAPRESS

"The Pan African News Agency, PANAPRESS, is the fruit of committed African investors who decided to endow the continent with an efficient means of communication."


Women In Film and Television International

"Women In Film & Television International (WIFTI) is a global network comprised of some 35 Women In Film chapters worldwide and over 10,000 members dedicated to advancing professional development and achievement for women working in all areas of film, video."



Musique Francophone


Société des auteurs de radio, télévision et cinéma

« Fondée en 1949 par les auteurs de la radio, la SARTEC est rapidement devenue l’association professionnelle de l’ensemble des auteurs de l’audiovisuel. »


Association des professionnel-le-s de la vidéo du Québec (APVQ)

« L'APVQ est une association de pigistes, salariés, travaillant à leur propre compte ou offrant leurs services au moyen d'une société commerciale, et la juridiction de l'Association comprend la production de documents ou d'oeuvres audiovisuelles par procédés vidéo, magnétoscopique, photographique (photographe de plateau) ou autres. »


Syndicat des techniciennes et techniciens du cinéma et de la vidéo du Québec

« Le Syndicat des techniciennes et techniciens du cinéma et de la vidéo du Québec représente 2650 techniciens et artisans travaillant dans 80 domaines de l'industrie cinématographique québécoise. »


L’Association des réalisateurs et réalisatrices du Québec (ARRQ)

« L’ARRQ s’emploie à la défense des intérêts et des droits professionnels, économiques, culturels, sociaux et moraux de ses membres. Elle a pour mandat de représenter les réalisateurs en toute occasion et dans tout dossier. »

Legislation & Regulations

Broadcasting Act

"An Act respecting broadcasting and to amend certain Acts in relation thereto and in relation to radiocommunication."
Creator(s): Department of Justice Canada | Date Published: 2005-09-13

Legislation & Regulations

Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission Act (CRTC)

"An Act to establish the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission."
Creator(s): Canadian Radio and Telecommunications Commision | Date Published: 2002-01-07

Newsletter(s) & Bulletin(s)

Spectra - National Communication Association

Spectra - National Communication Association
Creator(s): National Communication Association

Newsletter(s) & Bulletin(s)

Global Media Intelligence Screen Digest

"Screen Digest is the pre-eminent source of business intelligence, research, and analysis on global audiovisual media. Screen Digest the Newsletter has been published for more than 30 years and is read in over 40 countries."
Creator(s): Global Media Intelligence Screen Digest | Date Published: 2006




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ID: 9744 | Date Added: 2006-02-06 | Date Modified: 2008-03-04 Important Notices