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All(22)Studies & Reports(10)
Statistics(5)Legislation & Regulations(1)
Project(s)(1)Guides & Case Studies(1)
General Reference(4) 
The Canadian Cultural Observatory lists publications and resources as a public service only and does not promote or endorse them in any way.

Studies & Reports

Studies & Reports

A Public Trust at Risk: The Heritage Health Index Report on the State of America’s Collections

"The Heritage Health Index, the first comprehensive survey ever to assess the condition and preservation needs of U.S. collections, concludes that immediate action is needed to prevent the loss of millions of irreplaceable artifacts. These findings were announced at a news conference in New York City on December 6 and are detailed in A Public Trust at Risk: The Heritage Health Index Report on the State of America’s Collections. "
Creator(s): Heritage Preservation - The National Institute for Conservation | Date Published: 2005-12

Studies & Reports

The Future Digital Heritage Space an Expedition Report

"The target has been to bring home a research and technological development (RTD) roadmap that outlines what may be expected in a future digital heritage space."
Creator(s): Guntram Geser and John Pereira (eds.) - DigiCult | Date Published: 2004-12

Studies & Reports

Helsinki Agenda - Strategy document on international development of new media culture policy

"The Helsinki Agenda recognizes Finland’s pioneering role in media culture and arts, and in creating open access tools and accessible mobile communication technologies (software, technology and interfaces between information technology and culture)."
Creator(s): IFACCA and the Arts Council of Finland | Date Published: 2004-08-24

Studies & Reports

The Role of the Social Economy in Strengthening New Media

"The research was conducted by a team of staff and contractors in the Canadian Community Economic Development Network from February to June 2004. A review of existing research and literature was carried out on the nature and typology of the social economy and its relationship to new media."
Creator(s): Rupert Downing, Canadian Community Economic Development Network | Date Published: 2004-08

Studies & Reports

Proceedings from the International Conference on New Media Research Networks March 26 - 27, 2004

"We are pleased to provide the proceedings of the Conference of New Media Research Networks, held in Charlottetown, PE March 26 - 27, 2004."
Creator(s): Arts-Netlantic | Date Published: 2004-03-26

Studies & Reports

Cultural Heritage, Identity and Belonging among Transnational ‘Communities’ and Globalization: Emerging Issues & Challenges

"This paper is more in the nature of a series of reflections/questions concerning the developing issues & challenges, particularly from a policy perspective, in the ‘developed’ or ‘industrially advanced’ societies of Western Europe (WE) on the one hand and the immigrant-receiving ones of North America, Australia and New Zealand (NAANZ) on the other."
Creator(s): Dhiru Patel, Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2002-11-21

Studies & Reports

Towards a New Act Protecting Canada's Historic Places

"Three years ago, the Department of Canadian Heritage and Parks Canada began a wide-ranging series of consultations on the best means to preserve and celebrate Canada's historic places."
Creator(s): Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2002

Studies & Reports

Preserving Our Heritage

"Cultural preservation, like the conservation of our natural resources, depends upon political leadership, the resources of civil society, and the popular will."
Creator(s): Keith Donohue | Date Published: 2001-10

Studies & Reports

Forum on Preservation

"Popular interest in preservation is evident every day. It is seen in communities rallying around local historic sites, libraries, and museums campaigning to conserve their collections, volunteers surveying outdoor sculpture, and audiences appreciating traditional practices."
Creator(s): Center for Arts and Culture | Date Published: 2001-10

Studies & Reports

Heritage Institutions in Canada Impacts and Benefits

"This study of heritage institutions in Canada provides a national profile of the sector, estimates the economic impact of the sector and goes beyond this traditional analysis to examine the socio-economic benefits of these institutions."
Creator(s): The Outspan Group Inc. | Date Published: 2001

Projects & Programs

Projects & Programs

Preventing Looting of Archaeological Sites During Wartime: Learning the Lessons of Iraq

"Our aim is to develop a set of policy recommendations which governments, and NGOs can adopt prior to the outbreak of hostilities to avert the pillaging of priceless artifacts and the consequent irrecoverable loss of info about vanished civilizations"
Lead Managing Organization: Cultural Policy Centre - University of Chicago | Start Date: 2005

General Reference

General Reference

World Heritage Information Network (WHIN)

"WHIN is a clearing-house for information about the natural and cultural sites identified as being of "outstanding universal value" and inscribed on the World Heritage List by the Intergovernmental World Heritage Committee."
Creator(s): World Heritage Information Network (WHIN) | Date Published: 2006

General Reference

City of Vancouver Heritage Conservation Program

"In April 1983, City Council initiated a Heritage Conservation Program. Both Council and the Vancouver Heritage Commission (then known as the Heritage Advisory Committee) realized that a comprehensive management program was necessary to identify the city's heritage resources, to develop incentives to assist in the conservation of those resources, and to create a greater awareness and understanding of our built heritage. There are three main components to the Heritage Program."
Creator(s): City of Vancouver | Date Published: 2006

General Reference

UNESCO Protect Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict

Information Kit
Creator(s): UNESCO | Date Published: 2004-05-02

General Reference

UNESCO World Heritage List

"The following properties have been approved by the World Heritage Committee to be included on UNESCO's World Heritage List. The list currently contains 754 different properties as of June, 2003."
Creator(s): UNESCO World Heritage List | Date Published: 2003

Guides & Case Studies

Guides & Case Studies

Economics and Historic Preservation: A Guide and Review of the Literature

"A discussion paper prepared for The Brookings Institution Metropolitan Policy Program."
Creator(s): Randall Mason, University of Pennsylvania | Date Published: 2005-09



Heritage institutions

"These tables provide information on finances, attendance, personnel, area, weeks open, and operating hours of non-profit heritage institutions (museums, art galleries, archives, historic sites, exhibition centres, planetariums, observatories, aquariums, zoos, botanical gardens, arboretums, conservatories) and parks (only those with interpretation programs) in Canada."
Creator(s): Statistics Canada | Date Published: 2006-07-26


Number of National Historic Sites Rated as Good, Fair or Poor on Three Elements of Commemorative Integrity (April 2001 to March 2004)

"April 2001 to March 2004"
Creator(s): Parks Canada | Date Published: 2004


Condition of Historic Objects (2003-2004)

"This shows both the number of objects sent for and returned from conservation treatment over the last four years."
Creator(s): Parks Canada | Date Published: 2004


Heritage Railway Station Interventions

"There is no monitoring system to ensure that owners of the properties obtain the required approvals before making alterations or selling the property, that alterations are carried out as planned, or that purchasers of stations continue to respect the heritage character of the station and obtain a designation for the site under provincial legislation."
Creator(s): Parks Canada | Date Published: 2004


Heritage Quick Facts: June 2002

"Cultural Sector's Economic Contribution to Canada - Heritage."
Creator(s): Department of Canadian Heritage, Strategic Research and Analysis | Date Published: 2002-06

Legislation & Regulations

Legislation & Regulations

Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage

"THE GENERAL CONFERENCE of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization meeting in Paris from 17 October to 21 November 1972."
Creator(s): UNESCO | Date Published: 1972


Also Related

Related Materials

Studies & Reports

Living Heritage: Community Development Through Cultural Resources in South East Europe, Final Report 2001-2005

"The evolution of how heritage is understood and used in European societies is part of a wider change in the concept of culture itself...culture is no longer viewed exclusively as a natural and objective good. It has become enlarged, complex and contested..."
Creator(s): François Matarasso, King Baudouin Foundation | Date Published: 2005-10

Studies & Reports

Cultural Heritage Counts for Europe

"Europa Nostra position paper to the European Union institutions."
Creator(s): Europa Nostra | Date Published: 2005-06

Studies & Reports

Patrimoine des communautés francophones - Tourisme patrimonial : Guide pratique (available in French only)

« Ce guide pratique de tourisme patrimonial est une invitation au voyage dans la francophonie ontarienne et canadienne, une invitation à explorer, à apprécier, à sauvegarder et à mettre en valeur différents aspects de nos villes et villages, des paysages de notre région, de nos réseaux d’affaires, de sociabilité et de solidarité, de nos ressources, de nos souvenirs et de nos projets. »
Creator(s): Paule Doucet, Regroupement des organismes du patrimoine franco-ontarien | Date Published: 2005-04-27

Studies & Reports

Tourism Tip Sheet: Cultural & Heritage

"Heritage tourism can be defined as being based upon the social and physical structures of the past and present. Heritage tourism, also called cultural or historical tourism, focuses on the cultural landscapes of the past and present that were shaped by human actions."
Creator(s): Office of the Governor Economic Development & Tourism (Texas) | Date Published: 2004-03

Studies & Reports

Alternative Enterprises – Heritage Tourism

"Unlike conventional tourism, heritage tourism features historical sights and other cultural attractions that help people learn about our Nation’s past. If properly planned and managed, land, buildings, and other resources that have historic or cultural significance or that are located near historically or culturally significant sites – may provide landowners with new income opportunities."
Creator(s): United States Department of Agriculture | Date Published: 2004

Studies & Reports

Muskwa-Kechika Management Area (British Columbia)

"As the first legislated example of conservation biology in action, the Muskwa-Kechika Management Area (M-KMA) offers a valuable new model for conservation planning and design."
Creator(s): National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy | Date Published: 2003

Studies & Reports

Pacific Estuary Conservation Program (British Columbia)

"The Pacific Estuary Conservation Program (PECP) is a partnership of government and non-government agencies that seeks to protect estuarine habitat along the coast of British Columbia through land acquisitions, preservation of Crown lands and the development and promotion of land stewardship techniques."
Creator(s): National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy | Date Published: 2003

Studies & Reports

Vuntut National Park (Yukon)

"Vuntut National Park and surrounding special management area protect the ecological integrity and cultural heritage of a vast area in northern Yukon."
Creator(s): National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy | Date Published: 2003

Studies & Reports

Yukon Protected Areas Strategy (Yukon)

"For many, the Yukon Territory represents one of the last refuges of wilderness. The Yukon Protected Areas Strategy (YPAS) aims to develop a complete network of protected areas in the territory based on ecosystem management, conservation biology, sustainable economies and heritage values."
Creator(s): National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy | Date Published: 2003

Studies & Reports

Cultural Tourism and Business Opportunities for Museums and Heritage Sites

"Cultural tourism represents an area of significant economic benefit to museums and heritage sites. Challenging economic times in particular require cultural and heritage facilities to explore ways and means to increase attendance and self-generated revenues and to control operating expenses."
Creator(s): Ted Silberberg, CMC | Date Published: 2003

Studies & Reports

Clayoquot Sound Biosphere Reserve (British Columbia)

"Clayoquot Sound on Vancouver Island has been the scene of heated clashes between environmental interests and forest companies. Sources of conflict include protection of ecosystems, visual aesthetics, tourism and large-scale industrial forestry."
Creator(s): National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy | Date Published: 2003

Studies & Reports

Lands for Life (Ontario)

"The Ontario government started the Lands for Life (L4L) process to respond to public demand for integrated land use planning and wilderness protection. In phase one, regional round tables developed land use plans for almost half of Ontario's Crown land."
Creator(s): National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy | Date Published: 2003

Studies & Reports

Manitoba Mining Sector Consultation (Manitoba)

"Thanks in part to the Mining Sector Consultation, Manitoba is Canada's leading jurisdiction in achieving protected area goals. Under this consultation, mining, government and conservation interests work together to identify which lands should be protected from mining and other ecologically harmful activities."
Creator(s): National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy | Date Published: 2003

Studies & Reports

On The Effects of Cultural Tourism: Archaeological Preservation, National Identity and Recreation in Bangladesh

"For modern citizens of Bangladesh, the world's most densely populated country, cultural heritage is not a luxury but a touchstone of identity that has helped to forge a nation from a half-century of conflict."
Creator(s): Monica L. Smith | Date Published: 2002-12

Studies & Reports

Heritage Tourism and the Federal Government: Summit, Washington, DC. November 14, 2002

"Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Report of Proceedings. In conjunction with its regular quarterly meeting, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) hosted a summit meeting of Federal agencies on November 14, 2002, to discuss cultural heritage tourism."
Creator(s): Advisory Council on Historic Preservation | Date Published: 2002-11-14

Studies & Reports

The Cultural Tourism Route between Finnish and Russian Castles and Fortresses and The Third Finnish-Russian Cultural Forum in Lappeenranta

"The seminar about the cultural tourism route between Finnish and Russian castles and fortresses started on the first day of the Third Finnish Russian Cultural Forum in Lappeenranta, Finland, on Wednesday, 9.10.2002, with a visit to the Fortress of Lappeenranta."
Creator(s): Karoliina Lehtonen, Ministry of Education of Finland | Date Published: 2002-10-09

Studies & Reports

Eastern Scotian Shelf Integrated Management Project (Nova Scotia)

"The Eastern Scotian Shelf Integrated Management (ESSIM) project is one of the first integrated management initiatives launched under the 1997 Oceans Act. It is a regionally driven, collaborative planning process for addressing conservation, multiple use and sustainable development of the ocean environment."
Creator(s): National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy | Date Published: 2002

Studies & Reports

Heritage Tourism, National Trust for Historic Preservation

"What is heritage tourism? The National Trust for Historic Preservation defines heritage tourism as “traveling to experience the places, artifacts and activities that authentically represent the stories and people of the past and present.”
Creator(s): Cheryl M. Hargrove | Date Published: 2002

Studies & Reports

Assessing the Values of Cultural Heritage Research Report

"This is the third report on the research on values and economics of cultural heritage which was started at the Getty Conservation Institute in 1995. The early results of this project highlighted some issues fundamental to the field that were in need of further consideration. Among these were the lack of recognized and widely accepted methodologies for the assessment of cultural values, as well as the difficulties of comparing the results of economic and cultural values assessments."
Creator(s): The Getty Conservation Institute | Date Published: 2002

Studies & Reports

Banff Heritage Tourism Strategy

"In the confusion and frustration currently surrounding tourism, especially ecotourism, here is a story of promise and hope. The Banff Heritage Tourism Strategy (HTS) a community-based tourism initiative that has tremendous potential to help overcome the destruction caused by too many people in a fragile place."
Creator(s): Holly Quan | Date Published: 2001-12

Studies & Reports

Securing Canada's Natural Capital: A Vision for Nature Conservation in the 21st Century

"The report outlines key challenges and opportunities for conservation, and presents a set of recommendations that, if applied, will position Canada as a global leader in conservation by 2010."
Creator(s): National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy | Date Published: 2001

Studies & Reports

Sustaining Tourism by Managing its Natural and Heritage Resources

"The international tourism agenda of the 1990s advances some profound challenges to all actors involved in the tourism sector. Consumers of tourism in the 1990s are demanding greater quality in the tourism product. They want greater variety and more flexibility in their travels."
Creator(s): Inter-American Travel Congresses Permanent Secretariat | Date Published: 1997-01-31

Projects & Programs

Canada Travelling Exhibition Indemnification Program

"In 1999, the Government of Canada established the Canada Travelling Exhibitions Indemnification Program within the Department of Canadian Heritage."
Lead Managing Organization: Department of Canadian Heritage | Start Date: 1999

Projects & Programs

Moveable Cultural Property Program

"In order to better ensure the preservation in Canada of significant examples of our cultural, historic and scientific heritage, the Government of Canada enacted legislation to prevent the uncontrolled export of such cultural property."
Lead Managing Organization: Canadian Heritage | Start Date: 2006

Projects & Programs

Culture et tourisme Villes et villages d'art et de patrimoine (available in French only)

« Ce programme vise à développer et promouvoir les ressources culturelles du milieu dans une optique de tourisme culturel, en formant des animateurs pour assurer la relève dans le domaine de la mise en valeur et de l'animation du patrimoine. »
Lead Managing Organization: Culture et des Communications Québec | Start Date: 2004-07-19

Projects & Programs

Sub-Programme for Natural / Cultural Tourism (Ireland)

"The objective of this sub-programme is to assist in making Ireland's natural and cultural heritage more accessible and attractive to tourists."
Lead Managing Organization: Department of the Arts, Gaeltacht | Start Date: 2004

General Reference

English Heritage

"It is our job at English Heritage to make sure that the historic environment of England is properly maintained and cared for. By employing some of the country's very best architects, archaeologists and historians, we aim to help people understand and appreciate why the historic buildings and landscapes around them matter."
Creator(s): English Heritage | Date Published: 2006

General Reference

Cultural and Heritage Tourism Resources

"History and culture provide a key opportunity for travel promoters and planners. The educational experience from heritage tourism can be partnered with other tourist attractions."
Creator(s): Municipal Research & Services Center of Washington | Date Published: 2005-01

General Reference

UNESCO World Heritage Center

"The World Heritage List grows longer every year as new nominations are accepted by the World Heritage Committee and more countries sign the World Heritage Convention."
Creator(s): UNESCO | Date Published: 2005

Guides & Case Studies

Strengthening Ontario’s Heritage: An introductory guide to identifying, protecting and promoting your community’s heritage

"The Ontario government is helping communities across the province preserve and protect their local heritage with the publication of Strengthening Ontario’s Heritage: An introductory guide to identifying, protecting and promoting your community’s heritage."
Creator(s): Ministry of Culture, Government of Ontario | Date Published: 2005-10-05

Guides & Case Studies

Successful tourism at heritage places

"There are many issues to think about in successful tourism. One goal for everyone involved is to provide an enjoyable and enriching experience for visitors. This is where launched interpretation plays a major role. Successful tourism hinges on this. The eight principles covered in the guide all contribute to achieving this goal."
Creator(s): Annie Crawford, Australian Heritage Commission | Date Published: 2005-04-27

Guides & Case Studies

Best Practices in Natural Heritage Collaborations: Parks and Outdoor Tourism Operators

"Parks and protected areas (PAs) are usually scenically attractive, form significant lures, have significant biodiversity and other values, and are important destinations in Canada for outdoor tourism operators."
Creator(s): Pam Wight and Associates | Date Published: 2001-09


Profile of heritage institutions

"Excluding nature parks."
Creator(s): Statistics Canada | Date Published: 2005-01-25


Progress on Establishing National Parks in 14 Unrepresented Regions (2003-2004)

"Progress on Establishing National Parks in 14 Unrepresented Regions (2003-2004)."
Creator(s): Parks Canada | Date Published: 2004-11-22


Heritage Trust of Nova Scotia

"...To promote, foster, and encourage interest in and preservation of buildings and sites of an historic, artistic and cultural nature within Nova Scotia..." The Heritage Trust of Nova Scotia, founded in 1959, is one of the earliest heritage preservation organizations in Canada."


Canadian Centre for Architecture

"An international research centre and museum devoted to architecture."


Vieilles maisons françaises

"Anne de Amodio founded the association in 1953, to promote the preservation and restoration of the historical buildings as well as to promote the training of craftsmen."


Canada's Historic Places

"Canada’s historic places capture the spirit of the nation, providing the connecting fabric that links us together as Canadians. Historic places offer social, economic and environmental benefits that add to the quality of life in our communities. However, our historic places are at risk --- over 20% of the nation’s historic buildings have been destroyed in one generation."


CIMEC - The Institute for Cultural Memory

"CIMEC - Institutul de Memorie Culturala (Institute for Cultural Memory) is a public institution under the Romanian Ministry of Culture and Religious Affairs, founded in 1978, as a national organisation for the computerised cultural heritage record."


City Lore

"City Lore was founded in 1986 to produce programs and publications that convey the richness of New York City's cultural heritage. Increasingly our many efforts embrace national audiences as well."


Community Heritage Ontario

"Community Heritage Ontario - Le Patrimoine Communautaire de I'Ontario (CHO) was incorporated in 1991 to provide a non-profit provincial umbrella organization in support of municipally-appointed heritage advisory committees. These local volunteer committees are known as Municipal Heritage Committees (formerly called LACACs - Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committees) and exist to advise local municipal councils on heritage matters."


International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property

"Conserving culture, promoting diversity."


Fondation du Patrimoine

"Created by the law of July 2, 1996, the "Fondation du Patrimoine" is a private independent non-profit organization, from which the vocation is to defend and to value a heritage in process of disappearance not protected by the State, the "heritage of proximity", which is a non classified or registered heritage. Our main objective consists in the promotion of the local memory and the economic development."


Curriculum Services Canada

"CSC is a not-for-profit, charitable organization dedicated to consistently high standards for learning resources."


National Trust for Historic Preservation

"For more than 50 years, the National Trust has been helping Americans protect the irreplaceable. A private nonprofit organization with more than 200,000 members, the National Trust is the leader of the vigorous preservation movement that is saving the best of the country's past for the future."


Manitoba Historical Society

"Founded in June 1879 by an Act of the Manitoba Legislature, the Manitoba Historical Society (MHS) is the oldest organization in western Canada devoted to the promotion of public interest in, and preservation of, the region's historical resources."


Canadian Conservation Institute

"From leading-edge research to innovative approaches, the Canadian Conservation Institute (CCI) is recognized as a pioneer in the conservation of cultural heritage."


Canada’s National History Society

"Helping Canadians celebrate their stories since 1994. The Society, 50 000 members strong, is devoted to brushing the dust off of Canadian history to reveal our true passion and drama."


Heritage Toronto

"Heritage Toronto is a charitable agency of the City of Toronto. It is responsible for the presentation of heritage programming with a city-wide perspective to all levels of government and private-sector bodies and also for fundraising."


Historica Foundation

"Historica is a foundation whose mandate is to provide Canadians with a deeper understanding of their history and its importance in shaping their future."


Institute for Media, Policy and Civil Society

"IMPACS, the Institute for Media, Policy and Civil Society, is a Canadian charitable organization committed to the protection and expansion of democracy and to strengthening civil society. IMPACS believes that a strong democracy requires three key elements, and our work supports our efforts to create an environment in which democratic values can thrive."


Inuit Heritage Trust

"Inuit Heritage Trust is an Inuit organization that deals specifically with issues of archaeology, ethnographic objects and archives. Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated is the umbrella organization that gives us our core funding."


Ontario Heritage Foundation

"Ontario's heritage is everything we have inherited that we value and wish to preserve for future generations. It is a living legacy that helps us understand our past, provides context for the present and influences our future."


Canadian Association of Cultural Studies

"Over the past several decades, cultural studies has become the name for theoretically informed and politically inspired interdisciplinary work in both the humanities and social sciences. While it is only recently (with some notable exceptions) that cultural studies is beginning to find its way into universities across Canada, there has long been an indigenous form of Canadian cultural studies whose influence has been felt around the world."


South African Heritage Resources Agency, SAHRA

"SAHRA is a statutory organisation established under the National Heritage Resources Act, No 25 of 1999, as the national administrative body responsible for the protection of South Africa’s cultural heritage."


Centre for History and New Media

"Since 1994, the Center for History and New Media (CHNM) has used digital media and computer technology to change the ways that people--scholars, students, and the general public--learn about and use the past."


American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works

"The American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (AIC) is the national membership organization of conservation professionals dedicated to preserving the art and historic artifacts of our cultural heritage for future generations."


Association for Canadian Sudies

"The Association for Canadian Studies (ACS) is a learned society which initiates and supports activities in the areas of research, teaching, communications, and the training of students in the field of Canadian Studies, especially in interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary perspectives."


Australian Heritage Council

"The Australian Heritage Council is the principal adviser to the Australian Government on heritage matters. The Council assesses nominations for the National Heritage List and the Commonwealth Heritage List and compiles the Register of the National Estate."


Canadian Heritage Information Network (CHIN)

"The Canadian Heritage Information Network (CHIN) and Canadian museums work together to strengthen our collective ability to create, present and manage Canadian online content. This collaboration has resulted in CHIN's internationally valued Web site for heritage professionals, and the highly successful VMC portal at"


Heritage Canada Foundation

"The Heritage Canada Foundation is a national, membership-based organization and registered charity established in 1973."


The Heritage Council - Ireland

"The Heritage Council was established as a statutory body under the Heritage act 1995."


International Council for Canadian Studies

"The International Council for Canadian Studies (ICCS) is a federation of twenty national and multi-national Canadian Studies associations, governed by an Executive Council and an elected four-member Executive Committee."


U.S. Department of the Interior

"The Mission of the Department of the Interior is to protect and provide access to our Nation's natural and cultural heritage and honor our trust responsibilities to Indian Tribes and our commitments to island communities."


Ontario Historical Society

"The Ontario Historical Society is a non-profit corporation and registered charity; a non-government group founded in 1888; bringing together people of all ages, all walks of life and all cultural backgrounds interested in preserving some aspect of Ontario."


Organization of World Heritage Cities

"The Organization of World Heritage Cities (OWHC) was founded on September 8, 1993 in Fez, Morocco. As of December 31, 2001, the organization was made up of 203 cities in which are located inhabited sites, included on the UNESCO World Heritage List."


Royal Architectural Institute of Canada

"The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada, established in 1907, is a voluntary national association representing more than 3,000 architects, and Faculty and graduates of accredited Canadian Schools of Architecture, from every region of the country."


World Monuments Fund

"World Monuments Fund is the foremost private, non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of historic art and architecture worldwide through fieldwork, advocacy, grantmaking, education, and training."


L'Association québécoise pour le patrimoine industriel (Aqpi) (available in French only)

« ... est une association à but non lucratif dont le rôle est de promouvoir l'étude, la connaissance, la conservation et la mise en valeur du patrimoine industriel au Québec. »


Centre de conservation du Québec (CCQ) (available in French only)

« Le Centre de conservation du Québec contribue à la conservation préventive et à la restauration du patrimoine mobilier du Québec en vue d'une meilleure accessibilité et d'une valorisation de l'héritage culturel du Québec. »


Conseil des monuments et sites du Québec

« Organisme privé à but non lucratif créé en 1975, le Conseil des monuments et sites du Québec (CMSQ) œuvre à la sauvegarde et à la mise en valeur des monuments et sites du Québec. Madame France Gagnon Pratte, historienne de l’architecture, assume actuellement la présidence de l'organisme. »

Legislation & Regulations

Cultural Property Export and Import Act

"An Act respecting the export from Canada of cultural property and the import into Canada of cultural property illegally exported from foreign states."
Creator(s): Department of Justice Canada | Date Published: 2005-08-09

Legislation & Regulations

Canada Travelling Exhibitions Indemnification Act

"An Act to establish an indemnification program for travelling exhibitions."
Creator(s): Department of Justice Canada | Date Published: 2005-08-09

Legislation & Regulations

UNESCO Declaration concerning the Intentional Destruction of Cultural Heritage

"The UNESCO Declaration concerning the Intentional Destruction of Cultural Heritage ("the Declaration") was unanimously adopted by the thirty-second session of the UNESCO General Conference (Paris, September - October 2003), mainly in response to the tragic destruction of the Buddhas of Bamiyan in Afghanistan in March 2001."
Creator(s): UNESCO | Date Published: 2001-03

Legislation & Regulations

UNESCO Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property 1970

"For the purposes of this Convention, the term `cultural property' means property which, on religious or secular grounds, is specifically designated by each State as being of importance for archaeology, prehistory, history, literature, art or science."
Creator(s): UNESCO | Date Published: 1970-11-14

Legislation & Regulations

UNESCO Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict with Regulations for the Execution of the Convention 1954

"Recognizing that cultural property has suffered grave damage during recent armed conflicts and that, by reason of the developments in the technique of warfare, it is in increasing danger of destruction."
Creator(s): UNESCO | Date Published: 1954-05-14




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ID: 9799 | Date Added: 2006-02-06 | Date Modified: 2007-05-16 Important Notices