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Home Research Themes In Focus Creative Cities
June 2004

Revitalization & Tourism (Creative Cities In Focus)



All(45)Studies & Reports(20)
Events(1)General Reference(24)
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Revitalization and Tourism concentrates on: the role of culture and arts, with respect to urban and regional regeneration, to renew a depressed or underdeveloped neighborhood by adding arts and heritage components; the use of arts for revitalization processes and the creation of the vitality of a city or region; the strategies and programs to motivate artists and cultural operators to live and create in urban and isolated areas and to contribute to the communities in which they are located; the effects of cultural tourism on regional economic growth as they relate to building social capital and urban development processes.

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Studies & Reports

Studies & Reports

The Impacts of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Crisis on Cultural Events and Organizations in Ontario: Executive Summary

"Cultural attractions, events and institutions integrated into the local tourism economy were greatly affected as SARS reduced visitors and overall revenues, affected levels of sponsorship and influenced programming decisions."
Creator(s): Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2004-08-04

Studies & Reports

A Guide to Community Multimedia Centres

"This book is intended to be of use to all those wanting to become involved or already involved in such initiatives – staff and managers, community groups, NGOs working for community empowerment, communication planners supporting development activities, trainers and project partners."
Creator(s): Stella Hughes, Sucharita Eashwar | Date Published: 2004-05-04

Studies & Reports

Recreation Tourism and Culture Mission Statement

"Recreation Tourism & Culture strives to provide inclusive leisure (recreation, culture, heritage, civic events) services and programs and grow HRM as an authentic and historic tourism destination."
Creator(s): Halifax Regional Municipality | Date Published: 2004-05

Studies & Reports

Building a World-Class Downtown: Indianapolis Regional Center Plan 2020@

"The Indianapolis Regional Center Plan is the official plan for Downtown Indianapolis. Developed by a 300-person stakeholder process and adopted as part of the City's Comprehensive Plan in March 2004, the 20-year plan is currently in the implementation phase."
Creator(s): Indianapolis Regional Center Plan 2020, Indianapolis Cultural Tourism Initiative | Date Published: 2004-03

Studies & Reports

Culture Matters to Tourism

"Profile of Cultural Tourists, Information about cultural tourists."
Creator(s): The Culture Matters Coalition | Date Published: 2004

Studies & Reports

The Socio-Cultural Impacts of Tourism

"Apart from obvious and visible effects on the economy and the physical environment, tourism can contribute to social and cultural changes in host societies, including changes in value systems, traditional lifestyles, family relationships, individual behaviour or community structure. In Hungary, most studies on the impacts of tourism have so far been restricted to economic analysis, and the subject of socio-cultural impacts of tourism has been under-researched."
Creator(s): Tamara Rátz | Date Published: 2004

Studies & Reports

Does Cultural Activity Make a Difference to Community Capacity?

"We need to create dynamic social processes which allow us to reflect on our values, ideas, and modes of expression, and also to postulate and play with the possibilities of how things could be. The arts create the fertile ground for growth in new ways of thinking."
Creator(s): Centre for Sustainable Regional Communities, Cultural Development Network | Date Published: 2004

Studies & Reports

Langley, Cultural Tourism Economic Impact Study

"The purpose of this study was to perform an economic impact assessment for cultural tourism in the Langley area and prepare recommendations for the two councils with respect to the findings of the review."
Creator(s): City of Langley and the Township of Langley, Grant Thornton LLP | Date Published: 2003-09

Studies & Reports

Managing Metropolitan Growth: Reflections on the Twin Cities Experience

"Many debates about whether and how to manage urban growth on a metropolitan or regional level focus on the extremes of laissez-faire capitalism and command-and-control government regulation. This paper proposes an alternative, or "third way," of managing metropolitan growth, one that seeks to steer in between the two extremes, focusing on a pragmatic approach that acknowledges both the market and government policy."
Creator(s): Ted Mondale and William Fulton | Date Published: 2003-09

Studies & Reports

Toward Asset-Based Community Cultural Development: A Journey Through the Disparate Worlds of Community Building

"Through my work, and through reading, listening and conversing with colleagues during the past two decades, I've thought a lot about how the arts contribute to (or work against) building empowered, civically engaged communities."
Creator(s): Tom Borrup | Date Published: 2003-07-17

Studies & Reports

Shrewsbury 2010: Public Consultation Draft of the Leisure, Culture & Visitor Provision for Shrewsbury in the New Century@

"Evidence suggests that initiatives in the leisure/cultural and tourism area play a far more significant role in urban regeneration than initially perceived."
Creator(s): Shrewsbury and Atcham Borough Council | Date Published: 2003-07-07

Studies & Reports

Civic Infastructure and the Financing of Community Development

"In discussions of real estate development, a distinction is often made between investments that are “market-driven” and those that are “subsidized.” Yet this dichotomy is increasingly inappropriate for describing development activities in the central cities of metropolitan areas."
Creator(s): William T. Bogart | Date Published: 2003-05

Studies & Reports

Leveraging Assets: How Small Budget Arts Activities Benefit Neighborhoods

"The report includes, interview based descriptions of how arts activities build capacity, overviews of each neighborhood, including maps showing locations of 111 community arts activites and snapshots of organizations with budgets under $100,000 found in the target areas."
Creator(s): Diane Grams and Michael Warr | Date Published: 2003-03

Studies & Reports

The Arts and Development: An Essential Tension

"This essay will describe a professional community-based theater project that ran up against such a tension in the context of local development, and found itself eyeball-deep in municipal complexities. How it attempted to navigate those complexities can demonstrate some of the opportunities and pitfalls of the relationship between professional community-based arts and local development."
Creator(s): Ferdinand Lewis | Date Published: 2003

Studies & Reports

Smart Growth: The Future of the American Metropolis?

"Widespread frustration with sprawling development patterns has precipitated an explosion in innovative "smart-growth" thinking and action across the United States in recent years. This approach contends that neither the current shape nor quality of metropolitan growth in America is sustainable. It also assumes that metropolitan areas could grow in radically different ways if major government policies on land use, infrastructure, and taxation were overhauled."
Creator(s): Bruce Katz | Date Published: 2002-11

Studies & Reports

A Decade of Mixed Blessings: Urban and Suburban Poverty in Census 2000

"An analysis of poverty rates in the 102 most populous metropolitan areas in 1990 and 2000."
Creator(s): Alan Berube and William H. Frey | Date Published: 2002-08

Studies & Reports

Urban Neighbourhood Revitalization: Horizons Policy Research Initiative - Canada's Cities

"The idea of “the city” often conjures up two distinct images. One is that of the dynamic, livable city: the cosmopolitan centre of business, culture T and entertainment with lively, diverse and socially inclusive neighbourhoods."
Creator(s): Policy Research | Date Published: 2002

Studies & Reports

Giving Voice: A Role for Museums in Civic Dialogue

"There is a growing movement to reinvigorate civic dialogue as vital dimension of a healthy democracy, based on the premise that a democracy is animated by an informed public engaged in the issues affecting their daily lives."
Creator(s): Barbara Schaffer Bacon, Pam Korza, Patricia E. Williams | Date Published: 2002

Studies & Reports

Strengthening Communities Through Culture@

"This report discusses crucial ways in which America’s communities can be identified with, and supported and enhanced by, their art and culture.2 Art and culture are intrinsic to nations and to communities within nations."
Creator(s): Elizabeth Strom | Date Published: 2001-09

Studies & Reports

Centralités métropolitaines

«Le concept de centralité est tout à la fois puissant et flou.»
Creator(s): William J. Coffey, Claude Manzagol et Richard Shearmur | Date Published: 2000-12

Studies & Reports

The Arts and Social Capital

"A growing body of research suggests that the arts can be a valuable engine of civic renewal."
Creator(s): John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University | Date Published: 2000

Studies & Reports

Reviving Cities: Think Metropolitan

"New coalitions are emerging to promote metropolitan solutions at state and regional levels. A real urban revival will also require a federal metropolitan agenda."
Creator(s): Bruce Katz | Date Published: 1998-06

Studies & Reports

Direct Community Participation in Urban Regeneration: The Single Regeneration Process

"The 1990s have seen the concepts of partnership and community involvement become the favoured tools of government to solve urban problems – to bring about urban regeneration."
Creator(s): Thomas Butcher, Warwick University | Date Published: 1996

General Reference

General Reference

International Seminar on Cultural Diversity and Tourism

"Tourism has become the most important industry throughout the world and there are huge expectations—particularly from developing countries—for what this market can represent from an economic point of view. "
Creator(s): UNESCO | Date Published: Nov. 3-6, 2003

General Reference

Politique culturelle de Trois-Rivières

«D'entrée de jeu, posons la question en termes clairs: est-il possible d'enrichir la vie culturelle d'une ville, dans un contexte de restriction budgétaire et de morosité économique? Pour plusieurs maires du Québec, dont celui de Trois-Rivières, la réponse est: oui!»
Creator(s): François Roy | Date Published: février - mars 1998

General Reference

Cultural Initiatives Silicon Valley

"The art inspire the imaginative spirit that has been the hallmark of our valley's remarkable success. Through project areas such as arts education, community and neighborhood arts, and building cultural leadership, Cultural Initiatives Silicon Valley is helping to advance the vitality of our community through cultural development."
Creator(s): Cultural Initiatives Silicon Valley | Date Published: 2004

General Reference

Partners for Livable Communities

"Partners for Livable Communities is a national, nonprofit organization working to restore and renew our communities. Partners has over twenty-five years of experience in solving community problems by providing information, leadership and guidance that help communities help themselves. We welcome the opportunity to bring our experience to your community."
Creator(s): Partners for Livable Communities | Date Published: 2003

General Reference

Cultural Tourism DC

"Cultural Tourism DC is a grassroots, nonprofit coalition of more than 130 arts, heritage, cultural, and community organizations throughout Washington, DC."
Creator(s): Cultural Tourism DC

General Reference

Les arts et la ville

«Les Arts et la ville réunit le milieu des arts et celui des villes et municipalités dans le but de promouvoir et protéger la vitalité culturelle et artistique au niveau local.»
Creator(s): Les Arts et la Ville

General Reference

Buffalo Niagara Cultural Tourism Initiative

"Cultural tourism, one of the fastest growing industries nationwide, has the potential to profoundly affect a region's economy and quality of life-by drawing visitors, attracting businesses, creating economic development opportunities, leveraging educational programming, and, of course, increasing community pride."
Creator(s): Institute for Local Governance and Regional Growth

General Reference

The 3 Cities Project

"The project is an inter- and multi-disciplinary study of the iconography, spatial forms and literary and visual cultures of New York City, Chicago and Los Angeles (1870s to 1930s)."
Creator(s): John Walsh

General Reference

Site Officiel de la Ville de Montréal

Creator(s): Ville de Montréal

General Reference

Commission for Arts and Culture: Cultural Tourism

"Since its inception, the Commission has recognized the importance of Cultural Tourism to the region's overall health. To insure that the region's arts and cultural assets are promoted outside the local market, the Commission works with the San Diego Convention and Visitors Bureau and their Director of Cultural Tourism to include arts and culture activities into the broader tourism marketing efforts."
Creator(s): City of San Diego Commission for Arts and Culture

General Reference

Okanagan Valley: Cultural Corridor Project, Cultural Tourism & Industries, Cultural Tourism

"Cultural tourism is tourism attributable to arts and cultural attractions. For the purposes of this study, these attractions are defined as arts events, cultural festivals, museums, art and craft galleries, and heritage attractions and sites."
Creator(s): Tourism British Columbia

General Reference

ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Cultural Tourism

"The ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Cultural Tourism is one of 16 international scientific committees of the International Council on Monuments and Sites."
Creator(s): International Council on Monuments and Sites

General Reference

Corporation of London: Urban Regeneration

"The Corporation's role within the partnerships ranges from acting as accountable body for the City Fringe Partnership and the Pool of London Partnership, providing representation on board and management groups, sharing expertise (transport, education, legal) and using its influence and resources by contributing financially (match funding, subscription fees, investment), engaging City firms in local community work and ensuring that local people benefit from City expansion."
Creator(s): City of London (England)

General Reference

Fort Macleod Main Street Project History

"These pages outline the objectives of the Alberta government's Main Street downtown revitalization programme, its organization and marketing, design, and economic development, and how it has been implemented in Fort Macleod."
Creator(s): Doors Open Alberta

General Reference

The Urban Design Group

"Urban design is the collaborative and multi-disciplinary process of shaping the physical setting for life in cities, towns and villages, the art of making places, and design in an urban context."
Creator(s): The Urban Design Group

General Reference

International Downtown Association

"The International Downtown Association is a world leader and champion for vital and livable urban centers."
Creator(s): International Downtown Association

General Reference

International Centre for Municipal Development

"Welcome to the International Centre for Municipal Development (ICMD) Knowledge Network, Federation of Canadian Municipalities. Here you will find information about ICMD's municipal capacity building activities in Canada and around the world. In our Resource Centre you will also find a wide range of documents, toolkits, and manuals related to municipal development."
Creator(s): International Centre for Municipal Development

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Related Materials

Studies & Reports

Cross River Partnership’s Cultural Diversity and Tourism Seminar

"Cross River Partnership’s (CRP) ‘Cultural Diversity and Tourism’ seminar has highlighted the rich cultural diversity that the Cross River area (the City of London and parts of Westminster, Southwark and Lambeth) has to offer."
Creator(s): Cross River Partnership | Date Published: 2003-05-22

Studies & Reports

Bloomington Area Cultural Tourism

"In the spring of 2001, Bloomington Mayor John Fernandez launched the Cultural Tourism Initiative to identify strategies to promote cultural tourism as a major economic development strategy."
Creator(s): Bloomington and Monroe County | Date Published: 2001




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