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Canadians and Their Pasts: A New Research Project, April 17, 2007
Ignite: Youth Arts Forum, June 12-13, 2007, Toronto, Ontario
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The Independent Film and Television Alliance Production Conference, June 15th, 2007
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All(54)Studies & Reports(29)
General Reference(25) 
Canadian government building
The arts, culture, tourism and recreation sectors are important and rapidly growing contributors to the well-being of Canadian provinces and cities. Municipalities across the country are investing creative efforts to turn local assets into community-wide strategies for economic renewal and a better quality of life. They develop and administer policies, plans, programs and actions to promote, preserve and support the arts and culture as central to healthy, vibrant cities. The sharing of expertise, experience, and best practices between regions and cities is vital to create and maintain a constant dialogue for effective regional, cultural development and urban revitalization.

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Studies & Reports

Studies & Reports

Montreal's Capacity for Creative Connectivity: Outlook and Opportunities@

"This document is a summary of the academic article currently being written for submission to American scientifi c journals."
Creator(s): Kevin Stolarick, PhD. Richard Florida Ph.D. Louis Musante, Catalytix | Date Published: 2005-01

Studies & Reports

Priority Issues of Canadian City Regions

"Across Canada, the repair, preservation, maintenance and protection of municipal infrastructure is a major economic and technological challenge whose ultimate aim is to improve both the quality of life of citizens and the international competitveness of our business, city regions, provinces and country as a whole."
Creator(s): National Forum on Economic Growth of Big Cities in Canada | Date Published: 2004-06

Studies & Reports

Investing in the competitiveness and attractiveness of Canadian city regions for the well-being of our citizens

"Declaration of the 22 big city mayors to support the prosperity of city regions, provinces and Canada."
Creator(s): National Forum on Economic Growth of Big Cities in Canada | Date Published: 2004-06

Studies & Reports

Recreation Tourism and Culture Mission Statement@

"Recreation Tourism & Culture strives to provide inclusive leisure (recreation, culture, heritage, civic events) services and programs and grow HRM as an authentic and historic tourism destination."
Creator(s): Halifax Regional Municipality | Date Published: 2004-05

Studies & Reports

La Ville de Shawinigan dévoile sa politique culturelle

«La Ville de Shawinigan dévoile aujourd’hui sa politique culturelle. Fruit des états généraux de la culture qui se sont tenus en mars 2003, cette politique s’inspire de l’héritage culturel et patrimonial de la ville.»
Creator(s): Ville de Shawinigan | Date Published: 2004-04-30

Studies & Reports

Place Matters and Multi-level Governance: Perspectives on a New Urban Policy Paradigm

"This article takes stock of the recent explosion of interest in Canada’s cities, exploring the factors driving the new urban agenda, and the strategies needed to build healthy vibrant cities."
Creator(s): Neil Bradford | Date Published: 2004-02-13

Studies & Reports

Seul on va plus vite, ensemble on va plus loin

«Tout d’abord, un mot pour remercier les organisateurs de cet événement. Je tiens à les féliciter pour la tenue de ce colloque qui, par la thématique qu’il aborde, nous permet à nous – les acteurs du monde municipal – de prendre une pause pour échanger sur notre vision du développement des municipalités, sur les défis qui nous attendent et sur les solutions qui se présentent.»
Creator(s): Jean-Marc Fournier | Date Published: 2004-02-13

Studies & Reports

Le défi des villes au Canada : remarques par Robert Lacroix

«Séance plénière : Point de mire sur Montréal.»
Creator(s): Robert Lacroix | Date Published: 2004-02-11

Studies & Reports

Le défi des villes au Canada - Séance plénière : Point de mire sur Montréal

"The genesis of one of the great challenges facing Montreal today lies in the inbred urban schitzoprenia of its citizens. If their city is going to live up to the potential of its human and natural resources, Montrealers are going to have to come to terms with the double loyalty required to take possession of the city as a whole while at the same time protecting the unique character and personality of the respective communities in which they live and to which they feel they belong."
Creator(s): Gretta Chambers | Date Published: 2004-02-11

Studies & Reports

Place Matters and Multi-level Governance: Perspectives on a New Urban Policy Paradigm

"This article takes stock of the recent explosion of interest in Canada’s cities, exploring the factors driving the new urban agenda, and the strategies needed to build healthy vibrant cities."
Creator(s): Neil Bradford, Research Fellow, Cities and Communities Canadian Policy Research Networks and Department of Political Science Huron University College | Date Published: 2004-02

Studies & Reports

The Federation of Canadian Municipalities: Quality of Life Reporting System: Highlights Report 2004

"This is the third in a series of reports on quality of life prepared by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) using information derived from a variety of national and municipal data sources."
Creator(s): The Federation of Canadian Municipalities | Date Published: 2004

Studies & Reports

City of Fredericton - Municipal Plan Review

"The Municipal Plan is a working document used by the City of Fredericton."
Creator(s): City of Fredericton | Date Published: 2004

Studies & Reports

City of Port Coquitlam, Growing the Arts: Leigh Square, Community Arts Village Development

"This study was undertaken working closely with the Parks and Recreation Department, the Community Cultural Development Advisory Committee and a wide variety of community stakeholders."
Creator(s): Hotson Bakker Boniface Haden Architects | Date Published: 2003-11

Studies & Reports

Cities and Communities that Work: Innovative Practices, Enabling Policies

"This paper tells the stories of 11 small and medium cities in Canada, the United States and Europe that have made dedicated and creative efforts to turn local assets into a community-wide strategy for economic renewal and a better quality of life."
Creator(s): Neil Bradford | Date Published: 2003-06

Studies & Reports

Enough Talk: An Action Plan for the Toronto Region

"The Toronto City Summit Alliance was formed to address the challenges the Summit identified as critical to our shared future – finance, infrastructure, education, immigration, and the underlying health of our regional economy."
Creator(s): Toronto City Summit Alliance | Date Published: 2003-04

Studies & Reports

Creative Cities: The Role of Culture - Robert Palmer's March 27 Presentation

"Robert Palmer described five phases that can be discerned in Canadian national cultural policy."
Creator(s): Robert Palmer | Date Published: 2003-03-27

Studies & Reports

Nation Building Through Cities: A New Deal for Immigrant Settlement in Canada

"Today we need IT, specialists, production managers, researchers, carpenters, and tool and dye workers, to name a few, and we need them in our cities. Today it is the urban centers that are the engine and the lifeline of the national economy."
Creator(s): Elizabeth McIsaac | Date Published: 2003-02

Studies & Reports

Toronto - Culture Plan for the Creative City

"In May 2000, Toronto City Council commissioned this Culture Plan to help guide the city's cultural development for the next 10 years. Plan released in 2003."
Creator(s): City of Toronto | Date Published: 2003

Studies & Reports

Understanding Sprawl: A Citizen's Guide

"Understanding Sprawl is a guide for decision-makers and citizens who want to create a healthy, affordable and sustainable urban future."
Creator(s): David Gurin | Date Published: 2003

Studies & Reports

The Art of Change: Manitoba Arts Council Annual Report 2002-2003

"The mission of the Manitoba Arts Council is to promote, preserve and support the arts as central to the quality of life of all people of Manitoba."
Creator(s): Manitoba Arts Council | Date Published: 2002-2003

Studies & Reports

Building Up : Making Canada's Cities Magnets for Talent and Engines of Development

"Cities matter because they are the primary unit for economic and social development in the nation, and the key magnets for attracting and retaining young talent."
Creator(s): Canada25 | Date Published: 2002-12

Studies & Reports

Canada's Urban Strategy: A Blueprint for Action

"In May 2002, The Task Force released its Interim Report, Canada’s Urban Strategy:A Vision for the 21st Century. This Final Report concludes our mandate. It marks a new phase in the debate on the future of Canada’s urban regions."
Creator(s): Prime Minister’s Caucus Task Force on Urban Issues | Date Published: 2002-11

Studies & Reports

Why Cities Matter: Policy Research Perspectives for Canada

"The paper outlines the reasons why cities matter so much at this time in our history."
Creator(s): Neil Bradford | Date Published: 2002-06

Studies & Reports

The Place of Cities in Canada: Inside the Constitutional Box and Out

"In this speech delivered at an April 2002 conference at Queen’s University’s School of Policy Studies, Alan Broadbent offers a range of practical solutions to the growing crisis of the city in Canada’s economy and society."
Creator(s): Alan Broadbent | Date Published: 2002-06

Studies & Reports

Planning, Culture and Sustainable Communities

"This paper explores some dimensions of this issue. It does so in part by examining the emerging field of cultural planning."
Creator(s): Greg Baeker | Date Published: 2002-03-01

Studies & Reports

Red Deer - Community Culture Master Plan

"The City of Red Deer's Comunity Culture Master Plan."
Creator(s): Red Deer Community Culture Master Plan Steering Committee & Randall Conrad & Associates | Date Published: 2001-09

Studies & Reports

Environmental Quality in Canadian Cities: The Federal Role

"This State of the Debate report addresses the emerging importance of cities, as well as their increasing environmental challenges. It is the culmination of the work of the National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy’s Urban Sustainability Program. The program was launched in December 2001 primarily to identify federal fiscal policies to improve the quality of Canada’s urban environments."
Creator(s): National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy (NRTEE) | Date Published: 2001

Studies & Reports

Moncton - Arts and Cultural Policy

" In its role as a leader in community development, the City of Moncton joined its neighbouring communities in 1996, Dieppe and Riverview, to create a working committee charged with creating and elaborating an arts and cultural policy. This document is bilingual."
Creator(s): City of Moncton | Date Published: 2000-01-17

Studies & Reports

Montréal et Toronto : deux capitales culturelles et leurs publics

«Si on se fie au verdict du Places Rated Almanach, Montréal n'aura plus encore très longtemps la satisfaction -- peut-être la dernière qui lui restait -- de se proclamer métropole artistique et culturelle du Canada.»
Creator(s): Daniel Latouche, Guy Bellavance | Date Published: 1999

Studies & Reports

Toronto et Montréal; deux hypercentres aux dynamiques commerciales comparables

«Le commerce est une des composantes essentielles des centres-villes. Avec les activités financières et celles de commandement, il rend aujourd'hui compte du dynamisme et du rayonnement des cœurs des agglomérations. En effet, le nombre de magasins, l'assortiment commercial ainsi que la qualité des points de vente témoignent de la singularité de l'espace central.»
Creator(s): Florence Smits | Date Published: 1999

Studies & Reports

Urban Hierarchies and the Changing Characteristics of "Urban Professionals" in Toronto and Montreal: Between Convergence and Divergence

"It has been amply demonstrated in the literature that the decade of the 1980s was a crucial one as regards what Ley (1996) terms the "shuffling of command and control" in the Canadian urban system. Toronto's position at the summit of the Canadian urban-economic hierarchy became more firmly entrenched than ever before, with the region increasing its lead over the country's other major advanced tertiary centres in terms of employment in the pivotal financial and business services sectors."
Creator(s): Damaris Rose | Date Published: 1999

General Reference

General Reference

Winnipeg - New City policy puts the public in Public Art

"The significance of this policy is that politicians endorse the need for public art and also respect that there cannot be political interference in the creation or subject of the work."
Creator(s): | Date Published: September 25, 2003

General Reference

Québec - ministère des Affaires municipales, du sport et du loisir

«Dans l'intérêt des municipalités et de leurs citoyens, le ministère des Affaires municipales, du Sport et du Loisir (MAMSL) veille à la bonne administration du système municipal.»
Creator(s): Governement du Québec | Date Published: 2004-05-13

General Reference

Competing on Creativity: An Analysis of Kingston, Ontario

"The recent report Competing on Creativity: Placing Ontario’s Cities in North American Context provides an analysis of the performance of Canada’s 25 Census Metropolitan Areas (CMAs) as measured by a set of indicators reflecting talent, creativity, diversity and technology. This report presents a similar analysis of Kingston’s performance using the same set of indicators."
Creator(s): Meric S. Gertler, Tara Vinodrai | Date Published: 2003-05

General Reference

Live With Culture@

"Toronto's Celebration of Creativity."
Creator(s): Toronto Culture

General Reference

Ontario - Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

"Our ministry’s vision is an Ontario made up of strong urban and rural communities, each with dynamic local and regional economies and an attractive quality of life."
Creator(s): Government of Ontario

General Reference

New Brunswick - Department of Environment and Local Government

"Healthy environment and strong communities."
Creator(s): Government of New Brunswick

General Reference

Toronto City Council Selects Evergreen to Revitalize Historic Brick Works Site: Plan highlights environmental education and historical preservation

"Toronto City Council announced it has designated Evergreen, a national award-winning organization committed to urban greening, as the preferred proponent to develop a major portion of the Don Valley Brick Works site into an environmental education and community-focused centre."
Creator(s): Evergreen - Brick Works

General Reference

Office of Cultural Affairs

"The Office of Cultural Affairs advises Vancouver City Council on issues and strategies related to the cultural sector, develops and administers cultural policies and programs, and participates in city planning and development processes."
Creator(s): City of Vancouver

General Reference

Municipal Suppliers

"The municipal information network."
Creator(s): Municipal Suppliers

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Related Materials

Studies & Reports

Imagine a Toronto...Strategies for a Creative City

"The goal of this project is to produce a strategy that addresses the current needs of Toronto’s creative economy, promotes its future growth and leverages these creative assets to enhance economic and social opportunity."
Creator(s): The Creative Cities Leadership Team | Date Published: 2006-07-24

Studies & Reports

Ottawa 20/20 Arts and Heritage Plan

"The Ottawa 20/20 Arts Plan aims to build and sustain Ottawa as a creative city. Implementation of the Arts Plan will reap robust economic and quality-of-life impacts that benefit all Ottawans."
Creator(s): City of Ottawa | Date Published: 2003-04




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