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All(22)Studies & Reports(20)
General Reference(2) 
The Canadian Cultural Observatory lists publications and resources as a public service only and does not promote or endorse them in any way.

Studies & Reports

Studies & Reports

The Impact of Digital Technology on Canadian Culture

This issue of Canadian Issues magazine contains the proceedings of the Association of Canadian Studies forum on Canadian Culture and Digital Technology, held in Gatineau, Quebec in October 2007.
Creator(s): Association for Canadian Studies | Date Published: 2007-12

Studies & Reports

Étude sur les technologies et les politiques culturelles dans le secteur du cinéma (available in French only)

« Le virage technologique qui s’effectue dans l’ensemble de l’industrie des communications nous fait voir de nouvelles façons de produire et de diffuser des contenus audiovisuels mais il est aussi en voie de changer profondément nos habitudes de consommation et par le fait même, les rapports que nous entretenons au sein de cette industrie. »
Creator(s): René Villeneuve, groupe numérique | Date Published: 2007-08-30

Studies & Reports

New Technologies and Cultural Policy Executive Summary

"The importance of new technologies for all of Canadians’ activities in the fields of information, education, recreation, entertainment and work no longer needs to be demonstrated."
Creator(s): Pierre C. Bélanger, Ph.D. | Date Published: 2007-08

Studies & Reports

Report on the Impact of Technology on Culture - Audio-visual

"The digital revolution currently underway will continue for some time to change the way we live, work and play."
Creator(s): GR Strategies Inc. | Date Published: 2007-07

Studies & Reports

New Technologies and Cultural Policies - The Audio-Visual Sector (Addendum)

"This document is an addendum to the Report on the Impact of Technology on Culture produced by GR Strategies Inc."
Creator(s): Pierre C. Bélanger, Ph .D. | Date Published: 2007-07

Studies & Reports

New Technologies and Cultural Policies Comprehensive Report

"This report is a synthesis of four sectoral reports prepared as part of a general review of the impact of new technologies on Canada’s cultural policies."
Creator(s): Pierre C. Bélanger, Ph.D. | Date Published: 2007-07

Studies & Reports

Impact of Technology on Cultural Policies - New Media Sector

"This report provides an overview of the emerging technologies, practices and business models of the New Media sector and outlines their implications for cultural policy."
Creator(s): Mark Kuznicki, Remmarkk Consulting | Date Published: 2007-06-21

Studies & Reports

The Impact of Music Downloads and P2P File-Sharing on the Purchase of Music: A Study for Industry Canada

"The primary objective of this paper is to determine how the downloading of music files through Internet peer-to-peer (P2P) networks influences music purchasing in Canada."
Creator(s): Birgitte Andersen and Marion Frenz | Date Published: 2007-05-04

Studies & Reports

New Normal: Version 2.07

Final Report, Culture and Technology Round Table Convened by the Culture and Technology Task Force and the Canadian Cultural Observatory, Department of Canadian Heritage, Toronto, Ontario, May 23, 2007.
Creator(s): Report Prepared by: Katherine Watson, Meta4 Creative Communications Inc. | Date Published: 2007-05

Studies & Reports

New Technologies and Cultural Policies in the Publishing Sector

"There is no longer any doubt today that North American and other societies have entered an era in which new technologies dictate new ways of doing things in most areas of endeavour."
Creator(s): Marcel Ouellette, Edinova Inc. | Date Published: 2007-05

Studies & Reports

The Impact of Technology on Cultural Policies: The Future of Music

"This report provides an overview of the impact of technology and culture on music, beginning in the 19th century and concluding with predictions for the future. Implications for copyrights, intellectual property, and the creation, manufacture and distribution of music are discussed."
Creator(s): Daniel J. Levitin, Ph.D. | Date Published: 2007

Studies & Reports

Bloggers: A portrait of the internet's new storytellers

"The ease and appeal of blogging is inspiring a new group of writers and creators to share their voices with the world."
Creator(s): Amanda Lenhart, Susannah Fox - Pew Internet & Amercian Life Project | Date Published: 2006-07-19

Studies & Reports

Cultural Renaissance or Cultural Divide?

"America is on the threshold of a significant transformation in cultural life. There have been many cultural shifts in recorded history: Gutenberg's invention of the printing press and the rise of the reading public; the growth of a mercantile class and the birth of private art markets independent of the church and the king; the invention of gas streetlights and the beginning of urban nighttime entertainment."
Creator(s): Bill Ivey and Steven J. Tepper | Date Published: 2006-05-19

Studies & Reports

"Mapping the Digital Transition: What is the New Normal?"

"The Culture and Technology Round Table (Toronto, March 10, 2006) was gain a better understanding of the impact of digital technologies on Canadian society, a society that is facing considerable demographic change. The goal of the session was to draw a clear, evidence-based assessment of the "new normal" and other patterns or trends on the horizon that influence the way that Canada continues to achieve its cultural policy objectives."
Creator(s): Culture and Technology Task Force, the Canadian Cultural Observatory and the Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2006-05-09

Studies & Reports

Trends in Audiovisual Markets: Regional Perspectives from the South

" overview of the main trends in the broadcasting and audiovisual industry worldwide, with a focus on regional patterns of production, consumption and trade in Africa, Asia and Latin America."
Creator(s): United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) | Date Published: 2006

Studies & Reports

Core Technologies for the Cultural and Scientific Heritage Sector

"Report on the usage of technologies for the cultural and scientific sector."
Creator(s): DigiCULT | Date Published: 2005-01

Studies & Reports

Langues et cultures sur la Toile 2005 (available in French only)

« Même si la langue prédominante sur l’Internet reste l’anglais, les statistiques démontrent une progression constante des principales langues néolatines (espagnol, français, italien, portugais et roumain) sur la Toile. »
Creator(s): La Direction Terminologie et Industries de la Langue - DTIL | Date Published: 2005

Studies & Reports

the CARDICIS project@

"The general mission of the second phase of the CARDICIS project is "to follow up, to make concrete and to extend the first efforts to the people of civil society with a key role in the field of ICT4D, as well as to those of particularly relevant international organisations"
Creator(s): Information Society and Cultural Diversity at the Caribbean | Date Published: 2003-2005

Studies & Reports

Development and Access to Multimedia Content: an International Comparison of Policies, Programs and Practices

"This report provides an overview and comparative analysis of the policies and programs of ten governments and three intergovernmental organizations relating to the production of, and access to, multimedia content in the arts, culture and heritage, and education and training sectors."
Creator(s): Maurice Estabrook | Date Published: 1999-08-01

Studies & Reports

Content Policies for Information and Communication Technologies: An International Review

"This study reviews policy, regulatory, financial, and market development support of domestic content for information and communication technologies."
Creator(s): Karim Karim | Date Published: 1997-03-01

Studies & Reports

Technology and the Knowledge-Based Society

"This paper explores several key international trends related to the knowledge-based society, of importance to Canadian domestic and foreign policy."
Creator(s): Roger Butt | Date Published: 1996-12-23

General Reference

General Reference

The Impact of New Technologies on Cultural Policies Annotated Bibliography

"At the Meeting of federal, provincial and territorial (FTP) Ministers responsible for Culture and Heritage held in Banff in September 2005, the Ministers agreed to create a task-force to study the impact of new technologies on cultural policies, such task-force to be spear-headed by the province of Québec."
Creator(s): Direction of media, audiovisual and multimedia affairs Ministry of Culture, Communications and Status of Women | Date Published: 2007-09

General Reference

Canadian Consulate Trade Office - San Francisco, Silicon Valley

"Welcome to the Canadian Consulate Trade Office - San Francisco | Silicon Valley Program Toolbox."
Creator(s): Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade | Date Published: 2006


Also Related

Related Materials

Studies & Reports

Semiotic Disobedience, A Digital Report From The Counter-Publics Working Group

"A Digital Report From The Counter-Publics Working Group."
Creator(s): Robarts Centre for Canadian Studies | Date Published: 2006

Studies & Reports

The Digital Review of Asia Pacific 2005-2006

"The completely updated edition of the Digital Review of Asia Pacific contains authoritative reports on how 29 economies are using ICT in business, government and civil society written by senior authors who live and work in the region. Included are three subregional chapters on the Pacific Island States, ASEAN and APEC."
Creator(s): The Digital Review of Asia Pacific | Date Published: 2005-2006

Studies & Reports

A Charter for the Cultural Citizen Online: Canadian Culture Online

"In November 2004, the National Advisory Board delivered its final report to the Minister of Canadian Heritage. This report outlines the Board's perspective and vision for Canadian culture on the Internet and offers a series of recommendations designed to maximize the government's investment in Canadian Culture Online for all Canadians."
Creator(s): Canadian Culture Online, National Advisory Board, Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2004-11

Studies & Reports

Proceedings from the International Conference on New Media Research Networks March 26 - 27, 2004

"We are pleased to provide the proceedings of the Conference of New Media Research Networks, held in Charlottetown, PE March 26 - 27, 2004."
Creator(s): Arts-Netlantic | Date Published: 2004-03-26

Projects & Programs

Réseau pour la Recherche et l'Innovation en Audiovisuel et Multimédia (RIAM) (available in French only)

« Le RIAM a pour objectif de favoriser les partenariats entre les laboratoires de recherche et les entreprises et de constituer un dispositif efficace d'aide financière pour le développement de technologies et de services dans ce secteur. »
Lead Managing Organization: Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication de France | Start Date: 2001

Guides & Case Studies

In Repertoire: A Guide to Australian New Media Art

"The essays in this guide introduce you to new media art works created in Australia and the ways in which their creators are encouraged and supported and the works exhibited."
Creator(s): Australia Council for the Arts | Date Published: 2003-08


Literacy and Digital Technologies: Linkages and Outcomes

"This paper investigates relationships between adult literacy skills and use of information and communications technologies (ICTs)."
Creator(s): Statistics Canada | Date Published: 20051205


Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information (CISTI)

"CISTI, the Canada Institute for Scientific and" Technical Information, is one of the world's major sources for information in all areas of science, technology, engineering and medicine."


World Summit on the Information Society

"Information is a powerful tool for economic and social development and this Summit will provide a unique opportunity for all key players to contribute actively to bridge the digital and knowledge divides."


International Association of Quebec Studies

"Promoting and developing Québec studies in Canada and abroad."



"To support and promote the development of labour and employment in the information technology and communications industry in conjunction with industry partners."


Centre de recherche sur l'intermédialité (CRI) (available in French only)

« Le Centre de recherche sur l'intermédialité (CRI) a été créé dans le courant de l'année universitaire 1996/1997, et reconnu officiellement le 18 décembre 1997 par le vice-rectorat à la recherche de l'Université de Montréal. »




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GTEC Gold Medal Winner: Innovative E-Government Pilot Projects (2004)
GTEC Gold Medal Winner: Innovative E-Government Pilot Projects (2004)
ID: 9738 | Date Added: 2006-02-06 | Date Modified: 2008-03-18 Important Notices