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Grenfell History 

During the 1975-76 academic year, Grenfell College looked very different than it does today. Then called the West Coast Regional College, the campus was sparsely landscaped and devoid of trees, shrubs and ivy. The one-building campus – now our ivy-clad Arts and Science Building – housed the 400 students who registered for first- and second-year courses in arts, science and education. From this single complex, housing classrooms, laboratories, library, bookstore, gym, pool, dining hall and residence, the college has developed into a liberal arts and science institution of 1,400 students, with four academic buildings, a Student Centre and eight chalet apartment buildings. In fact, Grenfell now offers 14 distinct Memorial degree programs in arts, fine arts, nursing and science. Below you’ll find a chronology of significant developments at Sir Wilfred Grenfell College:

Sept. 1975 Western Regional College opens. Dr. Arthur Sullivan named first principal. Original building, today’s Arts and Science Building, included residence accommodations for approximately 125 students.
Oct. 1975 Ceremony of Dedication, special convocation, seven honorary degrees bestowed.
Sept. 1977 Dr. Cyril F. Poole appointed principal.
Oct. 1979 Western Regional College officially named Sir Wilfred Grenfell College.
Oct. 1985 Special convocation held to mark 10th anniversary. Two honorary degrees bestowed.
Sept. 1988 Classes begin in Fine Arts Building for Bachelor of Fine Arts (Theatre and Visual Arts).
Oct. 1988 Fine Arts Building officially opens, four honorary degrees awarded.
Sept. 1990 Professor E. J. Ferriss Hodgett appointed acting principal.
Sept. 1991 Dr. Kathryn Bindon appointed principal.
Sept. 1993 Introduction of degree programs in English, Psychology and Cognitive Studies (program since discontinued).
Sept. 1995 Introduction of degree program in Environmental Science.
Nov. 1995 Library & Computing Building opens.
Sept. 1996 Introduction of degree programs in Environmental Studies, Historical Studies, and collaborative Bachelor of Nursing in partnership with Western Memorial School of Nursing.
Sept. 1996 Forestry program commences under the articulation agreement with University of New Brunswick.
May 1997 Student Centre opens.
Nov. 1997 Professor Adrian Fowler appointed acting principal.
May 1998 Professor Adrian Fowler appointed principal.
May 1998 Forest Centre opens, is shared with the Newfoundland division of the Canadian Forestry Service and the Western Newfoundland Model Forest Incorporated.
Sept. 1999 Introduction of degree programs in Humanities, Social and Cultural Studies.
Jan. 2002 First students move into chalet apartments.
June 2002 Appointment of Dr. Wade Bowers as associate vice-principal, research.
Sept. 2003 Introduction of degree program in General Science.
July 2004 Dr. John Ashton appointed principal.
May 2005 Introduction of Bachelor of Education (Primary/Elementary) degree program – fast track option
July 2005 Introduction of degree program in Tourism Studies.
Feb. 2006 Opening of offices of the Centre of Environmental Excellence and Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Science.

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