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Career Planning Centre 

Now Available At The Learning Centre:


Career Planning is an integral part of the life planning process for all students - one that will continue throughout your lifetime. The Career Planning Centre, established as a centre in 1994, recognizes and aids students through this sometimes difficult process.

The Centre maintains current information on hundreds of career fields and educational institutions for students. Through books, calendars, brochures, videotapes and the Internet, students can seek information that is helpful in determining career goals. The Centre is supervised by trained peer helpers who provide help and assistance under the direction and guidance of the Learning Centre Coordinator.

University/College Information

All Canadian university and college undergraduate and graduate calendars are located in the Career Planning Centre. These calendars are updated on a yearly basis to provide students with the most current information. Applications to most Canadian schools are also available. In addition, the Centre has started to accumulate directories and calendars from universities in the United States and Britain.

Study/Work/Volunteer Abroad

The Career Planning Centre has compiled an assortment of information on the various study, work and volunteer abroad programs that are available to Canadians. Included are "The Canadian Guide to Working And Living Overseas", Crossroads, Katimavik, Study UK, Student Work Abroad Program and Study Abroad in Ireland.


CHOICES is a computer assisted career planning program that helps students in the selection of career goals and provides detailed career information. This program may be used as a tool to aid students in the career planning process.

Professional Schools Admission Tests

The Career Planning Centre maintains a current supply of registration guides and bulletins for the LSAT, GRE, DAT and PCAT. Study guides can also be borrowed from the Centre.

Hot Topics

Each semester the Career Planning Centre offers a variety of "SPECIALS" to students at the College. Keynote speakers are invited to conduct general information sessions on specific career areas. SPECIALS are advertised - stay tuned!

Job Searching/Résumé Writing

The career centre has a variety of resource books focused on effective job searching and résumé writing. In addition, each semester, seminars and workshops are offered for Grenfell students.

Career Files

For quick access to up-to-date information on many careers, check out the career files in the centre. These files contain information on appropriate schooling, salary expectations, duties and prospective employers.

Employment Information

Things to look for include:

  • Job postings on the bulletin board outside the Career Planning Centre.
  • Explore the Public Service Commission job postings on the three computers in the Learning Centre.
  • Check out the brochures on internet sites with job postings.
  • Research the resource books available in the Career Planning Centre.

Websites for Job Seekers:

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