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National Student Exchange 

National Student Exchange

"NSE is the
 ultimate college
 Going away not only
 creates a sense of
 independence, but
 every door of life is
 opened - culturally,
 and socially."
 Michelle Ankenbauer
 SUNY College at Buffalo
 to the University
 of South Carolina


Grenfell College is a member of the National Student Exchange Program, which gives students an opportunity to travel and study in a new location for one or two semesters. With over 120 participating universities to choose from in the United States and Canada, we have had Grenfell students choose to study in such places as Florida, West Virginia, Oregon, New Mexico, Hawaii, Quebec and Saskatchewan.

Amy Snook

The National Student Exchange Program allowed me to travel and experience new places while at the same time keeping up with my academic schedule. I attended New Mexico Tech - it was a real adventure, and it allowed me to transfer my credits back to Grenfell.
-Amy Snook, Environmental Science

For more information or to link to member campuses go to Winter 2006 placements are still available for some campuses, if you think you would like to participate in an exchange for one or two semesters in the next academic year contact Carolyn Parsons in the Registrar's Office as soon as possible.

Contact: Carolyn Parsons
Phone: (709) 637-6200 Ext: 6213 Email:

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