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Student Employment Opportunities 

Summer 2008 Student Employment Opportunities
at Sir Wilfred Grenfell College


Below you will find a number of job opportunities around the College for the summer.  At this time, we don't know how many of these positions will be funded, so all are "pending funding".

Our jobs are funded by either SWASP or Canada Summer Jobs (CSJ) (read decsription of each below).  We hope to know about our funding by early May so check back on this site for more information and updates.

At this time, you should read the criteria for SWASP and Canada Summer Jobs (CSJ) and submit your resume to the contact person posted by each job.  Let each person know if you are eligible and/or interested in SWASP or CSJ because we don't know which program will fund a particular job, it may be through SWASP or CSJ.

Canada Summer Jobs

Under this program, students will be paid $8.50/hour for 32.5 hours a week.  The number of weeks will vary, depending on the job and the amount of funding we receive.  It could be from six to fourteen weeks.

To be eilgible under the program participants must:

- be between 15 and 30 years of age at the start of the employment
- have been registered as full-time students in the previous academic year and intend to return to 
   school on a full-time basis in the next academic year
- be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or persons to whom refugee protection has been 
   conferred under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act; and,
- be legally entitled to work in accordance with relevant provincial/territorial legislation and


Eligible participants are current students enrolled at Memorial, or students who have perviously completed at least one semester at Memorial University.  Individuals cannot be full-time students while participating in the full-time SWASP option or on a mandatory work term.

During the Spring Semester, participants will work 260 hours (full-time) for $1400 tuition credit with Memorial and a $600 cash stipend.

PLEASE NOTE:  An individual employed full-time on a CSJ or SWASP placement cannot also be a full-time student during the same period.  A full-time student is defined as one who is registered in three or more courses.


Job Title
         Research Assistant (Mathematics)
Duties:            The Higgs boson is the only particle in the Standard Model of subatomic physics yet to be discovered.  The new Large Hadron Collider (LHC), is capable of probing deeper into the subatomic realm than any of its predecessors and will look for evidence of this particle.  The Higgs particle may be thought of as the fundamental unit of all mass in the universe.  The proposed research will model Higgs  production within the supersymmetric sector – a possible amendment to the Standard model.  The student’s role in this research is to develop models within Mathematic software, Fortran code, etc. to carry out this research.  It will start with modeling simple processes of particle production to test the code.  It will then move on to Higgs production within the Standard Model and finally on to the supersymmetric framework.  Data from the model will be collected, analyzed and visualized.  Should the Higgs particle be discovered, this modeling may determine properties of the particle, specifically its mass.
Contact Person:  Aleksandrs Aleksejevs  e-mail

Job Title:         Research Assistant (Psychology)
Duties:            Assisting with and developing research projects conducting literature review searches and ordering articles; cataloguing and organizing journal articles and books; updating existing inventories; inputting data and conducting data analyses using SPSS; and other related duties as deemed necessary.
Contact Person:  Kelly Brown     email   Phone: X6315

Job Title:        Summer Art Assistant
Duties:            To assist in the delivery of summer art programs.  The art assistant will be responsible to prepare materials/supplies and organize activities as required by the instructors.
Contact Person:  Marilyn Forward    email  Phone: X6207

Job Title:         Peel Summer Academy Assistant
Duties:            This program is in its 6th year with attendance increasing each year.  Responsibilities include assisting with the planning and delivery of the Peel Summer Camps by developing daily schedules, liaising with chaperones and counselors on program planning, organizing day-to-day activities, maintaining operational requests (travel, meals,  etc).
Contact Person: Marilyn Forward  email: Phone: X2607

Job Title:         Sculpture Assistant
Duties:            Assist professor with sculpture and sculpture related activities and research.
Contact Person:  Don Foulds   email:  Phone: X6392

Job Title:         Research Assistant (Mathematics)
Duties:            Formulate and implement tests on data sets produced in cryptographic problems, and produce a report on techniques and results.
Contact Person:  Robert Gallant   email:  Phone: x6143

Job Title:        Orientation Marketing Coordinator
Duties:            Developing and coordinating a Marketing plan for student services orientation, including sponsorship packages.  Designing and creating all materials including brochures, posters, and booklets.  Creating signage for sponsors.  Collecting sponsorship money and in kind materials.
Contact Person:  Janice Galliott   email:  Phone: X6232

Job Title:        Orientation Program coordinator
Duties:            Developing and coordinating all orientation activities (under student services); liaising with GCSU Residence and WRSON: recruiting and training Orientation Leaders, promoting orientation through mail outs and webpage; developing and purchasing a kit; completing an extensive post Orientation report.
Contact Person:  Janice Galliott    email:   Phone: X6232

Job Title:         Bursar’s Office Assistant
Duties:            Sorting payroll; rolling coin; photocopying; filing; typing; some work with Microsoft Word and Excel; other related duties as required.
Contact Person:  Wendy Hackett        email:   Phone:  x6256

Job Title:         Student Laboratory Assistant (Biology)   2 positions
Duties:            To work/assist, with minimal supervision, in laboratory duties (specimen preparation, laboratory cleaning, inventory, care for live plants and animals, and field collections) in support of the biologically oriented courses in the Division of Science.  Any other related duties, when requested. 
Applications for the position are available outside AS209.
Contact Person:  Maria Howell      email:    Phone:  X6131

Job Title:         Research Assistant (Tourism Studies)
Duties:            Literature review, data collection, transcription of interviews, data synthesis and analysis, writing final report.
Contact Person:  Katia Iankova     email:   Phone:  X6253

 Job Title:        Research Assistant (Historical Studies)
Duties:            The student will assist in the further development of an on-line “finding aid” for the Colonial Office 194 series of manuscripts (an essential collection relating to Newfoundland in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries).  Using the microfilm copies of the CO 194 papers available at Sir Wilfred Grenfell College, the student will briefly summarize the documents in volumes that have been singled out by the supervisor.  The summaries will enable researcher s the world over to simplify the task of using the CO 194 papers for their own research by minimizing the need for each scholar to view every reel, and instead, by using the search engine of their Internet browser, they will be able to identify more quickly those reels that have material relevant to their own research.
Contact Person:  Prof. Olaf Janzen     email:   Phone: X6282

Job Title:         Studio Assistant
Duties:            Assist Technician with studio duties, lay out of portfolio’s, packaging portfolios, recycling clay, studio maintenance, build kilns, research activities.  Lifting, moving heavy objects, painting, help with cabinet construction.
Contact Person: Gerard Kelly       email:  Phone: X6349

Job Title:         Research Assistant (Science)
Duties:            This project is funded by the principal’s research fund.  The objective of this study is to determine the feasibility using tdr for predicting nitrate solute concentration in soil.  Soils having various nitrate concentrations will be packed in soil rings.  Tdr wave forms will be recorded by inserting tdr probe into the soil samples.  The tdr  waveform will be used to determine the ECb values of the soil.  A sample of the soil will be digested in a block heater to determine the nitrate concentration.  Another sample will be used to determine the water content of the soil.  A model will be developed among the parameters ECb, ECw, and water content.  Further testing will be done to validate this prediction model to determine its effectiveness in soil nitrate concentration prediction.
Contact Person: Mano Krishnapiillai     email:  Phone: x6272

Job Title:         Research Assistant (Science)
Duties:            Kalmia weed control using polyethylene mulch  This research project is a continuation from last year.  This project has been conducted near the fen area at SWGC.  Initial plant sampling need to be done.  Soil temperature rise under the polyethylene cover will have to be monitored.  Soil sampling for water content has to be done regularly.  Finally the plants have to be harvested and dried and root and aerial plant  drymass have to be recorded.
Contact Person: Mano Krishnapiillai     email:  Phone: x6272

Job Title:        Personal Computer Support Assistant
Duties:            Clean and service PC’s, monitors; check A/V equipment; create help desk manuals.
Contact Person: Brenda Lomond-Carey  email:  phone: X6402

Job Title:         Student Assistant (Registrar’s Office)  2 positions
Duties:            Handling general inquiries in person and over the phone, assisting prospective and current students with registration problems, completing various student forms and providing confirmation of enrolment letters, compiling and sending welcome packages to all new students, assisting with organization of airport welcome booth, conducting campus tours with prospective students and families, assisting with updating promotional material (website, presentations, viewbook, brochures, etc), researching recruitment practices of other universities, updating mailing list for distributing promotional material to schools and career centres.
Contact Person: Carolyn Parsons   email:  phone:  X6298

Job Title:         Intercultural Program Assistant
Duties:            Working with the coordinator of International Programming, the Intercultural Program Assistant is responsible for developing and implementing programs and activities that introduce students to life at Grenfell College and Corner Brook.  The assistant must meet with all new international students upon arrival and assist them in their first few days.  Also revise publications for international students.
Contact Person:  Shawna Peddle       email:   Phone:  X6525

 Job Title:         Student Housing Summer Assistant
Duties:            Database management – data entry.  Entering all housing applications into the housing database.  Updating the database on a regular basis and completing reports.  Creating and sending correspondence to applicants informing them of their status in student housing.  Publication development – assist in the development and editing of Housing documents.  Answering phone and e-mail inquiries from students and parents.  Compiling room inventories.  Front line customer services.  Mail delivery and general office duties.
Contact Person:  Casey Phillips    email:   Phone: X6270

 Job Title:        Marketing Assistant (Business)
Duties:            Student would be responsible for:  assisting in the development of a marketing communications strategy for newly created Bachelor of Business Administration program (including the development of new and updating existing Business program marketing materials, the establishment of a program photo bank, updating the Business Student Survival Guide, and updating the business program website).  Developing Gateway press releases related to recent client ventures; organizing a Gateway client networking event for September 2008; organizing the Fall 2008 “Business Breakfast” designed to provide networking opportunities for SWGC business students and local business people.
Contact Person: Julie Pitcher    email:    Phone: X6446

 Job Title:         Telephone Support Assistant
Duties:            Update databases; check all campus phones (offices, labs, emergency); program changes for phones and voicemail.
Contact Person:  Newton Pritchett   email:  Phone: X6127

 Job Title:         Duplicating Assistant (Resource Centre)
Duties:            Duplicate manuals, documents, reports; operate switchboard; binding, faxing, shredding, folding, stapling; proofreading documents.
Contact Person:  Randy Rowsell   email:  Phone: X6205

 Job Title:        Student Housing Summer Off-Campus Housing Assistant
Duties:            Maintaining the online listing of housing availabilities in the Corner Brook region; contacting landlords.  Monitor the trends in Off-Campus Housing across the country and develop a report.  Program development – assist in the development of future OCH programs. Publication development – assist in the development and editing of OCH documents.  Answering phone and e-mail inquiries from students and parents.  Meet with students and parents to discuss their housing options in the area.  Front line customer service.  Assist with central student housing overflow when required.  General office duties.  Assist co-ordinator with site-visits and site-visit inventory.
Contact Person: Anna Russell-Mercier   email:   Phone: X1286

 Job Title:         Gallery Assistant
Duties:            Host exhibition tours and assist with the delivery of community outreach programs.  Assist with exhibition installation and public events during The Great Book of Gaelic international exhibition and Gaelic Arts Festival.  Assist with daily art gallery operations with a specific set of skills learned and results documented.  Skills include effective communication with gallery patrons and tourists; organizational skills; project management and event management skills; small tools training and office management training.
Contact Person: Gail Tuttle    email:  Phone:  X6209

 Job Title:        Conference Clerk (6 positions)
Duties:            Receive and process reservations for accommodations; respond to inquiries; receive payments; reconcile daily receipts; issue room keys; (in-house, arrivals, departures etc.); assist with conference set up, issue linens; make beds,  deliver mail to guests; other duties as required.
Contact Person:  Laura Walbourne   email:  Phone: X6255

 Job Title:        Network Support Assistant
Duties:            Tidy up data closets; prepare organizational network drawings; prepare manuals; test equipment.
Contact Person: Randy Rowsell  email:   Phone: X6205

 Job Title:        Activity Camp Assistant
Duties:            to assist camp coordinators and coaches in the effective deliver of the Summer Activity Camp Program.  To assist the Activity Camp Supervisor in the preparation of materials for all camps.
Contact Person: Jana Walsh     email:   Phone:  X6258

 Job Title:        Facilities Assistant
Duties:            To assist in the scheduling and delivery of recreational activities and maintenance of the pool and gym.  The individual would be responsible for cage inventory, pool inventory, gym maintenance and monitoring of the facilities.
Contact Person: Jana Walsh     email:   Phone:  X6258

 Job Title:        Research Assistant
Duties:            To develop and administer student surveys, code data, prepare statistical analyses, to transcribe written comments, to prepare reports and Power Point presentations, conduct library research.  Focus will be on student recruitment and retention and academic aspirations of Grenfell students.
Contact Person: Paul Wilson      email:  Phone:  x6234

 Job Title:         Research Assistant (Psychology)
Duties:            Student will be responsible for collecting data for an animal spatial cognition experiment (how rats orient/navigate in their environment).  Duties include training rats on open maze, handling and caring for rats.  Caring for rats includes weighing food and rats daily and filling water bottles and cleaning cages weekly.
Contact Person: Sandra Wright  email:   Phone: x6430

 Job Title:         Research Assistant  (Business)
Duties:            Conducting interviews; transcribing interviews; entering data and conducting data analysis; information search; assisting in writing the final report.
Contact Person:  Dr. Kalinga Jagoda    email:  Phone: X6311

 Job Title:        Research Assistant  (Business)
Duties:            Conducting interviews with various stakeholders of a selected company; transcribing interviews; assisting to compile the final report, information search.
Contact Person:  Dr. Kalinga Jagoda   email:  Phone: X6311

 Job Title:         Language/Conference Assistant (French)
Duties:            To assist in conference of K-12/university French Teachers; to assist in keeping records and compiling stats of high school graduates and their decisions of whether to pursue university French; general assistance in the Language Lab.
Contact Person:  Matthew Janes    email:  Phone: X6486\


Memorial's Undergraduate Career Experience Program (MUCEP) is an on-campus employment program for undergraduate students aimed at providing job experience.

Students must meet the following criteria to be eligible for a MUCEP position:
  - be an undergraduate student
   - be registered in at least 3 credit courses (1 credit course in summer)
   - have at least a 60% cumulative average or a  60% average in the last 10 courses
   - agree to hold no more than 1 MUCEP position at 80 hours at $708 or 2 MUCEP positions at
      40 hours at $354 each.

For more information please contact the person whose name is by each job listed.


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