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Environment Week June 3- 9, 2007 Schedule of Events

Environment Week 2007 Photo Contest

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Paper Wise Bulletin

Departmental Policy on Catering

2003 Departmental Waste Audit

1993-1998 Departmental Waste Audits


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2006 NL Environmental Awards Program

Waste Management Strategy

Green Committee Members


The mission of the Green Committee is to identify, advance and promote strategies, policies and practices within the Department’s operations aimed at minimizing negative environmental impact and maximizing benefits to the environment.


The Committee shall fulfill its mandate through the following:

  • Review and make recommendations to the Deputy Minister of the Department on the greening of departmental operations.
  • Promote environmentally friendly alternatives in the workplace.
  • Research and investigate other green programs, policies and procedures in other jurisdictions.
  • Communicate the effectiveness and benefits of a green plan to other regional offices with a view to expanding the program.
  • Membership

    • The Committee consists of a representative  from each division and region within the Department of Environment and Conservation.

    Other related Links

  • (MMSB)
  • Recycling Battery Recycling Corporation
  • Earth Day
  • Waste Reduction Week
  • Composting Council of Canada
  • Canadian Environment Week
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