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Glenn Roy Blundon Centre for Students With Disabilities

About the Centre

student studying in the library

The Glenn Roy Blundon Centre, a division of the University Counselling Centre (Student Affairs and Services), was established at Memorial University in February 1992 and is dedicated to the memory of Glenn Roy Blundon, a former Memorial student and resident of Bay de Verde, Newfoundland. Glenn is remembered for his leadership and his commitment to equality and accessibility issues.

The mission of the Blundon Centre is to provide and co-ordinate programs and services that enable students with disabilities to maximize their educational potential and to increase awareness of inclusive values among all members of the university community. We assist students by facilitating access to information, services, and campus facilities in accordance with the university's Academic Accommodation Policy for Students with Disabilities. The Centre carries out its mission in collaboration with faculty, staff, and students at Memorial University and off-campus agencies, including disability community organizations.

The Centre serves prospective and current students on the university's St. John's campus whose disabilities involve conditions affecting mobility, vision, hearing, learning (disabilities), chronic illnesses, or mental health. Support is also provided to students with documented temporary illnesses and injuries.

For more information about the services specific to each campus, please contact:

Main campus - St. John's (709) 737-2156 (voice)
(709) 737-4763 (TTY)
Marine Institute (709) 778-0310
Sir Wilfred Grenfell College (709) 637-6200 Ext. 6268
Institut Frecker (709) 737-2156
Harlow contact office (709) 737-2156

Note: Students attending university courses at the College Of The North Atlantic should contact the Student Affairs Office at the respective campus to enquire about services.