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Using rss at Memorial

What is RSS?

RSS is a protocol that is used to syndicate news stories, table of contents of journals, blog entries and other frequently updated information. Essentially, it allows you to receive updated web content without having to visit the website itself. To bring together and display RSS feeds, you need to use an RSS Reader (or Aggregator).

For further reading, try All About RSS from Fagan Finder.

What is an RSS reader?

An RSS reader is an application that allows you to read RSS feeds. There are a number of RSS readers available freely on the Web, some of which work through a website, some through a desktop application and still others directly through your email. A list of RSS readers is available here

Subscribe to Memorial's RSS feeds and receive the latest in news, events, alumni and library information.

How Do I Subscribe?

Step 1. Open Your RSS Reader

A wide variety of news readers can be downloaded for free. Some of these include:

  • FeedReader (stand alone RSS Reader)
  • Thunderbird (stand alone e-mail client with built in RSS Reader)
  • Sage (extension for the FireFox browser)
  • Attensa (extension for Microsoft Outlook)
  • Bloglines (web-based news aggregator)
  • Safari (web browser with built-in feed reader)
  • Opera (web browser with built-in feed reader)

Available Memorial RSS feeds:

 Service Copy url to your RSS Feeder News  RSS Feed
Library News
RSS Feed
Library e-Resources Forum   RSS Feed
Alumni's Luminus Express News   RSS Feed
Alumni's Luminus Express Events  RSS Feed

Step 2. Locate the URL (web Address) of the RSS Feed

These are typically linked from an RSS or XML badge that, for example, might look like this: RSS Feed

Step 3. Copy the URL and Add the New Feed to Your RSS Reader

Detailed instructions on how to add news feeds can usually be found in the news reader's documentation or help files. In general, your RSS reader will usually display an "add feed" button and you will be asked to paste the URL for the RSS feed to which you wish to subscribe. (Some readers will allow you to add a feed by simply clicking on the feed link or badge.)

Many RSS readers will allow you to edit settings such as when to check for new updates and how to display the content.

When your RSS reader checks for new updates, your view of the feed will only be updated when the feed contains new content.

If you have further questions, send an email to ''