Press Releases:
Please click on the date to see the full copy of the press release.

1998 - 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

1998 - 1999

February 16, 1998   Alleged pay discrimination
August 5, 1999  Alleged discrimination in employment (basis of sex)
October 12, 1999   Alleged discrimination in employment (basis of age)
December 13, 1999        Alleged discrimination in employment (basis of sex)


February 4, 2000  Award for discrimination in employment (basis of age)
February 7, 2000      Award for discrimination in employment (basis of sex) 
March 16,2000      Decision of Newfoundland Supreme Court - discrimination in employment  (request for medical exam)
March 22, 2000       Alleged discrimination in employment (basis of marital status)
July 5, 2000    Alleged discrimination in employment (basis of sex)
July 7, 2000   Alleged discrimination in employment (basis of pregnancy)
August 28, 2000   Alleged discrimination in employment (basis of physical disability)
October 2, 2000   Award for discrimination (basis of race)
November 27, 2000  Alleged discrimination in employment (physical disability)
December 11, 2000         Alleged discrimination in employment (basis of age)


March 27, 2001  Award for discrimination in employment (basis of pregnancy)
May 25, 2001 Award for discrimination in employment (basis of physical disability)
June 8, 2001 Possible resolution for discrimination in employment (basis of marital status)
September 7, 2001  Alleged discrimination in employment (basis of age and sex)
October 22, 2001      Alleged discrimination in employment (basis of age)
November 2, 2001  Award for discrimination in employment (basis of age)


March 6, 2002    Alleged discrimination in employment (basis of sex/pregnancy)
April 24, 2002   Alleged discrimination in employment (basis of age)
May 6, 2002        Alleged discrimination in employment (basis of sex and age)
July 26, 2002         Alleged discrimination basis of mental disability
October 21, 2002 Alleged sexual harassment
December 20, 2002 Provision of funding sufficient to eliminate the waitlists for autistic children eligible for the program


February 13, 2003 Alleged discrimination on basis of marital status
July 7, 2003 Alleged discrimination on the basis of a physical disability
September 10, 2003 Alleged discrimination on the basis of a disability
October 2, 2003 Alleged discrimination on the basis of a mental disability
October 9, 2003 Alleged discrimination in employment (basis of sex)


January 27, 2004 Board of Inquiry to hear the complaints of nine dentists against the Newfoundland Dental Board
February 24, 2004 Board of Inquiry to hear complaint against PCL Industrial Constructors Inc.
June 15, 2004 Comments on decision of Board of Inquiry
October 25, 2004 Comments on decision


August 4/2005 Human Rights Commission


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