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St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada

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1993 cD-19.1 s21; 2001 cN-3.1 s2




Short title

        1. This Act may be cited as the Books Preservation of Copies Act.

RSN1970 c25 s1

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Meaning of "book"

        2. In this Act, the term "book" includes a volume, part or division of a volume, and pamphlet, in a language, and a sheet of music, map, chart or plan, separately printed or lithographed, but shall not include a publication which consists merely of a price list, sale catalogue, trade circular or trade advertisement.

RSN1970 c25 s2

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Copies to government

        3. (1) Three bound copies of a book, and of a later edition with additions or alterations, printed or lithographed in the province together with all maps, prints or other engravings that form part of that book shall be finished and coloured in the same manner and upon the same paper as the originals and shall be delivered within 1 month of being printed, notwithstanding an agreement between the printer and publisher, free of charge or claim by the printer to a place and an official that the Lieutenant-Governor in Council designates.

             (2)  The publisher or other person employing the printer shall before the end of the month supply the printer with all maps, prints and engravings finished and coloured in the same manner as the originals which may be necessary to enable the printer to comply with this section.

RSN1970 c25 s3; 1977 c46 s3

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        4. Upon receipt of the books the official shall give a written receipt for the copies received.

RSN1970 c25 s4

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Disposal of copies

        5. One of the copies shall be deposited in the Department of Tourism and Culture and the remaining copies shall be deposited in a library or otherwise disposed of as the Lieutenant-Governor in Council directs.

RSN1970 c25 s5; 1973 No18 Sch B; 1979 c49 Sch D; 1981 c4 Sch F; 1989 c30 Sch B; 1993 cD-19.1 s21

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        6. The deputy minister shall keep in the Department of Tourism and Culture a book, to be called "The Register of Books Printed in Newfoundland and Labrador ", and shall enter in it the particulars that the deputy minister considers necessary of a book deposited in the department in accordance with section 5.

RSN1970 c25 s6; 1973 No18 Sch B; 1979 c49 Sch D; 1981 c4 Sch F; 1989 c30 Sch B; 1993 cD-19.1 s21; 2001 cN-3.1 s2

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        7. (1) A printer who neglects to deliver 3 copies of the book referred to in section 3 of this Act, or of a later edition of a book, to the official in the manner prescribed in this Act, commits an offence punishable by a fine not exceeding $50.

             (2)  A publisher or other person employing the printer, who neglects to supply him or her with maps, prints, or engravings, finished and coloured as specified by this Act which may be necessary to enable the printer to comply with this Act, commits an offence punishable by a fine not exceeding $50.

RSN1970 c25 s7 & s8

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Recovery of penalty

        8. All penalties for violation of this Act may be sued for and recovered summarily before a Provincial Court judge.

RSN1970 c25 s9; 1979 c38 s7

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        9. The Lieutenant-Governor in Council may make regulations necessary for carrying out the objects of this Act and to exclude a class of books or publications from the operation of the whole or a part of this Act.

RSN1970 c25 s10